EPISODE 15: Reporting!*

I wheezed as my burning lungs grab the air around me. My legs feel numb and unsteady, painfully sore. I ran as fast as I could but not as fast as a bullet train to avoid my asthma. I successfully defeated two grunts of an organization, a possible threat. I shouldn't have told those space people my organization.

I was racing for the tail of the wind, like a child trying to reach a kite that was lost from his or her hands. The deep and acrid sweat portrayed my exhaustion. Our headquarters is in the furthest point of the city, up a slightly steep slope that gives gravity all the rights to pull you down.

My breath was cloaked with the whiteness of the tormenting snow that blanched my skin. It was bitter and frail like the delicate snow. Bitter? It was because of that morbid smell of my sweat that stained itself unto my skin. I need to have a shower again.

My mind was bothered by the things I've just seen to the point I knocked instead of using the scan mechanism of our doors. Gladly, Charlotte opened the doors from the inside as I fell because of exhaustion unto her grasps.

"There you are! How come you snuck out without telling us?!" instead of a pleasant smile like always, I was gestured with a scold of malice, but I understand my friend is just concerned, perhaps wondering about my whereabouts since the dawn of the day.

"City," I replied while breathing heavily.

"What on Earth were you doing there without my permission?! You know you have asthma right?"


"Then why did you run?!" her voice kept on intensifying by every second that passes through.

"I'm aware of that. I ran, but not like a Scyther." I murmured.

She escorted me to the dining room wherein everyone else was there except for Oliver who was in charge of washing the dishes. They were busy using the phones, playing games like the twins, and their Pokemon. Vizion and Copper were reading comics again, Zeal was just sleeping in the corner like a farmer who has a toothpick in her mouth with a hat covering her face.

"Have you eaten breakfast?" Charlotte asked.

"No. I was planning to."

"Sigh, you left without even eating?!"


I waited in the dining room as Charlotte handed over a stack of pancakes cooked by the people who lower our self-esteem. She gave me a cup of maple syrup sided with grapes while for a drink, I have my daily dosage of orange juice. The orange juice quenched my thirst and the pancakes satisfied my bellies.

Once my breakfast was complete, I gathered their attention and told them what I've seen except for the private ones like my encounter with Sabrina.

"Today I encountered a new group or better yet, an organization that appears to call themselves Team Galactic. They have blue hair, just like their leader but I can't recall his name." I reported.

Everyone was dumbfounded. Even the sleeping Zeal woke up all of a sudden as she tuned her ears. Oliver who was washing dishes while listening to music halted for a while and eavesdropped from afar.

"A new organization?" Vizion asked.

"I don't know if they are new or not but it was a new encounter for me. The thing is, I told them I was of Team Rocket."

"What the?!" Copper exclaimed.

"Hehe," I replied with an embarrassed expression.

"No need to worry! Team Galactic does not stand a chance against us." Faith encouraged.

"Of course they do, they're the space guys." Grace countered her sister with a frightened tone.

"Wait, you know Team Galactic?" Zeal inquired, leaning her head forward.

"Yes. I heard it in the news report once. They're space people." Grace responded again.

"My sister here has a phobia when it comes to planets and other things related to galaxies and universes. She is also afraid of heights, that is her only weakness." Faith explained, clearing things up.

"New or not, we must report this to our main headquarters. The executives are probably unaware of this, Galactic- or whatever you call them. So far, they do not seem much of a trouble as they are just lurking nearby." Vizion suggested.

"Well, consider the fact we disregarded and underestimated the Rebirth Society who knows our ally, I think we should prepare and leave the executives out of this." Charlotte countered.

"Point made." Zeal concurred. From afar, Oliver slowly nodded his head.

"If we leave the executives out of this, then we won't have enough support to handle them." Copper sided with Vizion, of course, a classic move of a friend like him.

"Well, like what your friend over here said, Team Galactic does not seem much of a bother yet." I defended Charlotte's opinion.

"I guess. Alright, we'll be keeping this a secret from the executives for now but if things worsen, I believe we need their support. Deal?" as team captain, Vizion finalized the plan.

"Deal!" the seven of us said, concurring to his words. Oliver on the other hand slowly nodded his head, creeping all of us out.