EPISODE 106: The Final Re-Match!*

"We would like to request everyone to leave the stadium immediately. Do not leave your children behind!" the whole crowd was in a panic as Scott, the commentator, instructed everyone to leave as proposed by the champion and elite four. Now, they believe that every single one of my words is true.

"No one shall be allowed to leave unless the woman I'm looking for reveals herself!" demanded, Deoxys through telepathy. The whole stadium shook, as the people scramble around the arena. The doors were sealed, they couldn't be opened for some reason. And there, with its psychic power, Deoxys lifted the whole arena to the sky.

No one was expecting this turn of events, and even I was scared to have a rematch against Deoxys and its Defense Forme. Deoxys's Defense Forme has bulky, wide legs that are somewhat flat at the end with a bluish-green spot on each knee. It retains its two pairs of red and blue tentacles, but they are now flat and broad.

The head has fused with its body and all protrusions are gone, causing it to resemble a helmet. The reddish-orange skin now covers the entire body, so none of its inner black portion is visible. There is now a single blue stripe on each shoulder, and its tail has disappeared.

We were ten feet above the ground and if it dares to release us, we would fall to our death and the city beneath us would be affected. It kept on demanding for my appearance and I was in the corner, thinking of what to do but because I was panicking, I couldn't focus and concentrate.

I'm embarrassed. My name, everyone heard it and now even them, demands for my appearance so that all these commotions would end once in for all. I regretted the decision not to tell Team Rocket my location. I can't just fight in the middle of the battlefield with the people watching. The fight between Mega Rayquaza and Deoxys would cause serious problems not to mention their powers can wreck an entire city in one blow.

"Stay here, Luna. Leave the rest to us, we'll fight off Deoxys." Logan confidently uttered.

"No, we can't. The battle will stake the lives of thousands in this arena. Deoxys is highly intelligent and see that crystal at the center of its chest? That's its brain." Phoebe disagreed with Logan's words.

"Well, we can't just sit here and give Luna up." May countered the elite's words.

Meanwhile, I thought deeply about Phoebe's words. It made me recall the moment I was in space. Rayquaza was able to hit the center of its chest, the brain. It caused the whole Pokemon to glitch. Perhaps by hitting it multiple times, Deoxys would collapse but alongside it, is the stadium.

"I have an idea!" I raised my hand and buzzed in the conversation.

I continued, "I'll show myself. This was my action, I was the one who brought Deoxys to Earth because Team Rocket needed to use it. Now, I will face the consequences and stop it."

"And how are you going to do that?" asked, Sidney.

"The chest, I'll aim for the chest but I'll need assistance too. I will serve as a diversion alongside a few others while the rest escape and fly down to the city with their flying types. Once they're on the ground, we would need assistance from Psychic Pokemon so that went Deoxys is knocked out, they can safely descend the arena with their powers." I proposed.

"I have Gallade. I also have Skarmory."

"Then it's up to your Gallade. Here, take Gardevoir's Pokeball and send it out later. She will help you and Gallade to control the speed of the falling arena later. As for the rest of us, we'll battle Deoxys. The people will be safe as long as we keep Deoxys confused on who to attack." I added.

"I guess we have a plan, and now it is time to commence it!" finally, Steven concurred alongside the rest of the elites and trainers. Enough talking, more action!

Due to fear, the people hid themselves under the chairs. Deoxys kept a weather eye on all of them, persistently looking for me. At the left entrance to the battlefield, I walked out saying, "Hey Deoxys! Looking for me?!" and taunting at it.

"There you are!" It tilted its head to me.

"Let's settle this once in for all, Absol, Sword Dance!"

Absol's attack increased sharply.

It was Deoxys's turn to move. It shifted from its Defense Forme to its Attack Forme, strangling Absol's neck with the use of its tentacles. Suddenly, a Flash Cannon attack beamed through Absol's brain from behind it.

"Good work Metagross!" Steven made a debut in front of the space virus. The people were feeling much better, removing themselves from their hiding spot and watching the champion battle. They began to clap their hands, cheering for Steven and his Metagross.

"Pathetic!" Deoxys shouted and tilted to Steven. Soon, a Hyper Beam from Brendan's Slaking goes straight through the chest of the space virus, damaging the virus again. While we deal with the madness happening on the battlefield, Skarmory took grip of Logan's arm using its claws and flew out of the arena, heading back to the ground.

May and Wally then made a debut, hitting the space virus in the chest. Followed by them were the four elites and everyone behind us were applauding. As if the Pokemon League was still happening, their cheers were louder than ever and that fear that once succumbed to their heart is no longer there.

We attacked from all sides, sparing no opportunity for the space virus to attack. We were precise when attacking, making sure it doesn't blast off to the people who were watching. Soon, Deoxys became pissed and sent an outburst of its power towards us. Gravity worsened and our bodies were forced to stick on the ground. The people were safe, it was only us, the challengers who were affected by Deoxys's attack.

"Your species think highly of themselves." shouted, Deoxys. We tried to move our bodies but the gravity was too tough, too tough that even struggling is not an option...