EPISODE 105: Oh No... *

The crowd is waiting to know the result. The people's hearts are stirring with adrenaline, staring at the commentator to see who would be crowned as the victor of the Hoenn League. The dust that swiveled for a minute felt like an hour and after its spotlight, the winner has been revealed.

{The winner of the match goes to Brendan, which means he will be given an opportunity to challenge the champion and the elite four!} proclaimed, the commentator. I was shell-shocked, I was expecting Logan to win. His dream, so near yet so far.

I saw him, and he did look disappointed but there was a part of him that smiled, showing his sportsmanship as he shook Brendan's hands. Then comes the standing ovation from the crowd, cheering and applauding the name of the victor. I looked at Brendan and he was in cloud nine.

There, Logan looked at me from the crowd as I smiled and waved my hand. Though he did lose, he was able to do his best. Before the match between Brendan and the Elite Four begins, he was awarded with a trophy, made of pure gold with a Pokeball on top of it.

An interlude of ten minutes was given for a chance for the victor and his Pokemon to rest. That is when the crowd was silent for a while, eager for the interlude to end and watch Brendan fight against the Elite Four and Champion Steven. This was also the only moment when I noticed I received ten miscalls from Charlotte.

She rarely calls me at my Rotom-Phone and when she does, it is either something important or dramatic again. While waiting for the interlude to finished, I tried to call her to see if there was any problem.

"Where were you?!" not a single greeting, she proceeded with scolding me.

"Um... Hehe."

"What do you mean, "Hehe" where on Earth are you, Luna! Answer me! Things are going far worse than expected! For Arceus's sake, please tell me your location!"

"Wh-what for? What happened?"

"Deoxys escaped our headquarters and guess what? It's after you. It did this weird telepathy thingy on Vizion's mind and spoke something about you. By its words, Deoxys seemed angry and after that? Poof, it blew a hole in the ceiling, and guess what? It's after you. Enough with the games Luna, tell me where you are so we can help out before Deoxys arrives."

"..." I flinched, realizing tens of thousands of people are at stake when Deoxys arrives here.

"Luna? Luna? Luna! Do you hear me?!"

"Yes. I'll handle this situation alone."

"Wait what? Are you-"

"I have Rayquaza."

"And so? I won't let that Pokemon touch you by one bit. We were able to gather eighty percent of its power, so yeah, technically a success when it comes to Team Rocket's goal but still, a Pokemon that's about to execute you? Can't let that happen And why do I hear people screaming in the back-round? Don't tell me your excuse for leaving was to attend a concert."

"No, no. Don't worry, I got this." I declined the call as my excitement withered. I was the only odd one out. I was gloomy while the rest were beaming with exuberance. I feel drained, my body with not the slightest bit of energy.

Abruptly, the weather flashed to the scene as it began to rain on the battlefield. The stars were covered with thick black clouds and the scent of petrichor was everywhere. There I knew, someone is to claim revenge for my actions, Deoxys is nearby.

I have to admit, I can't deal with this kind of problem alone but I can't let my organization get involved not to mention we're everywhere in the news and if there was no Pokemon League? Steven would've known what we did to one of Hoenn's greatest landmarks.

To get help, I rushed to Logan's room and saw him and his Pokemon having their little encouragement talk. Though the door was opened, I gestured with a knock to grab his attention.

"Oh, Luna?"

"I came here for two things. I wanted to congratulate you, even if you've lost. At least I was able to learn something new."

"T-thanks. Thanks for watching, Luna. What is the other one?"

"Oh right. I came here to ask for your help. A Pokemon is after me and is going to arrive anytime sooner."

"A Pokemon?!"

"Yes. I know it seems ridiculous since it usually the other way around but- sigh, I did a ton of wrong things and now I triggered Deoxys who appears to-"

"Then come on, we have to tell the conference about this. Lives are at stake." He intervenes my words and pulls my hand, dragging me back up to the respective seats of the elite four and the champion.

At first, they don't seem to believe in me. Even the champion himself who saw details about Deoxys back in the temple of Sootopolis lacks faith in me. We were arguing, and Logan was with me. Our argument was able to catch the attention of the other three trainers, Wally, May, and Brendan.

"Hey! You again? Your organization-" I covered Brendan's mouth since I knew he was about to talk about our bombardment.

"I- I can't just speak to the public and kick them out of the city." I returned to my conversation with Steven. Logan was about to speak up for me but that is when a beam of light from the stormy skies flashed to the very center of the battlefield.

It lulled each and every one of us. We were awed, while others were alert and defensive. The news reporters called their cameramen to record this abrupt event. Amidst the denouement of the whole Pokemon League, something comes to interrupt, Deoxys in its Defense Forme.

"Luna Evergreen, I've come to bargain!" it shouted to all of our minds, making it seem like it was literally talking rather than using telepathy. I freaked out, trying to hide myself. If Zinnia sees the news and I'm going to be beaten like dead meat.