EPISODE 23: A Moratorium for Battling!*

This was just a stroke of luck for me to escape from the hands of the Pokemon International Police. I stared down below them before leaving one of the rooftops and by the way things seem, Detective Looker was somewhat angry as he told the other officers the story of his battle against me. Well, I can't blame him, he has been trying to chase me for more than two years already.

"What am I going to do with you? I know you'll be powerful one day." I sighed, talking to Shelgon who was inside her Pokeball.

I added with a frown, "You tried so hard tonight, kept running for more than ten times and yet your speed never increases. I know training takes more than days but there should be at least an improvement. I know how determined you are not to fail me since you think I might abandon you."

"Hmm, what other way? Mother never thought me a thing or two about this except for running and using the training gyms as an opportunity. Vitamins and medication? I can't just feed it to you like food. Hmm, Melchior gave you to me for a purpose, I just have to find it." I clenched Shelgon's Pokeball a bit tighter, shining it with the cloth I have in my pocket. I then smiled, seeing my reflection.

Suddenly like a worm, something from above charged toward me. I could only see its silhouette as it glided with maximum power. Its fresh claws grabbed hold of my arms, taking me up to the sky as I screamed for help. It didn't stop taking me up, the beast, the bird was huge. Its color was blue and its claws were slowly piercing my casual attire.

We went higher than the clouds and above me, above the bird was a voice chuckling in success. Someone was riding this gargantuan bird with red wings. I couldn't say if it was a Charizard for the wings were somewhat shaped like moons. It also has a long tail and intimidating tail. From the skies, the bird dropped me to the fountain filled with water, making me survive the fall.

The splash was loud but it was not loud enough for it to awaken the sleeping city. Then the large bird from above came to me and showed its true identity with its rider. It turned out, it was a dragon and its rider was no other than Zinnia. Had she come to rematch me? Perhaps yes for I had promised a battle with her the last time we met.

"Feeling better? What are you doing out here in the moonlight?" Zinnia unmounted from her dragon. Surprisingly, Shelgon popped out of her Pokeball too, circling the large dragon with joy. Her eyes glimmered, somewhat awed and inspired.

"Hi there, little thing." Zinnia knelt before Shelgon and petted her. Meanwhile, I was here, standing in confusion as I wondered what on Earth was up with Shelgon, mingling with the enemy.

"This little Shelgon of yours, I'm impressed. Strong but slow." Zinnia complimented.

"Right! You're a dragon trainer right? Hey, about a moratorium? We'll battle next time but if you help my Shelgon increase her speed."

"Whoa, seriously? Me? Shouldn't it be your responsibility? Or you could just kill me right on the spot, like what you did to your previous foes."

"Hey, I know I'm ruthless at times. I have a Multi Personality Disorder and besides, I only do that when I have to. Plus, I'm tired of cheating in battles. I want to- at least claim victory from not grunts but trainers. I lost to Red, Ethan, technically won against Brendan and May, but only technically since we were busy claiming Rayquaza.

I lost a lot, and I only won because of using my disorder. Now, it is time to set things aside, and train my Pokemon!" I beamed with high determination and passion.

"Sigh, fine. The next time we meet, I'll guarantee a battle!"

"You've got it!" I winked.

"Now let's see. Shelgon seems so inspired every time she looks at Salamence, her evolved form. When my Salamence was once a Shelgon, he was being a bother to me since his stamina drastically declined. Trust me, that is the nature of a Shelgon, they're always slow and that is really troublesome unless we make it learn a move that requires high stamina."

"What kind?"

"Aerial Ace!"

"But that is a flying type move right?"

"Yes I know but come to think of it, it is possible. All Shelgon needs to do is run at a very fast speed, one direction until her legs are off the ground. Hard? Yes, worth it? Of course!" Zinnia advised.

"Umm..." I thought, looking at my Shelgon who was very determined so I agreed. It was almost two in the morning but our passion kept us awake.

"Here, have some Carbos." out of nowhere, Zinnia tossed three pills of Carbos inside Shelgon's mouth.

"Hey, wait! Shelgon just ate five of those this morning." it was too late when I warned her.

"Oopsies. Well, like they say, the more the better right?"

"Yeah, if your aim is to give my Shelgon a stomach ache." I pouted.

"Okay, back to the topic. Go run around the fountain Shelgon! Salamence will be cheering for you, right?"

Salamence shrieked loudly. It served as an inspiration for my Shelgon who ran around the fountain once. It took her about five minutes.

"Wow, that is a big problem." Zinnia slowly nodded her head, observing the worn-out Shelgon. "Try jumping and running, you know what I mean." Zinnia instructed while I watched in the corner. With that being said, it took Shelgon ten minutes this time to circle the whole fountain.

"Let's be patient." Zinnia told me and patted my shoulder.

"Oh, I'm fine as long Charlotte is asleep. She'd scold me to hell if she knew I was awake."

"Your friend is harsh."

"No, I'm quite glad she does scold me even if I don't listen to her. Hehe. She's just concerned about my health, that's all."

While the topic became a conversation between me and Zinnia, Salamence slowly approached Shelgon with a smile.

Salamence told the frowning Shelgon.

Shelgon complained.

Salamence advised.

Shelgon tried again, she ended up failing for the third time and was beginning to lose hope. There was no possible way for her speed to increase and learning Aerial Ace was a figment of her imagination.

Salamence advised.

Shelgon uttered. There was a glare at her eyes, not the type of glare to signify anger but the glare to signify passion, willpower, and enthusiasm.

Shelgon went for it, hopping through Salamence's suggestion. It made her stumble but she stood up and tried again. She stumbled again, then again, and another round happened with the same results. Shelgon wasn't used to Salamence's method, she finally decided to frown again.

Salamence uttered and walked back to his trainer.

While I and Zinnia were having a conversation, something dropped on my head. I grabbed it from my hair and it turned out to be a letter. Quickly, I unzipped the envelope and read the letter. The author was anonymous but it had the signature, RS. The letter says that someone is asking for my appearance at the nearby lake of Snowpoint City.

"Z-Zinnia. Thanks for your help, I- I have to go someplace else. Shelgon, return to your Pokeball." while reading the letter back and forth, I bade my goodbyes to Zinnia.

"What on Earth? I thought you wanted my help? Your Shelgon barely trained!" she shouted while watching me leave.

"Thanks, I'll just help her from here on out. Um, um... I guarantee a battle once we meet again. I promise, and I do not plan to break my words this time." I waved my hand and left the scene. She was still confused about why I would leave all of a sudden.