EPISODE 87: The Middle! (The Second of the Fifth)

And so, we followed behind Team Aqua's footsteps after finally reaching the deepest part of the Seafloor Cavern. On the other side is Groudon's share of the cavern, while this is Kyogre's. Behind the chunk of rocks, we watched Archie and his crew approach the sleeping Kyogre who was resting above a miniature lake.

It seems to resemble something like a giant, dark blue whale or orca. It has two large fins or "wings", each ending with four square-shaped "claws." It has a deep blue body and a white chin area with two spikes protruding under it. Above each eye are two white spots.

It has markings on its wings which sort of resemble the letter A with a circle on the top. It also has two small dorsal fins on its back with two stripes running horizontally below the fins.

The tail seems tattered with four trails, the inner smaller than the outer. It also has a mouth full of rarely seen sharp triangular teeth.

"Ho! Ho! I finally found it! Listen up Kyogre, the name is Archie, and I'm the leader of Team Aqua. I've waited for this day. Now, Kyogre, the world is ruined and broken, the only thing human beings think about is pursuing their own selfish desires.

That's why nature and Pokemon are all suffering! Now Kyogre, return the world to how it once was and how rightfully it should be." yelled, Archie towards the sleeping orca as he spun the sapphire atop his pointing finger.

Soon, drama arose as the panicking Shelly confronted her boss. She wore a frantic expression and her spirit was terror-stricken.

She ran to Archie, grabbing his shoulders and saying, "That's enough!"

"What was that?!"

"Archie, can't you see that the world you make and the world that Kyogre will create are two completely different places?!"

"What are you trying to say?" asked, Archie as he looked to Shelly's eyes.

"The weather institute, I saw the file to see if Primal Kyogre will make your world a reality. If it will truly bring about your ideal world. I also wanted to see how powerful Primal Kyogre really is."

"How very interesting." said, Archie sarcastically.

"The only thing that is waiting for us is nothing but inescapable despair! If you go ahead with this plan, then Primal Kyogre will sink every living being to the ocean!" Shelly warned desperately.

"Ha!" Archie, doubted. He continued, "As long as I have the Sapphire, Kyogre will do my bidding!"

Soon, the Sapphire began to glow, emitting a blue radiance as Archie faced the sleeping Kyogre. It was the perfect opportunity for us to make an appearance. We stood out from the chunk of rocks and demanded Archie to hand over the Sapphire.

Zinnia warned, "Your admin is wise, the leader? Not so much. If you awaken Kyogre, then history will repeat itself!"

"Brats! You will be the audience for the world which is to come." once more, Archie doubted and threw the Sapphire at the sleeping Kyogre, and at the same time, Shelly shouted, "Don't do it!" but she was too late.

The seven of us stood in awe as the glimmering Sapphire completely awakened Kyogre.

As Primal Kyogre, it is more than twice its usual size and has a deeper blue body, as well as having a partially translucent body with a golden light glowing from within it, essentially emitting bioluminescence. It has light blue stripes on its body, instead of the usual red.

The four tips on both of its large fins remain pure white. The usually opaque middle parts of its large fins become transparent, with red marks on the closer two tips of both its fins that resemble the letter H.

The two outer red marks on each of its fins, along with the large circular marks in the center of the fins, turn blue and fuse together to become Alpha symbols. Its four white oval spots and the part of the top center of its head have a circular marking, where the lines are linked to the upper end of the larger oval spots, now also transparent, and they stop at the end of its tattered tail, where the middle of the four trailing parts have the same color as the glow on the majority of its body.

From the underground lake, we watched Kyogre opening its eyes as it takes a deep dive into the lake, causing the whole cavern to tremble. "Go Primal Kyogre! Destroy everything!" demanded, Archie as Kyogre swam to the depths of the lake which connects to the main sea.

Soon, Archie and the rest ran off to their submarine even if we tried to stop them we were like apparitions. Not even Matori nor Shelly cared about our appearance as if we were ghosts, now in a panic that we failed miserably despite all our efforts to persuade Archie.

Back at the seas of Hoenn, Kyogre arose from the waters and shrieked loudly, causing the fabric of stars and twilight to be covered with clouds of gloom and despair. Rain flashed to the scene, as the waves intensified. It could sink down anything in its path. The waves were higher ten feet as Kyogre floated inches away from it.

The Wingulls which were flying innocently were dragged by the violent winds, causing them to drown at whirlpools. the whirlpools expand for more than a kilometer wide and there were more than ten which surrounded the seas of Hoenn. Finally, Groudon has met its rival.

The current hastened, the creatures of the blue struggled as they try to cling unto the corals instead of being dragged to the whirlpools. Soon, water sprouts arose, vigorously twirling around. Two of these water sprouts surrounded Kyogre, serving as some sort of protection.

Next, the violently thunders joined the party and dazzled across the whole region. The Pokemon living in the land ran for survival as they searched for any shelter. They mourned alongside the people who were devastated by the tornadoes that formed in the land.

Meanwhile, Matt, the admin responsible for watching from the land was contacted by Archie.

"Boss! This is Matt."

"How are things on the surface?"

"It's really bad here, we're done. Primal Kyogre is going to sink the entire world. There will be nothing left!" Matt warned and declined the call in frustration.

In the submarine, Archie regretted summoning the beast in the first place.

Shelly uttered in despair, "It's all over Archie. Our utopia is at the bottom of the ocean now." despite hearing her, Archie neglected her words again and once the submarine explorer dock 1 reached the surface of the sea, Archie exited to confront Kyogre in the dock.

He yelled to the beast, not frightened of its presence, "Kyogre! This isn't my command!" Like how Archie neglected Shelly, Kyogre neglected him as it continued to wreak destruction.