EPISODE 75: Radar?!*

I cannot feel anything, I cannot hear nor see, every sense, gone. My sanity is wrapped in a cloak of twilight as I fall into the blackness of unconsciousness. There, my conscience slapped hard until I woke up. I opened my eyes, feeling an excessive pain on my head. Beside me, was my dear Mawile sleeping and the other side is Logan and Skarmory sleeping.

I seemed to be in a cage covered with a black cloth, one that circus masters use to reveal a Pokemon for the performance. It was silent, though I can hear footsteps. My bag was gone as well. I then recalled the previous events and remembered I was shot with some bullet that made me fall asleep.

I looked to my left limb and saw it piercing my skin. Slowly and gently, I removed the bullet, letting the blood ooze as I took out a damp cloth from my pocket. I used it as a temporary bandage for now. As for Mawile, I wanted to pour all my empathy at her after seeing her bruised wound because of the very same bullet. This was the same with Logan and his Skarmory.

They're up for pain once they wake up all of a sudden. I made a hypothesis that I'm somewhere in a Magma Hideout, governed by many grunts. It was unclear to me why they stole my bag in the first place, but I hypothesize it was because of the gem. For some reason, as long as it is red, Team Magma has a liking to it.

I made the most delicate sounds as possible in hopes to tickle the minds of the grunts governing and protecting the cage. For them, they may think I am asleep when in fact, I am wide awake.

Though they may have stolen my bag, one thing they did not notice was my Rocket Radar. I always keep it inside my pocket in case of situations like that and I'm glad I did. Slowly, I took it out and opened it. It revealed my location, Fallarbor Town with the list of grunts nearby.

"Yes!" I sighed with relief.

"Huh? Did you hear something?" the grunt outside asked. Hearing his words, I immediately covered my mouth with my hands, remembering I must remain silent for this to work.

Upon opening my Rocket Radar I found out Zeal was nearby, onboard Xeryll's helicopter probably because her solo mission has recently finished. I plugged in my earphone which was also in the pocket and decided to video call her. In this way, I can hear her and she can hear me that's if, I keep my voice low.

'Luna? Whoa, you called? How's your day off?" she queried with covetous eyes, still wishing she was me.

"I need your-"

"Can you make your voice louder?"

"I can't, I'm being apprehended."


"Yes. I'm somewhere in a Magma Hideout which is directly below you according to my radar."

"Where in the world are you?!" She began to panic.

"Fallarbor Town. Please, I need your help. Please find their hideout and rescue us. I'm not alone, there are injured Pokemon (Skarmory and Mawile) with me and probably Mew."

"Ancient Mew? You met Mew?"

"Long story, can't explain now. Please, my leg is injured so I can't run that much."

"I'll see what I can do, for now, stay calm, and don't panic. I'll direct Xeryll to Fallarbor." said, Zeal as she declined the call. I wanted to sigh in relief, but I know must remain silent.

"Xeryll!" Zeal shouted, surprising the pilot and accidentally causing the helicopter to shake.

"Whoa, don't surprise me like that!" Xeryll scolded after balancing the helicopter.

"Luna's need help. Head back to Fallarbor town, she's being held captive."

"Help captive?! Right, leave the rest to me." she halted the helicopter in the middle of the air as Xeryll changes her coordinates and sets straight to the town. In maximum velocity, the helicopter started to drift again.