EPISODE 97: The Beginning of the End*

My stomach longs for food, growling like my Absol every time she's hungry. My head, it spun and spun as I saw stars flying over it. Charlotte couldn't keep the pace down as she hastened and hastened and the things around me pass through eyes in a matter of seconds.

I nearly tripped down the stairs, my hair is still a mess and I made an appearance in front of everyone in the control room. Vizion, Copper, Zeal, all of them were there and once again, I wondered how I was always the latecomer. To my surprise, not only the leaders and our beautiful professor was there but also Matori, giving me that small grin like her smile back in Kanto.

"Alright. It looks like everyone is here. Today, the mission details will be given by Matori. She was once the secretary of the boss who betrayed his organization and now like Professor Olive, she is tasked to tell you the details." Leader Crimson convsersed.

Admin Fortuna added, "I know all of you deserve a nice and warm nap because of your hard-work but I'm afraid that will have to wait. Further details about the mission will be explained by Matori."

Matori walked to the center of the aisle and in the large screen in front of us, a picture of the meteor shower was shown.

"As you can see, the picture shown in the screen belongs to the Litleonid Meteor Shower. The next picture comes from one of our satellites. It illustrates that one of the meteorites is heading for a collision course to Earth. At around six, it will be at the exosphere and is doomed to end all of humanity if it is not stopped.

You might wonder, why Team Rocket is eager to stop the meteorite despite the countless space stations and organizations already proposing a plan. Well, here's why. That meteorite contains something valuable, a space virus, Deoxys. I'm sure all of you had heard a thing or two about that Pokemon and its many forms.

Here is your mission. Return to Sky Pillar Tower, the five of you, and capture Rayquaza. It is the only known Pokemon that can help us defeat Deoxys and its four forms known as attack, defense, speed, and normal. Do note, this Pokemon is not of Earth so we are unsure of its moves and capability.

Once that is complete and Rayquaza has been acquired, our organization will take a leap to mainland Hoenn and infiltrate the famous Mossdeep Space Station. Instead of wasting funds for making a rocket ship despite our organization's name, we will be stealing their's." Matori elaborated the details. It makes me happy to hear how she profoundly describes each task. Her skills is as those of Professor Olive.

"Wait, so we're going to use their rocket ship?" Zeal asked for clarification.

"Were you listening?"

Hearing her words made me laugh. Those were always Matori's responses every time someone asks her about the mission after recently discussing about it.

"But why the five of us? We don't have any flying type Pokemon aside from Zeal." Copper raised his hand and inquired the intelligent secretary.

"Ships, airplanes, I see no problem with using our technology. The sea is warm, the breeze is cold, a perfect day for boats and helicopters don't you think?" Matori responded sarcastically. If there is one thing she hates, that would be excuses in forms of a question.

"Alright Team Rocket. You've heard your mission. Make us proud, for the glory of our organization and for the sake of our technology. Deoxys will reward us with a bounty of advanced machinery to be used for the greater good. Alright, eat lunch on your way to Sky Pillar.

We need to catch up with the time for once the Litleonid Meteor Shower is finished passing through Earth, our world would be destroyed or if we were to be blessed with luck, we would need to wait for more than a thousand years just to claim Deoxys." Admin Hector dictated.

"Sounds clear to me. I'll take the helicopter, looks like Charizard is tired from yesterday's flight."

"That reminds me, how are things with Charizard?" I asked.

"Charizard? Snobbish as he'll ever be but deep inside, I know he loves me." Zeal snugged in response.