EPISODE 1: Having Pyrexia!*

The harbor is filled with creaking boats on waves and gulls that fill the air with beating wings and cries. It is the salty breeze and the new white paint along the sea wall. The ocean brings life, movement, and a place to rest the eye away from the bustle of life. It is where the clouds roam freely above - the view unhindered by the rising of hills. The journey to Sinnoh begins!

Me, Luna Evergreen, now eighteen years old who is still undisciplined when waking up, nearly missed the ferry. If it wasn't for Charlotte and Zeal, I'd be staying in Hoenn Headquarters. Though, I also had a tough time sleeping yesterday, coughing here and there, feeling all cold and brittle all of a sudden that not even my blanket could protect me.

There is a fire burning in me. I groaned just to breathe and I am limp from my hollow stare to my skinny legs. My head doesn't feel right as if someone placed a ton of weight on it. I couldn't function normally and before leaving? Professor Olive diagnosed me with a fever.

They gave me an option to stay in Hoenn, but I disregarded it. I wanted to explore new places, new cities and towns, some fever won't stop me. And so, with the assistance of Charlotte, strapped in a thick blanket, we walked to the harbor in which everyone was waiting for us.

Carefully, Charlotte lied me down in my cabin. Decent white tiles run across, no air-conditioner with only the cold breeze and the open window making me feel worse. It was at that exact moment when the ship blows its horns and sets sail to the faraway region which will approximately take six hours.

"Is there anything you need?" sitting at the edge of my bed, Charlotte offered her helping hand, checking my temperature once in a while.

"I feel good." I chuckled, having a hoarse throat that makes me feel like an old grandma.

"Hmm, you don't look so good," she said, concerned about my health.

"It will all be over in a matter of days, even before our arrival in Sinnoh."

As me and her were having our conversation, and the rest were setting up their things in their respective cabins, the two cute and cuddly twins made their appearance. They were snuggling their Pikachu rip-offs.

"You're the agent who killed a lot of people right?" Faith walked to me and queried.

"Woah, never knew my reputation would be that worse." I joked around, making the three of them laugh. Covering my mouth, I coughed.

"Don't worry, leave this job to the two of us! We'll make sure you'll be fine in no time." synchronized in one voice, the twins somewhat promised though I thought it was all a joke since they're still young. But then, all of a sudden they rushed out of the room and I have no idea what they're up to this time.

"Whoa, Fortuna's daughters are really energetic." Charlotte teased while watching them run through the halls.

"Just like you."

"What the? Of course not." Charlotte pouted at me.

In the kitchen of the ferry, wherein everything is neat and organized, poultry separated from the pork, Magikarps separated from the berries, the two twins wore their aprons. The color of their aprons are identical to the color of their cute little eyes.

"Now, let's cook some Nizakana for Luna." Faith suggested.

"No. Shogayaki is better." countered, Grace.



They began to argue while both their Plusle and Minun were glaring at each other while the twins carry them. The argument went far worse than expected and one can see the heat flowing within them. This is what I would call, sibling rivalry at its finest. Though, I'm not a mother and I don't have the guts to scold them. I feel harsh.

"Well yeah?! Then let's see what she likes. I'll cook Nizakana and you cook Shogayaki. The winner gets to cuddle the loser's Pokemon." Faith challenged with confidence.

"If that is what you want sister, then so be it." Grace accepted with full out confidence. Just like every cooking challenge, the contestants always glare at each other first with their Pokemon.

"Three! Two! One! Go!" shouted the twins as they rushed to their respective corner of the kitchen. Plusle and Minun are pumped up for this competition, red and blue, who will win?

At Faith's side, she starts off by getting a chopping board and a pair of Magikarp. With a knife, she removes the red scales while her Plusle prepares the stove and pot. At Grace's side, using the tip of the knife she cuts the connecting tissue between the red meat at the fat. This will prevent the meat from curing when cooked. Meanwhile, her Minun goes and prepares the stove and pots.

"Alright, Plusle, is the pot hot enough?" asked, Faith.

Plusle smiled and nodded its head.

"Great work." she complimented as she proceeded by placing four tablespoons of soy sauce into the pan, four tablespoons of mirin, and a tablespoon of raw sugar with a cup of water, 200ml. Ten minutes on the clock, and she can already smell the sweet scent.

"Alright Minun, sprinkle 2 teaspoons of sake and 1 teaspoon of ginger juice over the pork slices, coat well and leave for 10 minutes. This will tenderize the meat and removes meaty smell!" commanded, Grace.

Minun saluted.

Once everything boiled, both Faith and Plusle, working together, added the fish, leek, and ginger. They then covered, leaving the lid slightly ajar. They also lowered the heat and waited for five to six minutes.

On Grace's side, she mixed the ginger sauce with the ingredient bowl while Minun heated the oil in a non-stick frypan over medium heat. They placed the meat in the frypan without overlapping and cooked for about 1-2 minutes or until the bottom side is golden and the edges start to cook.

Finished with their meals, it was time for plating. For the twins, plating is fun for it is in this way where they can express their true creativity and passion for cooking. Not only are they good at engineering but are also master chefs.

On Faith's dish, she sprinkled a bit of onion leaves, sliced and diced to make them look like pepper. She added the fish and designed it with the sauce to add a pinch of magic and artistry to it. On her tray, she sided her dish with a glass of orange juice, a knife, spoon and fork, and a little garlic bread for the appetizers.

On Grace's dish, she added a little bit of pepper and chili for spice, sauce for design, and some carrots shaped as flowers for representation. She added a slice of lettuce on the side. On her tray, she sided her dish with a glass of orange juice, utensils, and some crispy chips for appetizers. Glaring at each other, they rushed upstairs and into my room.

"And then there was this large-" while I and Charlotte were catching up, recalling things that happened in Hoenn, the twins bust into the door and represented their meals. I was gobsmacked, not knowing they were cooking all this time. I was also worried, hoping they didn't make any mess in the kitchen.

"Ms.Luna! Which one of these is better?" Faith and Grace asked, placing their meals atop my lap.

"It looks like we have young chefs that could cook for us in the kitchen." Charlotte teased while patting both of their heads.

"Mommy thought us how to cook." Faith and Grace smiled.

While the three of them were conversing, I tasted their meals and just by the smell, I knew I would be in seventh heaven after taking a bite. I first took a sip of the orange juice, it was great. Never mind the ones in the cafeteria, I prefer the twin's homemade juice.

"So, Ms.Luna, have you decided?" Faith and Grace returned and asked for the results of their surveys.

"They're both good," I replied, making things even-steven like how all things should be.

"Aw, I guess that means we have to cuddle each other's Pokemon." Faith and Grace looked to each other and exchanged Pokemon for about three seconds. Faith cuddled Minun and Grace cuddled Plusle. Afterward, they exchanged Pokemon once more.

Their food made me feel a bit better. The orange juice was like medicine, totally better than the ones sold in cafeterias. From now on, I'll be asking for their recipes so I can make my own orange juice. For now, in my room, I'll be resting with Charlotte's assistance, who knows what other strange things might happen inside the ferry.