EPISODE 81: The Beginning!*

Atop a tower, far from any city and town, sitting upon the wide blue sea, a woman wearing a Team Magma attire looked from the top, watching the waves crash unto the shore of a sacred island far from the mainland. She breathed heavily, with her hand covering the large wound on her abdomen caused by Absol's grave claws.

Though we thought her pale skin was the symbol of her death, we were proven wrong. Tulip arrived atop the strange tower through the use of one of her Pokemon, an Altaria. She was able to escape with her severely injured body before the earthquake struck.

She was filled with crimson red scars throughout her limbs, neck, but critically in her torso. She felt dizzy; therefore, she dropped fainted on top of the strange tower, having little to no energy, as if the grim was just right beside her.

She then unfurled her wound to feel the moonlight touching her skin. Suddenly, a Pokemon, cute, pinkish, escaped its red and white sphere to help its poor trainer. The Pokemon's face was gobsmacked after seeing her dying trainer. It immediately put this serious matter into its own hands and took out some potions and bandages from Tulip's bag on the other end of the tower.

Whismur, Tulip's Pokemon aided its trainer. Though a Pokemon, Whismur is quite genuine and has the intelligence to aid those who are hurt such as its trainer.

"The time has finally arrived. I feel it coming. The asteroid." mumbled, Tulip as her Pokemon aids her.

Whismur massaged its trainer's back. It then sprayed some potion and applied bandages on Tulip's wounds. The potion stung her, giving Tulip additional pain.

"Ack! Aster, those are potions for Pokemon." Her legs jerked all of a sudden after being stung by the potions. Whismur, named Aster, then looked at Tulip with quite an embarrassed face as it rushed back to Tulip's bag to gather the right medications. It then returned to continue with aiding its trainer.

"The night is subtle, and the meteor shower is to come. I had enough of Team Magma, I only became part of it to gather details. I'm done with playing with the shadows." she said softly, removing her wig and eye lenses to reveal the true color of her hair and pupils, both black, painted in ebony.

After being aided by Aster, feeling a bit more comfortable, Tulip removed her Team Magma uniform and threw it down the tower. She then leaned herself to one of the pillars to rest for a moment as she contemplated the stoned floors with artistry engraved on it.

Her true identity is no other than Zinnia, last of the draconids who once roamed this flourished region.

She has chin-length black hair with a fringe and red eyes and wears a ragged white cloak with black shoulder pads, gray short shorts with a red rope around the hips serving as her belt, a tight black top with two red crescent lunar symbols on her chest.

Aster moved itself closer to its trainer, asking for a cuddle. Zinnia smiled back and hugged Aster tightly as together, they stared at the wide smiling moon.

"Alongside the upcoming meteor shower tomorrow evening, is the asteroid, soon to perish all. Only Rayquaza can save Hoenn, I dearly hope it wakes up now."

"Right. Rayquaza is below us, sleeping in its chambers, Aster. I believe, even a lore keeper like me has no right to awaken it just as foretold by our ancestors. All we can do now is to rely on hope, wishing that Rayquaza would awaken and transform into its magnificent beauty."


Location: Team Magma Headquarters, Mount Chimney.

Time: Fifteen minutes before One in the morning.

Maxie, alongside Tabitha and the other Elite Operatives of Team Magma, including Charlotte, made their way to the docks. They approached the stairs in which Courtney was guarding it. The stairs lead to the doors of a large submarine with a Corphish style to it.

"Courtney." uttered, Maxie.

"So you're off to make your dreams a reality?" she asked, childishly.

"Yes." replied, Maxie.

He then addressed his squadron of Elite Operatives, "Listen up! Team Magma will be leaving for the seafloor cave."

"Got that grunts? Get to it!" Tabitha looked to the squadron and instructed with a yell.

The grunts then rushed up the staircase and went inside the submarine alongside Admin Tabitha. In front of this vast submarine is no other than a large driller, capable of piercing any landmass along its path.

After all of them had entered, it was Courtney's turn to make her way up. She was about to climb the stairs, hands clinging unto the iron railings when suddenly Leader Maxie halted her.

He instructed seriously, "Wait Courtney. You are to remain right here.'

Hearing the leader's words, Courtney was gobsmacked, speechless, to the point the only word she could utter was, "Huh?!" She wondered if Leader Maxie still doesn't trust her, to the point she couldn't witness Team Magma's grandest achievements.

Suddenly the alarms turned on, ringing loudly as the lights flickered in a red hue. Courtney checked her monitor and saw the five of us infiltrating their headquarters. We were able to find a peculiar stone somewhere in the foot of the volcano which turned out to be a door to the entrance of their headquarters.

Vizion's theory was correct, this was where Team Magma was hiding all this time.

Leader Maxie continued his words after the slight interruption of the sudden blaring alarms and flickering red light, "The intruders will be arriving here very soon. I want you to make certain they don't get one step beyond this point."

"I understand... Leader Maxie sir." smiled, Courtney. Her violet eyes glimmered while looking to her inspiring leader.

"Leader Maxie! Come on, let's get this underway." On the doors of the submarine, Tabitha made way for Leader Maxie but before their serious boss entered the submarine, he took his last glimpse on Courtney.

"I look forward to mankind's near future. Please change the world, Leader Maxie." said, Courtney as she waved her hand at Leader Maxie.

Finally, Maxie bade his last words, "After this mission is over, we'll meet again." He then entered as Tabitha sealed the doors completely.

"Propulsion systems, all good to go!" reported, a grunt.

"communication links are open, transceiver status is currently five by five." "Axis", reported.

"Radar system is a go!" another feminine voice, reported.

"Forward drill control, the system is a go!" a masculine voice, reported. All in all, the squadron was hard at work in controlling the submarine.

"Leader Maxie, we're all clear to launch!" and the last to report, was no other than Tabitha, reporting the whole status of the submarine.

"Start the engines!" Maxie commanded to his underlings.

They respond in a blitz, tapping buttons and typing stuff unto the control panel. Soon, the gears began to turn, and the large submarine which is half a driller, was finally fully operational.

As for Courtney who waited for the five of us to arrive, she gave the sirens a deep gaze as she uttered, "So pretty, the red siren. A can see a vision of a world changer!"