EPISODE 30: Up for a Green Appetite?*

"The winner of the match goes to Luna!" proclaimed, the champion. I couldn't say much, I was speechless. For two years of fighting, I finally defeated a trainer, an official battle with an official result of victory. My heart has been struck with the highest dosage of pride as tears fell off my eyes while hugging Shelgon.

She performed excellently, and my scheme turned out to succeed. Now I've learned a new lesson. Perhaps it is better to make your plans and schemes rather than copying them. Cynthia's lecture also served me well, there are no formulas or equations to winning, only through experience could my skills be honed.

After the match, I shook hands with Lucas as a sign of sportsmanship. I tried to remain calm, not spilling out all my enthusiasm for that would be arrogance and boastfulness. My victory, however, I believe is not that impressive as other victories out there but at least it serves as my first steps to becoming a profound Combat agent or maybe a leader of Team Rocket. Who knows what the future bears?

"Stunning. Shelgon gave it her all and the product of that was a new move. Roll-out serving as a replacement for Aerial Ace is decent enough. For now, that move will help her speed increase as she further gets used to it. Hmm, I know! Since every single one of you battled hard, that includes Logan and Dawn, why don't I treat all of you for lunch?

Do anyone of you have an appetite for green delicacies?" Cynthia's love for food is displayed in front of us.

"Green delicacies?" Dawn queried, she couldn't quite understand what the champion was trying to say.

"Vegetables and fruits of course! Eterna City is famous for its grass type gym that also has a restaurant behind it. The restaurant promotes vegetables. It's been a while since I've eaten them but before that..." Cynthia's attention was stolen after hearing the Ice Cream Van coming from the distance. Her love for ice cream showed as she craved for them.

While we wait here in the battlefield, Cynthia walked to the Ice Cream Van to buy her ice cream. We waited for more than thirty minutes, watching her from the distance. She seemed to be in a troubled state, wondering what ice cream flavor to buy.

"The ice cream fills up my vision, cold blocks in a multitude of hues, each one of them so frozen until a touch of warmth transforms them into sweetness," she told herself while reading the labels of the flavors one by one. Another thirty minutes passed and yet she was still busy choosing a flavor.

"August Pie Vanilla with Peaches, Nectarines and Red Raspberry Sauce please." Cynthia was finally able to choose a flavor after an hour of waiting. She came back to us, all saddled up to show us the way to the restaurant while licking her ice cream.

The back of Lucas's so far most haunted nightmare, the gym of Eterna City, was no other than an outdoor restaurant. It had the ambiance of a garden with wedding arches everywhere, wiggling vines hanging up and down the brick walls, flowers blooming the patch of grass in which it serves as the floor of the wooden tables and chairs.

There were also lanterns hanging in arches. It was one of the most beautiful restaurants that I've ever visited, even better than the restaurant I saw in Cyanwood City. I'm fine with eating vegetables except for the green broccoli and the bitter-gourds that only make my tongue ache and my body shiver.

A platter of roasted vegetables will be enough for me. A sprinkle of onion grass, a slice or two of carrots sided with okras and eggplants with a bit of egg for a little touch? That would be delicious since my mother had cooked them for me and I loved them.

While waiting for my other, Gardenia came to greet the champion. After all, this was her restaurant. Gardenia has brown eyes and short half-brown, half-black hair. She wears a black long-sleeved crop top that shows her midriff under a green cloak with a black "X" mark in the center. She wears brown knee-length khaki shorts and a black belt with a silver buckle around her waist. Finally, she wears green boots with black laces.

Gardenia is a quirky and friendly trainer, who gets giddy whenever she comes across Grass-type Pokémon. Although she has a bubbly personality, her past may suggest she's a lot more complex than initially believed. Well, that was according to Logan and Lucas who kept talking about this strange castle hidden in the forest.

"Howdy! Welcome to my restaurant!" Gardenia greeted the five us with a grin.

"Gardenia, such a pleasure to meet you after a long time." Cynthia and Gardenia gestured each other with a hug.

"The pleasure is all mine, Cynthia! Oh? Well, looky here, Lucas? You're up for some veggies? When are you planning to have a rematch with me?"

"Hehe, perhaps tomorrow Ms.Gardenia."

"I'll be waiting! Anyway, I'll check on your food if it's done." Gardenia grinned again as she returned to the kitchen of her restaurant.

Once the food arrived on the table, it was time to dine in! We're up for some green veggies, far from the poultry, meat, and seafood for a moment. I was in cloud nine while tasting Gardenia's dishes, one can call it a celebration of flavors. My dish was sweet and spicy and I even wanted to order one more plate when suddenly my phone rang.

I excused myself and headed to the corner, only to be met with terrible news. It was Zeal, she was breathing heavily which a psychological sign something wrong is going on. Her words were sincere enough to force me to leave the place and head back to headquarters. According to her, something went terribly wrong and she wants me to arrive before it's too late.

I returned to my table, grabbing my bag and bidding my goodbyes, "Thank you for the food. Logan, Lucas, Dawn, Ms.Cynthia, I have to do something important, I appreciate everything you've done for me."

"Safe journeys." Cynthia greeted as I waved my hand at the four of them. I left the restaurant and commuted back to Snowpoint City.

"What's up with her?" Dawn wondered.

"She's always busy and I can't blame her for that," Logan answered. His eyes were twinkling while he stared at the sky...