EPISODE 96: Beginning of the End!*

Upon waking, I burrowed myself into the warm, soft sheets. I rubbed the remainders of sleep from my eyes and gazed out at the horizon; its vivid light extended across a rosy sky. I supposed this was something the majority of people would consider beautiful, but I found it strange, hard even, to find something so meaningful in something so every-day.

Checking my Rotom-Phone, I noticed it was past twelve. Perhaps brunch will do to satisfy my stomach after that long dreaded night. Finally, I can smell the scent of the fresh calm water surrounding our island. There, I knew this would be the perfect opportunity to catch up with the news, to see how things are going in the media.

The first thing I saw was an announcement from the Hoenn Conference due to the high demand of the citizens of Hoenn to know the updates and the action plan of the conference towards the events that occurred yesterday.

I watched the champion's statement from my phone. In Ever Grande City, he addressed the nation, "The events that occurred yesterday has thought us an invaluable lesson. The arrogance of man is thinking nature is in our control, and not the other way around.

As your champion, I hereby donate my salary to a large project in hopes of rebuilding what has been lost. Team Magma and Team Aqua has been classified as a disbanded organization. The bodies of their leaders were found dead underwater and half of their remaining grunts ashore were held captive thanks to the help of our allies, the Pokemon International Police led by Detective Looker.

We would also like to alert everyone. There is one Team Magma grunt who is on the loose. Her name is Courtney, and the Pokemon International Police is on the look out for her. As for the orbs, they have been kept in a faraway location that only I, Steven, know about.

This is all for now, and I wish everyone the very best. As for the trainers around Hoenn, see you at Ever Grande City, I am looking forward to see how strong you've grown with your Pokemon. I bid everyone good luck for the upcoming Pokemon League."

The time he mentioned "Pokemon League", I remembered my promise to Logan. I had double-thoughts since it seems like the leaders are not planning to give me a day-off just yet. And just when I thought this morning would give me peace, someone vigorously knocked on my door.

"Okay, okay, I'm coming." irked, I told the knocker.

Upon opening the door, the knocker did not waste anymore seconds and instead hugged me fervently. I could feel her tears falling down to my back. It seemed to me, Professor Olive was able to return Charlotte's memories.

"Did I hurt you?" Charlotte asked in a hiccuping manner because of her sorrows of regret.

"Hmm, a few times, but I'm alright."

"I'm sorry, I should've known. Thanks to Professor Olive, I was able to remember you. She showed me clips and videos about my past and there, I remembered everything, including the time when I fell off the train." her words whooshed to my ears.

"It's fine, the important thing is, you're feeling much better. At least you're back with Team Rocket."

"R-right. I can't believe I've hurt you." she grinned from ear to ear and wiped off her tears.

"Oh, and how come you've never introduced me to your new Pokemon which I nearly killed."

"I guess that means you still remember your times as an agent of Team Magma."

"Don't mind that, I'm trying to forget all of those. Come on, show me your Bagon." her exuberant spirit, as always, returned. After persuading me, I finally showed her my evolved Bagon. She was shocked, never did she knew Bagon had already evolved into Shelgon.

"Hey, since um... Matori and I are back, I asked a favor from our leaders- they're great by the way, and they said yes."

"Wait what?! What did you ask them about?!"

"Huh? You haven't heard? The mission, the latest mission."

"Mission" the word made my eyes tweaked as I went to the wall and banged my head.

"Don't they have sympathy. I'm feeling cold and feverish and now they tell me I have another mission?"

"Do you want to ride a rocket ship or not? Sigh, you never change. Since the day we met you rarely open your emails!" aside from her exuberance, her habit of scolding me also returned.

"I don't know, maybe I'm lazy or I just forget to read them."

"Then come on!" just like the first day, she pulled my hand and dragged me through the corridors of our headquarters.

"Hey slow down!"

"Me? Slow down? Well, I'm just warming up! I miss running around the halls of my organization with you." she hastened things up and boosted her speed. I nearly puked. She's more of a Pokemon, stamina always increasing.