EPISODE 2: Thief!*

Resting quietly in his cabin, listening to music through his headphones is no other than Oliver, a quiet type of person who loves nothing but music. Aside from this, Professor Olive said that the skates he usually wears is one of Team Rocket's technology, allowing the user to go as fast as the speed of a bullet train.

According to his biography in the Rocket Archives, Oliver can take down a whole base alone in a matter of minutes because of his hasty skates. Pokemon? He is only known to have three Pokemon, Pinsir, Heracross, and Scyther, one of the fastest bug types there are.

In his cabin, he comfortably tunes in to the music but that all changed after hearing a piece of glass shattering to the floor. It was loud, for even with headphones he was able to hear it but no one seemed to care except for him. He took a peak outside the doors of his cabin, seeing all the other doors were closed and slammed shut.

He then heard another piece of glass falling and hitting the ground. Aware that someone is perhaps trying to steal something, Oliver wore his shades. The shades allow him to detect heat signature, another of Team Rocket's famous technology. I was offered one before, but I declined I'm no thermal expert.

The results were clear, there should only be ten heat signatures, the eight of us plus the other two captains but for some reason, there were eleven. He shifted the shades to X-ray mode and found out someone was sneakily stealing food in the basement of the ship.

Oliver sighed and in a matter of five seconds, he reached the basement. The basement is where all our luggage are stored. Some of us brought food to Sinnoh, especially ones which are native to Hoenn. Of course, the twins brought their favorite toys, stuffed Pokemon, and a set of weird electrical thingies. They look like wires to Oliver's sight.

He was shocked, for all the luggage were opened. Even his, containing ten packs of headphones, was opened widely. This made him furious to see who on Earth was trying to steal things. In subtle pace, he inspected the shelves per row and column, finding nothing meticulous except for the hand-marks seen with the use of his of his shades.

He could also see footsteps, visualized in an orange and red color, meaning someone was here recently. He followed the footsteps for more than a minute and only noticed now that he was following his own footsteps, making him sigh. Perhaps it was just a bug, he thought to himself. Or maybe a Pokemon who accidentally snuck inside.

Though, his hypotheses does not seem to prove why the luggage are open. He needed extra help; therefore, he called out his Scyther. Scyther, by the name itself, carries two sharp scythes at the very tip of his hands. They are swift and excellent cutters, having the ability to cut down a thick tree in one blow.

Surprisingly, Scyther and Oliver were able to communicate by the use of their eyes only. He nodded his head, Scyther saluted and searched the whole basement alongside his trainer. For a few more minutes, they scrutinized everything, as if they were some sort of sleuths looking for answer to the riddle or mystery.

The two of them then heard something peculiar. One of the shelves fell down, it alerted Scyther and Oliver. In one second, he traveled to the scene and saw a woman, struggling to push up the shelf before it squashes her like a bug. At first Oliver was laughing at how the woman struggled, even teased her by watching her struggle.

After seeing that the woman had learned her lesson, begging for help through her tears, Oliver and Scyther lifted the shelf. But that did not mean he was to befriend the thief. In two seconds he ran and returned with a rope. For another three seconds, he tied the thief up in a chair.

"Let me go!" demanded, the woman. Oliver didn't agree for by the way things look, the thief was secretly eating some food stolen from our luggage. There were crumbs visible in the side of her mouth. And so, to piss off the thief, Oliver took another chair, sat parallel to her direction and stared at her for minutes without even moving a muscle.

"Is this some sort of staring competition?!"


"Are you going to talk or not? Let me go, I was only hungry."


"Yeah, you don't seem like a person who cares."

"..." Oliver nodded his head.

"Okay, now you're being sarcastic. I came here to look for an Elite Operative named Luna Evergreen."

"..." Oliver lifted one of his eyebrows and nodded with a smirk. He swiftly lifted the chair and in a matter of seconds she brought the thief in front of the doors of the cabin. He then knocked three times while tuning into the music he was listening since the time we boarded the ferry.

Being sick, Charlotte volunteered to open the door for me. She was still in my cabin, talking and catching up with me and the moment she opened the door she was surprised to see someone strapped in a chair and Oliver just smiling at her.

"What the?" shell-shocked, Charlotte and the thief stared at each other.

"I wish to see Luna Evergreen! Bring her to me now!" the thief demanded.

"Whoa, that's some heavy duty demand there. Alright, come and see her." Charlotte allowed and with the help of Oliver, they were able to bring the thief inside my cabin. Seeing the thief, I was shocked. I also wondered how Zinnia was able to get inside the ship without the patrol squad seeing her or the crew who made sure everything was prepared before the ship leaves.

"There you are, you liar! Come at me, I promised revenge after you, a bastard, stole Rayquaza!" Zinnia spilled all her hatred at me.

Like an old grandma, I uttered, "I'm sick."

"Oh, trying to spill your sympathy at me? I was waiting here for more than eight hours and now you'll answer my demand!"

"No wonder." I sighed.

"Hey listen here, Luna is resting and you should be happy we won't be throwing you off the ship like what pirates do." Charlotte fought back for me.

"I demand a Pokemon battle! Prime time!"

"A Pokemon battle? Can't you see how sick she is?"

"Charlotte, I think you're exclaiming things. I'm not that sick."

"Well so? I'm not letting you leave that bed until your fever is gone."

Leaning on my door, Oliver was just laughing while listening to the music. We were then wondering what to do with the thief. Drown her? Or... we could use her as a prisoner, forcing to do all the works for us. Or maybe not, since Team Rocket avoids slavery at all cost.

"I'm headed to Sinnoh, I mean we are. So, I'll let you run off for now and maybe when I'm feeling better you and I can just meet up somewhere so you can have your battle Ms. Lore Keeper." I bargained.

"Hmm... That's a deal." Zinnia slowly nodded her head and shook my hands. Then comes Oliver to the scene who dragged Zinnia back to the basement where she will be staying for a few more hours before arriving in Sinnoh. Me and Charlotte were shocked to see him in that hasty speed for the second time.

It looks like Zinnia had plans of her own too and boarded the ship eight hours ago which is around three in the morning. A woman like her is good at hiding like a rat in a ship that endangered the lives of many in the the thirteenth to fourteenth century of Europe.