EPISODE 31: A Call!*

The Tauros ran as fast as it can just so I could reach the city in time before things get worse. Deep, somewhere in my mind, I wondered what could've happened. My soul was just praying that it could've not been anything dangerous such as a sudden attack or a bombardment from our enemies. Team Galactic, I'll teach those crooks a lesson when I figured out it was them who was responsible for all of these.

I arrived at headquarters around three, skipping through the tiles and brick floors and this time, finally using the scanner to automatically open our sliding doors. I entered the headquarters and I was furious. No commotion at all, Zeal must've prank called me for the first time, probably due to boredom.

They were just there, walking around and using the Rotom-Phone. Even the twins were playing dress-up with their Plusle and Minun. Charlotte also seemed fine, reading something funny in her Rotom-Phone. I can say by her expression. Zeal was also fine, sitting in the corner while grooming her Roserade.

"Did you just call me for no reason at all?!" I confronted Zeal with an angered tone.

"I was bored okay. Plus, it's time for our report and it wouldn't be fair if you would've missed it." Zeal finally admitted, there were some chuckling noises as she emitted her words.

"I'll get you back one day." I squinted my eyes tightly, swearing the most ultimate revenge that I could've think of which has nothing to do with blood, killing, or hurting. She'll be flustered when she sees what pranks I have up my sleeves. I also forgot that today was our report.

"What were you doing in Eterna City anyway? Was there someone you met with today?" Zeal asked, twitching her eyebrows at me.

"Whatever you're thinking, it's not." I pouted.

"Sigh, alright. When are you going to introduce him to us?" Zeal twitched her eyebrows at me.

"What I don't have- you know what? Never mind, I'm going to get you back one day, two times! This won't be the last of me!"

"Jeez, it was just a joke. Wear your Rocket uniform, the conference is in ten minutes." Zeal reminded.

"I don't need to wear my Rocket uniform." with a smug expression, I uttered back, removing my jacket and wearing my gloves instead.

"That technique will make you sweat heavily."

"Yeah I know, I don't bother. The city is always filled with the cold wind anyway."

And so we gathered at our main wing, the place where we can swivel our chairs and hope that we don't puke anywhere. Saddled in our seats after playing for a while except for the boys who are always serious, we received an incoming message from our Johto headquarters. This was it, and we would be explaining what we've done so far which is nothing much.

My worry here is if the executives will be pleased with our current status or worse, even replace us. But since I've worked with them before, they don't seem to have high standards that we must reach for us to be qualified to live further in this winter wonderland.

"Report." surprised the eight of us were only to see Matori with no one else. She's looking authoritarian than ever before which I like since I've missed her demeanor and style of grunt enslavement.

"Ms.Matori, where are the executives?" I wondered.

"Busy with other agendas so I was assigned to head to Johto. Team Captain Vizion, report."

Vizion choked his saliva and calmly spoke as possible, "Well, um... Ms.Secretary, everything is doing alright."

We all looked to him with our eyes wide open. It's either he's playing around or he hasn't witnessed Matori's devastating scold when it comes to sarcasm.

"You expect me to say that to the executives? Everything is doing alright?" Matori talked back. We sighed in relief that we were unable to hear her yell.

"Greetings Ms.Matori! This report is our current status in this region so far. Overall, there were no major flaws nor blunders in this mission. For the past few weeks, we were able to obtain more than ten thousand Pokedollars to be used as funds for this mission as proposed by the executives. So far, there were no incidents of corruption or invalid use of this money.

A few days ago, an Elite Operative of ours was able to take down a base belonging to Team Galactic, an organization known to be dwelling in the region and is our current enemy. We've also came up with a scheme that would help Team Rocket's infrastructures, weapons, perhaps even biotechnology, flourish and develop.

We ought to seek for two Pokemon known as Dialga and Palkia, the source of Team Rocket's grandest future yet. We plan to acquire them through the details we've found from one of the ruins, the Lake Guardians. The Lake Guardians are said to bear an extreme amount of power and when captured, the red chain can be formed which is some sort of device that we could use to control the minds of Dialga and Palkia.

In conclusion, Operation: R is moving in the path of success so far unless Team Galactic strikes back. Rest assured, we have prepared precautionary measures to deal with them. That is all, Ms.Matori." Grace took charge and did the report instead. We all looked to her, even her sister did.

"Good. Now that is how you do a report." Matori uttered and cut the connection between her and our headquarters.

"So, the end?" Zeal queried.

"Well, I saved all of you from embarrassment, so you're welcome." uttered, Grace with a snug on both her face and Minun's.

"How do you know how to make a report in the same minute when the higher officials are talking?" Copper inquired, he couldn't believe what his ears just heard.

"I just say what comes up in my mind. And that was somehow an informal report that Matori accepted." humbly, Grace answered the question. Our report, I mean her's, was a success so far and hopefully the executives will be pleased once they hear about this.