[The last chapter has been deleted, and this is the updated version since I wasn't fully satisfied with the first. This chapter is more intense, better, and a little changes to the plot so if you read the previous version, do kindly read this one too.]
The floor rumbled as Camerupt attacked my Shelgon with fissure. It stumbled down, unable to stand firm amidst the said move. I was running out of ideas, my mind hurts and I pushed it above its very own limits. Never once did I battle with a Pokemon with such a low stamina.
"Function you lousy mind!" I scolded myself, vigorously pulling my hair in hopes of my neurons to wake up and take action. Meanwhile, Skarmony continued to fight with its stoutness, piercing the fangs of Mightyena one by one as it zoomed into action with either drill peck or endeavor.
Logan seemed to be handling Tabitha, but in my side, things are only starting to worsen as Camerupt goes for another round of fissure, causing my dear Shelgon to stumble again. At this point, I was losing confidence and self-esteem, covetous on how good Logan is while I suck at Pokemon battling.
"Ditch the whole battle, I'm finishing the two of you for good. Shelgon, return to your Pokeball, come out Mawile!" enraged, I substituted Pokemon.
"Oh my, changing plans? I guess you can't accept you're an idiot in battling so you chose to kill us instead? Funny. I like you, you're funny." for some reason, my actions made Courtney laugh. She was flowing with pure adrenaline, leaping around in many directions.
"If my thoughts were visible they would be an inverse explosion, crazy, chaotic, turns, and twists of light all coming together to just one idea, to just one word. Though they spin in a way that appears without design or logic, they always dance their way back to love if necessary, to a way of living that celebrates life without damaging the very people I hold dearest.
I find your demeanor unnecessary of dancing back to love. Mawile, freeze them, Ice Beam!"
Seeing her trainer in need of assistance, Camerupt quickly sacrificed itself and received the attack before Courtney did. It was completely frozen with ice, meanwhile, Mawile's energy rose to the limits as it jumps in a jolly behavior.
Despite the current situation, Mawile will always remain, jolly as ever. Seeing her partner Pokemon completely frozen, Courtney's eyes intensified their glare at me. I knew at that moment, things are getting vehement.
She contemplated my looks and suddenly a scheme struck her mind after noticing my bag was fully open. I forgot to close it because of the sudden appearance of the ancient Mew, still lying injured and paralyzed on the ground. Looking at my bag, she noticed a particular detail, the shining gem that started an outburst of waves two times.
She quickly pulled Tabitha's arms and paused the match while me and Logan were wondering what could've happened.
"Tabitha, the Ruby, it is with her," Courtney whispered.
"Ah! I see, now we will not search longer. I'll grab it from her."
"Tsk. Tsk. You're no match for a killer like her, I have a plan."
"What are you proposing to do, Courtney?"
"Sit back, relax, and enjoy the crescendo. Tee-hee." Courtney winked at Tabitha. She then faced towards me with a pistol pointed at me. The bullets are the kinds that can turn people asleep in a matter of seconds.
Before pulling the trigger, she immediately shifted the pistol to Logan and shot his limb. Soon, drowsiness succumbed to Logan as he swiveled around like a drunk man. He then dropped on the floor, snoring loudly.
"What did you do?!" I asked in a feisty manner.
"Pew!" she grinned and shot me in the limbs too. I felt dizzy all of a sudden and I knew my nerves weren't functioning properly. My breath became short as I dropped to the floor, winking my eyes at Mawile which seems to be blurred and many from my sight.
She was aghast, and the only thing I saw was her worried pupils, pushing and shaking me as I fell into a deep slumber of blankness and darkness...