EPISODE 32: The Professor!*

It was afternoon and Jenny was wearing her casual public attire. A simple regular top, a skirt, and a jacket. Her reputation as of now is just a simple woman who was here in Sandgem Town to pay Professor Rowan a visit. Her goal to seek the truth of her family continues onward, and after her interview with the previous professor, she believed it was time to head to the next suspect.

Sandgem Town, its beauty was unable to lull Jenny. When she was a bit younger, Jenny loved the beaches but now that seems more of a children's play area to her. She was more concentrated than ever before, putting her goals first before leisure activities and recreation, after all, this is her purpose for going to the region in the first place.

The time is currently four in the afternoon, usually, during this hour, the people are having their siesta, a time for sleep and rest. A man like Rowan, however, is always busy; thus he usually skips his siesta time and uses coffee as an alternative. Jenny knocked onto the doors of the professor's laboratory and was greeted by one of the Professor's aides.

"Is, is, there anything I can do to help you, young lass?" Jenny was mistaken as a lass because of her outfit.

"I want to meet the professor," Jenny replied, her smile was a bit uncomfortable for she was faking it.

"Professor Rowan? Terrible timing, he's busy handling some "important" agendas. He'd rather not be disturbed for the moment."

"I'm willing to wait inside," Jenny replied again, leaving the aide with no other excuses why not to let her in. Agreed, the aide nodded his head and asked Jenny to sit in the nearby bench while he checks on the professor.

He first knocked then entered the professor's compound. The aide flinched, seeing all the clutter and mess happening in the room. The other aides were helping Professor Rowan handle the experiment which gone wrong a few minutes before Jenny arrived. Most of the glass pane windows were destroyed, making the laboratory have an abandoned presence.

"So, um..." the aide was speechless.

"Oh, there you are! Where have you been?!" Professor Rowan queried.

"Well, um... I opened the door, it looks like you have a visitor."

"A prehistoric Pokemon?"

"Wh- what do you mean professor?"

"Sigh, never mind. I just had problems to deal with. A bunch of prehistoric Pokemon escaped my laboratory. Anyway, who's going to receive a starter Pokemon today? The last time I checked no one registered." Professor Rowan took his lab coat which was hanging behind the door and went outside of his compound while the other aides handle the mess. He went to Jenny who was busy playing some games in her Rotom-Phone.

"So? Forgot to register?" asked, the professor.

"Good afternoon professor, I am not a trainer, I just came here for an interview."

"A police officer? A detective?"

"Neither professor. I'm just a woman trying to find answers for a question that I've only focused on right now."

"Well, I suppose a few questions about Pokemon will do, come on, follow me."

Jenny and the professor went to a private room to discuss things. At first, Professor Rowan thought that Jenny was one of his die-hard fans who yet again is here to ask more about Pokemon behaviors or any other matter relating to this. Well, he thought wrong when Jenny unzipped her fake smile, revealing a serious expression.

"So, I talked to one of your friends and according to him, you were once part of an organization that mainly functions in the Galar Region. Is there by any chance you know my father, his name is Harold." hearing her words, Rowan flinched.

"Any bells ringing?" Jenny leaned her head forward, one of her eyebrows were lifted.

"How should I put this? Yes, I've known Harold for more than eight years. We were friends and worked in the same organization as well in the Hoenn Region. Our organization ought to save humanity from their burdens but it failed. Instead, a bio-weapon was forged out of our research. Harold was in denial and he and I fled the organization after this but one of our friends did not. Harold was responsible for the explosion and in return, he was haunted down by one of the chairman's "underlings." Well, that's all."

"About the name of the organization? Who is this chairman, I've been hearing that title for quite some time now."

"Eh? I can't exactly remember the name of the chairman since I've forgotten all about it. I also don't remember our organization's name. Hmm, I think it was- no, no, I'm wrong."

"I- I see."

"So, that's it?"

"Yes, well, there's nothing left for me to do here since you've answered all my questions honestly and precisely. Thank you for your time, Professor Rowan." Jenny stood up, she was somehow in a rush as she shook Professor Rowan's hands.

"Hey, where are you going?!" Professor Rowan asked after seeing Jenny leave the room all of a sudden.

"I- I have to deal with things." Jenny halted for a moment, after uttering her words she continued her way out of the laboratory.