EPISODE 18: Origin!*

The time was three in the morning, I was sleeping peacefully in my bed, hugging my elongated pillow. Beside me was my Pokemon who forced me once more to allow them to sleep with me. If it wasn't for their adorable eyes, I would've never let them. It was also raining outside for I was getting disturbed by the rolling thunder.

From the left, I switched to the right as my skin felt cold, naked, and frail. I was becoming dizzy all of a sudden but I couldn't open my eyes. I can hear, I can feel, I cannot move, I cannot see.

I was paralyzed and deep inside my spirit was awake, panicking as it engulfed itself in fear. I was trapped inside my body, begging for help but no would answer. Sleep paralysis, it was my first time experience such a thing, and I regretted the decision that I've ever felt it.

I tried to remain calm, trying to sleep. I took a deep breath as a nightmare struck in. I thought I was returning to the dream of ponies and unicorns, no, I strayed my mind strayed into a path possessed with nightmare. In my mind, the nightmare plays a haunting video of me walking in some sort of "other dimension."

I know I've been here before. The floating islands? A place where everything seemed to glitch? Yes, I've been here, but it was only now when I recalled the moment again. Above me, I saw three huge and large Pokemon, fighting against each other.

It is a dark blue sauropod-like Pokémon with some gray metallic portions, such as its chest plate, which has a diamond in the center. It also has various light blue stripes. It has a fin-like structure on its back and a crest on its head, resembling a dinosaur.

It also has two horns on top of its head, two fang-like horns around its mouth, and three spines on the back of its neck. It has three claws on each foot of the same metallic looks as its chest plate. Faint cracks exist across its body. Time suddenly stopped for everything was slow. I was still looking above and there I saw another Pokemon.

It is a light-purple, theropod-like Pokémon with stripes and markings of a darker shade and gray underarms and waist. It has round purple-striped plates on its shoulder area, where two pink pearls lie encrusted with a gray rim encircling them and fins in their back. Its arms have extended formations resembling gauntlets and a purple band around each wrist.

It has a long neck, a pointed white crest on the top of its head that extends to its wings, two strong horn-like tusks on the sides of its jaw, and a powerful tail. It has faint cracks along its legs and tail.

Time moved once more as the two gargantuan Pokemon attacked the exact same silhouette I saw before. Everything began to shake as I blinked my eye and woke up from that nightmare I've seen. My upper torso jerked up as my breath turned heavy. I was stunned and I knew it was time to pay attention to all of these once in for all.

Lily woke up too. She went to me and tilted her head in confusion, wondering why I was awake.

I patted her hand and responded, "It's nothing, I had a nightmare, that's all."

I lied down again and surprisingly this time, Lily was hugging me fervently. She emitted her fragrance that made me fall asleep. Like a mother as she cuddled me, she sang a soothing melody, one that can ease the stress forged out of nightmares. I soon forgot about everything as I went back to sleep.

Early in the morning, I purposely woke up, forcing myself to stand as I knock on Zeal's doors. I'm up for another round of scold by Charlotte who is always concerned about it. Because of knocking, I woke up Zeal who was angry at me upon opening the door.

"For Pete's sake, six in the morning?!" she yelled.

"Yes, I know. Come with me." I begged.


"The local library."




"You know what, just come." I dragged her hand and together we went out of headquarters while everyone was still asleep. We went to the city's proper in which everyone who was wide awake was staring at me and Zeal. I circled the city once and took note of the library's schedule. It is one of the rarest library which somehow operates 24/7. Like they say, knowledge can be obtained anywhere, anytime!

"Your demeanor better be good! I'm still on my pajamas." Zeal scolded.

"Sorry about that. No wonder the people were staring at us."

"Sigh." she facepalmed herself.

The library was empty and small as well. The one in Hoenn is definitely much larger. I asked Zeal to take a seat as I find the book that I am earnest to look at. It has something to do with the Pokemon I've seen yesterday. The library is basically the internet, every book is a website, I have to find the correct one.

I scrolled past through most of the shelves, wondering if they have the book I'm looking for in the first place. In the last shelf, bingo! There was this book entitled, "Origin." I gave it a little scroll, not minding the words for now as I focused on the pictures.

"There it is!" I told myself, seeing the image of the Pokemon in my dreams. I quickly closed the book and proceeded back to Zeal who fell asleep in the table. I woke her up with my grin and asked her to take a look.

"Zeal, guess what. I was having this dream yesterday and it was only now when I saw this strange and peculiar Pokemon. They were three and according to this book, they're known as Dialga, Palkia, and Giratina.

Listen to what the book has to say, "In the beginning, there was only a churning turmoil of chaos. At the heart of chaos, where all things became one, appeared an Egg. Having tumbled from the vortex, the Egg gave rise to the Original One. From itself, two beings the Original One did make.

Time started to spin. Space began to expand. From itself again, three living things the Original One did make. The two beings wished, and from them, matter came to be. The three living things wished, and from them, spirit came to be. The world created, the Original One took to unyielding sleep..."

"Oh my- mother of Arceus! You woke me up just to read this?!" Zeal exclaimed with fury.

"I know that, and it's my five hundredth time to hear the tale of origin. You could've asked me instead."

"How did you know about it?"

"Hoenn happens to have a library too, remember?" she uttered sarcastically.

"So can you downgrade this complex text for me?"


"Why? I thought you knew?"

"Yeah, I memorized that poem or whatever you call it but I don't know what it means."

"But still, these Pokemon, they exist in the real world and not just in my dream. Come on." I left the book at the table and once more did I grab her hand, dashing through the city and back to headquarters. I have excellent news to tell everyone.