EPISODE 82: The Beginning (The Second out of the Fifth)

Getting inside their headquarters was more of an easy task for all we had to do was to find a piece of stone that seemed irregular or out of place. Upon entering, we were met by a galore of grunts who threw out their Pokemons, commanding their Pokemon to attack.

The five of us retaliated against their Pokemon with ours. They had one thing similar, most of their Pokemon are usually Weezings and Mightyena, the type of Pokemon that our Pokemon are fed up from battling to the point it didn't seem like a challenge to them.

After finishing off the grunts in sector one, we reached an intersection. Sector two was at the left, sector three was at the right, sector four was at the front. As team captain, Melody had given us the instructions to split. She will head to sector four alone, Copper and Vizion will take sector two, and me and Zeal will take sector three.

Divide and conquer, the oldest tactic in the book and we assumed it would work. From the intersection, we bade each other good luck, and there, we made a mad dash through the halls and into our respective sectors.

"Intruders! Mightyena, come out."

"You too, Weezing!"

said, the two grunts who came across our path.

"Let's show them what we got, Masquerain, X-Scissors!" Zeal instructed, Masquerain, a bug Pokemon.

"Mismagius, Dark pulse on Weezing!"

Mightyena was slashed by Masquerin's attack, meanwhile, Weezing was shrouded with some sort of dark ripples which soon succumbed to it. For the finishing touches, Gardevoir stepped into the scene and broke the necks of the grunts with her Moonblast attack.

"Hey, can you ask your Pokemon to calm down and act more of a Pokemon rather than a serial killer." Zeal uttered sarcastically.

"Hehe. I trained them that way." I replied with an embarrassed face as we continued our objective. So far, our mission is complete which is to find what caused the earthquake in the first place and that is no other than this organization. Though, we felt like we wanted to do more; therefore, we decided to infiltrate the vicinity in the first place. Who knows, perhaps we could find something valuable?

Above my head, a vent window dropped to me. Above that vent window was an officer, who is, of course, no other than Jenny. Both she and the window fell atop my head, giving me a headache like no other.

"What the?! Jenny?!" I yelled at her while massaging my painful head. So far, this region has punctured my head three times whereas in Kanto and Johto, not a single moment.

"Oh, Luna? Sorry. I was busy infiltrating the place." Jenny apologized and helped me get back up.

"Sigh, this is why I hate infiltrating through vents in the first place. Come on, you with us right?"

"Of course! The name's-"

"Yes, I know who you are, Officer Jenny, Luna has told me a lot about you." Zeal intervened her words.

"What in the world are you doing here in the first place?" I asked, still angry of her actions.

"Hehe, just solving my family's investigation but I haven't found any documents or whatsoever." responded, Jenny.

"Well, now that you're with us, you have no choice but to help. Come on." Zeal conversed.

With Jenny on our side, we continued our objective to the point we reached the docks. There we saw, Courtney guarding the stairs to the large submarine which appears to be leaving in a second. Meanwhile, the others were led to the docks as well, which means all sectors head to one location.

Now that we are six against one, Courtney definitely does not stand a chance against all of us. Though, despite seeing us, she gave us a cackle, laughing hysterically. It gave goosebumps to Melody, Copper, and Vizion, especially the fact this is their first time to meet her.

"Why the hell is there an officer with you?!" Melody asked the two of us, shocked.

"Don't worry, she's with us." Zeal covered Jenny up.

"I knew you would come. Too bad, though. ...It's all over now. The submarine has been upgraded. Look. Look at that drill. With that...even the seal on the Seafloor Cavern is in for a walloping! There's still more...work for me to do. I must...stop you. ...Until Leader Maxie departs. But now I just want to... With all of you... I want to...engage... All of you... I want to...analyze. Ahahaha." Courtney yelled at the five of us as if she was chanting a song.

Next, the submarine went to the depths of the water and made its way out to the open sea. If we only knew what Team Magma was planning to do, then we would've arrived sooner. No wonder, perhaps the Ruby is with Maxie right now.

"Stand down!" Jenny demanded as the five of us made way for her. Finally, she had the confidence to confront her sister.

"Oh my, well if it isn't my big sis, mingling with the affairs of Team Magma again?"

The siblings stared at each other, and the five of us gave them a moment of silence. Jenny's hand was shivering, and when she had the guts to do it, she finally jolted to Courtney, hugging her tighter than ever before as tears of sorrow and regret flowed to her sister's back.

"I'm deeply sorry. I'm sorry for not acting like a sister. I once thought my life would be better without a sibling, but I guess I was proven wrong. Please, stop this Courtney. Leader Maxie is using you for his organization, once he is finished with everything, he'll dump you. I can't offer anything else but my sincerest apology and regret for my past actions." Jenny whispered to her sister's ears.

"I was waiting for this." Courtney smiled and hugged Jenny back.

She then looked to all of us and said, "Leader Maxie has departed. For the development of humanity, for our dreams, and to all of you, I had not foreseen. I will give a hint. So that you may dream the same dream as us. Leader Maxie is heading for the sea stretching out to Lilicove.

In the depths of the sea, lies the seafloor cavern. What are you going to do? Looking around in seaside towns? That might work, ahaha! I don't know what to do to get there, I could've told you already if I knew. Aha!"