EPISODE 14: A Galactic Encounter*

I ran and ran further to the city. My eyes shifted to the side again and became glazed with a glassy layer of tears. As I blinked, they dripped from my eyelids and slid down my cheeks. I bit my lip tightly in attempt to hide any sound that wanted to escape from my mouth as my heart sank.

My lower lip quivered as words slowly made their way out of my mouth. "Why?" I began, yet what followed was engulfed in the tremors. I sat down at the edge of the octagonal the fountain in the center of the plaza. There, everybody passes through me but no one seemed to care for the tears I shed.

Those tears formed into anger and hatred as I remembered those who've wronged me. I clenched my fists tightly and my frown turned into a wrinkle. I wiped off my tears and remembered the promise I told myself. I vowed revenge, vengeance, that is the path I chose long ago.

Liligant went out of her Pokeball, comforting me further. She was also the same Pokemon who comforted me through many trials. She wiped off some of my tears and cleansed my face with her sweet aroma. That wrinkled mouth turns into a smile as I snugged her passionately and fervently. She hugged me back, so sweet, so tender.

Then something else gathered my attention from afar. There were these weird people who clearly had no sense of fashion. They were wearing some nineties space outfits and their hair was color blue but more on the lighter side. One of them was masculine and the other was a feminine. It piqued my interest and so I decided to follow their footsteps.

My steps were slow and soft to the point you can't hear it crunching the snow. They led me to an alleyway wherein they were typing something on their laptop. On their laptop, a holographic logo of the letter G appeared. For a while, it remained like that until it switched into a person with a blue spiky hair.

"Master Cyrus, we were able to examine the lake. So far, we've detected no signs at all." reported, the feminine grunt. I hid behind a trashcan while listening to their conversation. I'm the best when it comes to eavesdropping.

"Return to headquarters immediately." the man flashed from the screen of the laptop instructed.

"This must be a secret organization who might oppose Team Rocket, don't you think Lily?"

Lily nodded her head.

"Of course." responded, the masculine grunt.

Because of the wind, coincidentally, it made the trash can that I was hiding on stumble down. The falling metal attracted the attention of the two grunts as they look at me ferociously. They first cut the connection from their caller who goes by the name of Cyrus.

"Who are you?!" asked, the masculine grunt.

"You are not to know my name. I belong to Team Rocket, an organization that lies in the far east(Kanto)." well, I have no plans of running, so instead, I dealt them with bravery.

"Team Rocket? Never heard of that before." chuckled, the feminine grunt.

"Perhaps they're from the boonies." the masculine grunt laughed at me and Lily, insulting us and making us angry.

"So much destruction, death, and despair. Wouldn't it be better if we were out there? Away from our troubles, our cares and our vice? In our own perfect world, our paradise! Team Galactic, into the unknown, beyond the stars! Where shall we take you, Mars, Jupiter, or Saturn?" the grunts chanted with determination as they tossed out their Pokemon.

One was a Buizel, under the ownership of the male grunt, the other was a Skorupi, under the ownership of a female grunt.

"Gardevoir, fight alongside Liligant!"

"I see, you persistent Rocket grunt, you're willing to fight, so bring it on! Skorupi, pin missile!"

"Buizel, Aqua Jet!"

Two attacks head straight for my Pokemon, I countered them by asking Liligant to use Petal Blizzard on Buizel, making it bounce back to its grunt before even hitting us. Gardevoir automatically dodges the attack and goes by with the move, Moonblast, blasting off Skorupi to the sky.

"Skorupi, go and use Iron Tail!"

"Buizel, quick attack!"

"Come on, Liligant, use Solar Beam! Gardevoir, return to your Pokeball, come out Absol!" I substituted even if it didn't seem fair for the Galactic grunts who only have one Pokemon.

Both Absol and Liligant purposely received the attacks of the Skorupi and Buizel. After obtaining enough energy from the sun, Liligant uses the move and sends it towards Buizel. A move like Solar Beam is a strong one, dealing such a high amount of damage.

Buizel could still stand but not much longer. With Absol, things will probably be of ease. I commanded her to use Shadow Claw which painted Skorupi with a ton of scratches.

Absol does the attack three more times when suddenly she shrieked loudly, releasing a ripple of darkness to that affected both the foes. The ripple made both Skorupi and Buizel faint in one blow and I immediately consulted my Pokedex to see what on Earth did Absol just learn.

It was known as dark pulse, replacing the move bite. The two Galactic grunts were stunned and were stupefied because of Absol's power. Meanwhile, I leap with content, proud that another Pokemon of mine had learned a new move.

"Forget it. Return right now, Buizel."

"You too, Skorupi. What a pain in the butt. We're leaving!"

The male grunt pressed some sort of button from his watch which made something emerge from the ground. It was a hot-air balloon in which the grunts used it as transportation. They left my sight and flew up, up and away in a coward manner.

"Looks like Team Rocket has another rival." I softly murmured, planning to tell my team what I've just seen. In a blitz, I sent Liligant and Absol back to their Pokeball as I dashed through the winding streets and back to our headquarters. Team Galactic, I'll remember that name. As long as they have spacesuits, they're Team Galactic for sure.

And here I thought they were as strong as Team Magma, Aqua, PGC, and the Rebirth Society, or was I just battling the weakest of the weak?