EPISODE 16: Suspect!*

It was dark, but the moon was still young. The skies were painted with the gloomy color of grey. A foggy night struck Oreburgh City, a vibrant and energetic mining town that is blessed with precious natural resources. There is a Gym where mineworkers take breaks in between their exhausting work shifts. There is a museum that specializes in exhibits related to the town's coal mine. Huge deposits of coal still sleep underneath the ground.

When darkness roams the land, chaos rises to disturb the sleep of the innocent and the fabric of order is torn apart. The city may seem too quiet or rather subtle with the fog flying over the heads of the buildings and infrastructures of this city or so they think.

On one of the streets that may seem off the beaten track is a commotion waiting to erupt. Heading out of the city, running despite exhaustion was a professor. His eyes belonged to the eyes of a man who saw something frightening. His lab coat was pale with smudges of dirt and spilled chemicals. On that same street was the backdoor of a secret laboratory in which the professor exited from there.

Above him, gliding through roofs and ceilings of the tall houses was a black futuristic motorcycle and its driver. The driver was a woman who not many know about. She is Jenny, and now that moon has risen, it was time for her to play a game with one of her suspects.

"P-please," implored, the professor who nearly dropped dead because of exhaustion. Jenny no longer spoke as her motorcycle leaped from the roof of the house down to the brick roads. The professor was blinded by the light coming from the motorcycle as it neighs like a stallion.

The professor tried to escape from Jenny's grasps. She pressed a button from her motorcycle, shooting out a grappling hook that pierced the professor's leg, making him unable to stand nor walk. She was like a fishing man trying to catch fish amidst the rising moon.

Now that the professor was trapped, Jenny switched off her motorcycle and unmounted from it. She walked slowly to the old professor who doesn't know her identity because of the black helmet she wears. She does not seem like an officer for her suit is different, it was the one she bought upon her arrival.

"I- I have nothing. I cannot offer anything to you." uttered, the professor in a woebegone tune.

"I need what's in your head. I need information about my father. You know him, you once worked with him when he was in Hoenn." Jenny uttered back.

"Y-you must be Harold's daughter, Courtney?"

"Don't you dare speak that name ever again. Answer me!" Jenny demanded, holding the old professor by the collar of his lab coat. She was furious, the first time in forever for her fury to burst hotter than the sun.

"I- I don't know what you're talking about. The abandoned laboratory?"

"So, you do know about it."

"Of course, I'd never forget such a nightmare."

"Talk," she demanded again.

"It was an experiment gone wrong in hopes of making a serum that can cure humanity from illnesses. I and your father once worked together to make it. It turned out to be a bio-weapon, a liquid that could cripple the sanity of others, a brainwashing serum. It was an accident, but our leader was in favor of it, thus he asked for a mass release.

Your father, Harold, disagreed. And so, he went to the Hoenn Region to blow up the laboratory in hopes of ending it all. Our leader grew furious and ordered a helicopter to execute his vehicle. So, later than evening when he was busy on his way back to Kanto, a helicopter struck his car, making it crash to the side of the mountain.

And so, to make sure he was dead, the pilot went down and investigated the car, he scratched the hood, writing the letter R, the first letter of our leader." the old professor elaborated as Jenny removed her grip from him.

She was shell-shocked and even told herself, "Team Rocket, this wasn't their fault. The R, it is not co-related to the organization whom I swear to vanquish." she addressed the old professor, "Who is your leader, and where does he come from?"

"For the welfare of my organization, I will keep my mouth shut."

"Tell me!" Jenny demanded ferociously, grabbing the collar once more.

"You're that desperate for revenge? For the death of your father? I once worked with him but I never liked him. Because of him, the laboratory in Hoenn was wrecked apart, nearly ending my life. It was good that your father remains as ashes. You're no match against our leader. Go ahead, if you want information, don't get it from me. Ask Professor Rowan, he was once part of our organization." the old professor whispered unto Jenny's ears.

Jenny was angered by his words and in the blink of an eye, she hanged him in the post light of the street. She then left the scene, heading back to Jubilife City. Soon, the officers came to untangle the professor hanging above the post light. They asked questions, but the professor couldn't explain because her identity was kept hidden and her voice was automated through a chip in her helmet to keep it a secret.

At Jubilife, Jenny finally enters a deep slumber but the words told by the professor kept bothering her. "Father was trying to be a hero all along. It was not, it was not Team Rocket who killed him but an organization far stronger than them," she told herself, hugging her pillow tightly.

She then remembered me all of a sudden, saying, "Because of you, I had to bury sister in a stream. Your cruelty will be no match for mine." There, she finally gave in to drowsiness and closed her eyes. Her stress was soothed and the night turned calm.