EPISODE 13: A Psychic Encounter!*

From the customer, we received a total of one hundred thousand Pokedollars, enough for a whole year. The executives were pleased with the results of our action, even twisting the minds of the Pokemon International Police to make them think that the van that bumped the synagogue was from another organization.

The van is now covered with a lot of dents but thanks to our prodigies, they were able to fix it. They also upgraded it a bit, adding a black color touch to the whole vehicle. toughening the armor of the van and changing the lights so it may appear brighter whenever at use.

They also added a defense mechanism and upon knowing about this, our self-esteem went below zero. They added hidden weapons somewhere in a van. With a push of a button, it can send out a grappling hook to grab other vehicles, a GPS system so that we don't need to use Bulbapedia Maps. It has been more than a week and I'm surprised, these twins have a lot to offer with their red and blue Pikachu.

And now that we've acquired enough money for our stay here in the Sinnoh Region which includes, food, water, electricity, and expansion in case we have the mood to do so, I figured it was time to spend the time on something creative for once. My purpose here is to explore cities and other towns this region has to offer and not merely feed myself to missions and operations.

I'll start by exploring Snowpoint City and its wonders. I geared up by wearing two jackets, one covering the other. Mittens as thick as cottons. I can't forget my earmuffs too, they help protect my ears. And of course, my scarf which once belongs to my mother, can't forget that too.

And who said Pokemon can't wear any accessories? One by one, I wrapped them with the scarfs I bought in Hearthome City for a reasonable price. They look so much more adorable with their scarfs and Pokemon? They need protection from the weather too and like what they say, treat them as pets, not monsters.

While the rest were still sleeping, me and my Pokemon took a leave, a new system here in Team Rocket. I filed a leave, signing my first out of ten which means I must be careful and alert when using them for once they run out, I'll not be allowed to explore Sinnoh anymore. Included in this leave system is when I'm sick. That is included in the ten slots given to me. Now I have nine left.

Despite gearing up for this snowy place, a place where the sun never seems to take a glimpse of the city, always covered by the clouds of hail and frost, my body feels the chills. My hands were trembling when suddenly all my Pokemon cuddled me to give me warmth.

Their affection cools down the coldness and gives way to heat, especially Lily who deeply cares for me. Her little arms touch my face, and the way she skims it throughout makes me tickle. Absol, though sharp, her claws are quite ticklish as well. Shelgon is very heavy, and my Gardevoir is just so beautiful that even now I wonder how come no Gallades had fallen for her beauty. Mawile and Misdreavus will always be the jolliest Pokemon that I've ever owned.

While we explore the cities side by side, Liligant found a white Lily. Those flowers are said to bloom only in this city and can survive the toughest storms. She gave it to me after picking it from the snow, it made my heart tender as I place the flower on my hair.

"Thanks, Lily." I greeted while patting her hair. My other Pokemon got jealous so they scoured the area we're in for more white Lilies. It made me laugh just by seeing the effort they put on searching for those Lilies.

"Don't go too far!" I alerted them as I sat down by a tree with my Lily. As they find those white Lilies while spending time with each other in the snow, me and Lily rested upon the tree, watching the snowfall down to our faces and look out for the children and parents strolling by.

As I rest, I noticed that most houses here are made out of spruce planks. It is the abundant tree species in this snowy area like the ones in Seafoam Islands. No roads but rather bricks are used. The people here are those with a strong will to survive the cold and those who dearly love the snow.

Back in Kanto, Saffron City is not known to have snow even during winter days. I might as well enjoy this moment and keep it safe in my mind before I am sent back to Kanto in case. I had feared snow, but maybe if it is a city of snow nothing bad can usually happen.

At first, I thought their plan was to grab me some more white Lilies but when I looked at them, they were starting to throw snowballs at each other. I wanted to join in the fun but then I decided not to so they can play and bond together. They were five and they split into two groups. They played a great game of Turf Wars, building castles and statues out of snow.

"Lily, why not join them?" I insisted.

Lily swiftly moved her head to the side and placed it on my shoulders. She closed her eyes and fell asleep.

"Why, you're always sleepy." I teased while rubbing her large orange flower. Lily, she's the best. From a timid Petilil to a sweet and loving Liligant.

While I was watching all of them play, and Alakazam interrupted. It stood between the two sides and wrecked both of their snow castles with its psychic powers. I was angered by this and even decided to stand up and confront that killjoy Alakazam.

"Excuse me?! My Pokemon were playing properly!" I scolded. Lily was awakened because of my voice. She stood up as well and went behind me as so as the rest of my Pokemon.

Alakazam gave me and my Pokemon an insulting smug.

"Why you little rascal!" I scolded again, picking up a snow and throwing it at Alakazam's face. It countered back, lifting me to the sky with its psychic powers and dropping me mid-air. Luckily, Gardevoir was able to catch me.

"S-sorry! Alakazam return to your Pokeball." a woman from afar rushed to us.

"I'm scolding you later." the woman told Alakazam which was in its Pokeball. Afterward, the eyes of both me and the woman locked into each other. We were immensely shocked.

It was as though as time froze because of the ice. I- I thought I would never be seeing her again. Sabrina, it looks like we've come across each other once more. I stood one step back as she persistently approached me with a smile.

"Stand back," I told her, protecting her from my Pokemon. Even so, Sabrina continued to walk closer. Seeing her today reminds me of the very moment she saved my life from the organization I am in today. For that, I shed a single tear that fell to the snow.

She then knelt down in front of me, looking at my necklace and playing with it with the use of her left hand. She chuckled afterward.

"You made my gym badge a necklace?" she wondered and stood up from the ground. I couldn't respond and instead, I looked down at the snow.

"This must be your Pokemon team. Impressive. Ooh, Gardevoir? Looks like your blue vibrant color is still with you." she starts to fiddle around my Pokemon, petting them. Funny, Gardevoir still remembers her after all this time.

"Oh Luna, running again? Have I not told you before?"

"I'm sorry Sabrina but I think I have to go now."

"Pretty quick. I got here for a vacation and saw you. Now you tell me you're going away so soon? You know, the whole orphanage still has hopes that you'll return one day."

"I'm not returning! I barely remember the place anymore." I increased my tone sightly as my Pokemon watched the drama from behind me.

"Sigh, alright then. I don't want to persuade you, I've tried. But, in case you'll be returning, I want you to notify me about this. And also, I have some news to tell you too. Jenny left the orphanage without permission. She said she went here too. Is there by any chance that you've met her?"

"J-Jenny." the memory comes flushing in as I remember the moment she saw me unintentionally killing her sister. Leaving without permission, now that is not the Jenny I know. One thing's for sure, we'll be meeting each other again.

"I see. You haven't seen her. Well, I'll be going now. Sorry for my Alakazam's interruption, it did not mean to do so." Sabrina waved her hand, and there, we parted ways.

At that moment, I threw the opportunity of grabbing her hand and returning to the orphanage, the stronghold that upholds my fainted past, a past that I had left for years and for years to come.

Seeing her walk past through me makes me melancholy as the past returns to my sanity. I returned my Pokemon to their Pokeball and like the wind, I ran, regretting the moment I saw her. I even felt the sensation that she looked back to me with a single tear falling from her eye.