EPISODE 88: The Middle! (Third out of the Fifth!)

"Great! Now we're done!" Copper said sarcastically. With the help of Charlotte's Medicham, it sent us directly back to Team Magma's headquarters in which signal was finally abundant.

To Melody's surprise, she received twenty-eight miscalls in total from the three leaders of our branch. She immediately called them to see if everything was going alright back at headquarters.

"Pick up! Pick up!" she pleads on her mind after calling them thrice with no one still answering. The lack of response threw her into swivet but despite this, she persisted to call the leaders. She tried to call Fortuna, Hector, and Crimson but none seemed to care about her calls.

The only thing she could do was to hope everything is going alright. Soon, hope came as a shooting star when Professor Olive began to call her. She was relieved and immediately answered the call.

"Professor! Is everything going alright?!" Melody asked.

"Yes. The leaders are currently busy discussing what to do next. It's raining cats and dogs out here and it is quite terrible. The sea level is drastically inclining and I couldn't send Xeryll to pick you up since it is too dangerous. Outside my window, I can literally see Kyogre swirling around the sea from afar!" yelled, Olive due to the intense noise coming from the rain.

"Phew, luckily everyone is alright." Melody sighed in relief.

While the two of them had their conversation, the six of us tuned in to the live report in which the reporter's helicopter was destroyed because of the thunder, causing the video to blackout. We had no choice but to shift to the next website in which a reporter was shown in Lilicove city, hanging tight to the railings of the lighthouse while filming Kyogre shrieking intensely.

According to the news report, Primal Kyogre's shriek has gathered Groudon's attention; and thus amidst the pale moonlight, they began to fight. I was worried, I nearly wanted to let all of my sorrows out after seeing Groudon smacking Kyogre in the face. Kyogre retaliated by sending whirlwinds towards it.

My heart throbbed, it was terrifying and words are only minimal to elaborate on how I am feeling. I was scared, I thought of our branch, our people and Pokemon. I wonder why is no one paying attention to the chaos and instead they scramble like ants. No dared to quench the fighting.

Both Pokemon shouted at each other with maximum fury as they collided. Groudon spewed out flames, Kyogre spewed out water and quenched those flames. The battle was only intensifying as more tornadoes formed within the land and water sprouts within the sea. The closest tornado to us is in Fallarbor Town.

"Listen, there is only one way to stop this. I am a scientist and I do not believe in such a thing but this is a desperate situation."

"Spill it, professor."

"Find Rayquaza inside the Sky Pillar and summon it. The tower rests near an island beside Pacifidlog town. According to myths, it is the only Pokemon that can stop this chaos. Hurry, the sea level is rising and without any way of escaping this island, I fear Team Rocket is to lose a branch." suddenly, there was a signal interruption; hence the call was declined.

Melody rushed to the six of us to tell us about the news. It was our only last hope and if it fails, then not only will Team Rocket perish but the whole world included. The rains appear to affect countless regions aside from Hoenn. Kanto and Johto are a part of them.

"There is one way to stop this madness! We must find the sky pillar and summon Rayquaza according to the professor." Melody reported.

"The Sky Pillar? I've been there countless times. Our people are responsible for telling the stories of the dragon that lives within the chambers of the tower. I know that it could stop this but without the key then I believe it is no use at all."

"Key? No need, just burst the door down then everything will be fine." Jenny suggested.

"Or, we can do that. Funny, never thought of that." Zinnia concurred with Jenny's words.

"How can we get there? I don't have any Pokemon that knows the move fly." I complained.

"Here, borrow my Pokemon Noivern. I caught it in the Kalos Region and it is very obedient." Zinna offered as she handed me Noivern's Pokeball.

"I have a Charizard, though I think it won't listen to me." Zeal took out Charizard's Pokeball from her pocket and stared deeply at it. She was having double-thoughts about whether to use Charizard or not.

"Charizard will listen as long as you have trust in him," I advised while patting her shoulder, giving her a pleasant smile.

"I guess we have a plan now. The three of you will head to wherever Sky Pillar is while the rest of us stay and find a way to stop the fighting." after analyzing everything, Melody finally came up with a plan. All of us concurred and fist-bumped each other's hands.

Now that each of us has a respective role, this is the perfect time for the three of us to take off to the skies through the opening in the docks. I sent out Noivern which has the looks of a bat. It was friendly and obedient, just like what Zinnia described.

Next, Zinnia sent out her Altaria for transportation, and last, Zeal sent out her Charizard.

Both Zeal and Charizard stared into each other's eyes. Zeal made the first move and conversed with her Pokemon, "Look, I don't know what kind of problem you have with me but for once, I am begging you to follow me. Just this once, please."

Her words were sincere as the moment of silence between them was intervened with Charizard's nod. Seeing her Pokemon's response, Zeal gave a smirk. Now that the clock has struck to the third of the second hour past midnight, the three of us rode our respective Pokemon.

Before leaving, Jenny approached me with a smile as she whispered to my ears, "Hey, promise me you won't die. Remember, I'm the one who's going to do it not anything or anyone else."

"Hehe, as long as you do the same." I chuckled softly and uttered back to her.

"Alright! Enough with the greetings, it is time to BLAST OFF!" Zinnia beamed with determination as she took off with her dragon Pokemon. Meanwhile, me and Zeal followed from behind.