EPISODE 17: Guardians of Sinnoh!

Morning has arrived at Oreburgh city. The people had no idea what commotion happened yesterday on one of their streets. All they know is today is a grand opening for a new beginning. Workers grabbed their pickaxes and marched to the mines while their wives take care of the children. Some head straight to the museum while others wait, greeting the tourists and visitors of the city at its gates.

"Ah, finally. Oreburgh City!" yelled, the exuberant Dawn as she rushed straight to the plaza. In the plaza, vendors throw out prices, sell goodies and accessories. Others sell priceless jewelry obtained from their source of income, the Oreburgh mines. Little does Dawn know, her exuberance is about to go way over a hundred.

Her business here in the city was not to attend the gym battle. Unlike May who focuses on both gyms and contests, Dawn is more of a woman who focuses on one goal, being a top coordinator like her mother. There are no contest halls here for the nearest is in the next town. She went here to do a bit of detouring, exploring the Oreburgh Museum.

The royal ethnographic museum stands as one of the largest museums in Oreburgh. It is a place where historians play. A place where one can explore the vast ancient past of not only Sinnoh but the entire world. A place of bones and fossils, teaching the value and importance of them.

[Welcome to the Oreburgh Museum, a place where the past mingles with the future] uttered, an automated voice who greeted Dawn as she entered. Dawn entered with a broad smile and she was greeted by the crowd that visited at the exact same date.

In front was a golden globe of the world, it stands as some sort of sculpture to greet the arriving visitors and tourists. Hanging on the ceilings were no other than fossils of the old and ancient past of flying Pokemon such as Archeops, Archens, Aerodacytl, and many more.

The museum is divided into four sections. Earth Science, Biology, Physics, and Chemistry. Dawn is more of a woman who loves all four; thus she explored them one by one. At the Earth Science compound, she was greeted by the fossils, displayed in a glass. Others were built and reformed to reassemble how the Pokemon looked like. There were also large screens with people talking, explaining the great past.

In Biology, Dawn was introduced to the ancient life of the flora kingdom. It was at that compound when she saw a crowd circling someone. They seemed to be taking pictures as they screamed with excitement. "Who could it be?" she wondered. She took a glance but couldn't see it because of the shrouding crowd.

When the crowd went away, Dawn's jaw dropped. She couldn't believe her eyes. It was her idol, Champion Cynthia, and her fierce Garchomp. No wonder why the crowd was there, they wanted an autograph from her. Dawn quickly approached her and implored for an autograph on her scarf. Champion Cynthia gladly concurred.

At first, Dawn was timid, every emotion in her body snapped out. She was feeling scared, or somewhat unworthy of standing beside the champion all champions fear except for one. He was rumored to be from Galar.


"Th-thank you, Ms. Champion Cynthia." she stuttered because of timidity. Her mind was begging her mouth to do things in the most respectful manner as possible. A champion like Cynthia is fond of getting huge crowds to the point she got used to it. Although unlike others, Cynthia values her fans and followers.

"Um... Ms. Champion Cynthia-"

"Oh please, just call me Cynthia." chuckled, the champion.

"Ms. Cynthia. What brings you here?" Dawn asked, still timid and frightened like a puppy.

"Oh, nothing much. I was busy researching some facts about the lake guardians. Is there by any chance you've heard of them?"

"The bedtime stories?"

"Is that what your parents told you?" Cynthia giggled again and asked Dawn to follow her. She was honored. Dawn wanted to spew out all her exuberance, screaming loudly than ever but she couldn't. Cynthia's Garchomp gave Dawn a glare. Though others may be frightened, Dawn became even more exuberant by seeing that glare, even scratching Garchomp's back.

They headed back to the Earth Science section and there they stood before an old tablet encased inside a glass. The tablet was brittle, a feather can knock it down for it was too old, somewhat forged eighty or a hundred years ago.

"When Arceus created the universe, it created three guardians. Uxie is the Guardian of Lake Acuity. It is known as the bringer of knowledge, as it is capable of wiping the memories of any who see its eyes.

Mesprit is the Guardian of Lake Verity. It is known as the bringer of emotion, as it can drain the emotions of any who touch it.

Azelf is the Guardian of Lake Valor. It is known as the bringer of willpower, as it can make any who threaten it lose all willpower.

Arceus created these three to control and calm Dialga and Palkia whenever they were enraged. According to the legend, all three of them were born in the same egg." elaborated, Cynthia as she explained the three illustrations of three Pokemon carved in the tablet.

Dawn was somewhat entertained, and Cynthia noticed that from her eyes. Dawn's eyes were glimmering as she stared at the priceless and invaluable tablet. She wanted to touch it but she knew she must not.

"Don't you have any gym battle to attend?"

"No, Ms.Cynthia. I'm working hard to become a top coordinator!"

"I see, then that means you're heading to the next town after this."

"Yes, Ms.Cynthia."

"Well then, I bid you the very best, good luck with your contests and I hope we meet again someday." from there, the champion shook hands with the rookie coordinator. Dawn promised herself that she would never wash her hands again for the handshake to remain permanent. Of course, all that was just an exaggeration.

There, the two parted ways and Dawn felt inspired that she could win her upcoming contest. She was also inspired by the story of Emotion, Willpower, and Knowledge. How she dreams dearly to soon meet them one day.