EPISODE 19: The Scheme is a Go!*

"This is the second time you left without any permission at all!" the eight of us were having our breakfast in the dining room. There, Charlotte scolded me, her usual attitude every time I sneak out or do something wrong.


"What do you mean hehe?! You better explain where you've been and what you've done!" she demanded a reply.

"I went to the library to research important things with Zeal and guess what? I think I know what will make the executives proud. We'll capture a very rare Pokemon, three of them! Then, we will use them for the glory of Team Rocket."

"Three Pokemon, who are those three?" Grace queried.

"She's talking about Dialga, Palkia, and Giratina." Zeal answered with a drowsy and lazy voice, slowly spinning the spoon inside the hot latte she made for herself upon our arrival back here in headquarters.

Everyone was put to a laugh, and even Oliver laughed silently. I guess at first glance my plan seems to be crazy and unrealistic not to mention the poem I found in the book somehow felt like a book from the deities.

"Woah, you really have high hopes that this plan of yours will work." Copper teased me.

"Come on, my plan isn't that bad. All we have to do is to find some ancient ruins that can provide us with more information about the said Pokemon." I countered back at all their teases and mockeries. It may seem impossible but I believe if there is a will there is a way.

"And where are you going to find these ruins?" asked, Charlotte.

"Bulbapedia. I'm sure of it. All I need is this plan to be-"

"And for what cause will we be capturing them?" the team captain silenced everyone's laughter. He then asked me a question with a serious expression. He seemed interested in the topic.

"Um... we can sell them in the black market to earn more money, not to-"

"Dialga, Palkia, and Giratina? That's a gamble. Remove or hurt one of them, you anger the rest. They're like brothers." Copper interrupted.

"Let her speak." Vizion silenced Copper.

"Well, I guess selling them is not the right deal but once the executives know about this, they'll be proud, I'm sure of it. All we need to do is to find a way to capture of find wherever these Pokemon are and we'll capture it."

"So in short you want to catch them for the sake of your ill will?"

"Ill will? Come on Vizion, you know what I mean. Dialga and Palkia's powers can be used for something far greater. Who knows? Perhaps the future of our organization will need them." I begged earnestly.

"Well, I think Luna has a point, or is it just me? I don't understand this grown-up stuff anyway." Faith conversed.

"I agree with my sister," Grace added.

"Vizion, don't do this. Trust me, yes we can build time machines with Palkia, yes we can make a plethora of galaxies bow down to their feet before the executives, yes we can harness matter but still, don't you think Luna's plan is a bit absurd?" Copper persistently counters me.

"Well, actually, what you just said my friend is quite brilliant. Galaxies, time machines, and the power to harness matter itself, this sounds like a win for Team Rocket. As team captain, I've got to say, I agree with Luna." concurred, Vizion which made me burst with ecstasy. Meanwhile, Oliver slowly nodded his head. We don't understand what context he's trying to point out but it seems like he concurs as well.

"Great. So, where to? Which ruins to visit?" Copper learned to accept the plan as well.

"Let's see. I read a brochure once, about some ancient ruins in the town of Celestic. Perhaps checking them out will be a good way to start things." Zeal joined in the conversation.

"Hmm, alright then. Our first mission today for the goal of capturing all or either of the three will be visiting the Celestic ruins. I will assign Luna and Charlotte to go and grab the details for us since she was the one who proposed it. Oliver will be your driver."

"I'm fine with that."

"Me too." Charlotte agreed.

Our plan to capture all or either of the three is a go! It looks like my nightmare gave the eight of us a dream to fulfill. First thing's first, and that is to learn more about the said Pokemon since neither of us are poets. Celestic Ruins, who knows what ancient secrets lie in there?

"About the rest of us?" Zeal inquired.

"We'll stay for now. I suppose studying isn't much of a deal and does not require a squadron to check it out. Just take some photographs of the ruins and we will analyze it here. If trouble calls, decline it as much as possible."