EPISODE 33: Taming the Salty Tears!*

From the professor's laboratory, Jenny traveled to the nearest lake, Lake Verity. She was left with a dead-end after her interview with the professor. What could she do now that she had ran out of suspects? Professor Rowan didn't seem suspicious, but his other friend did who turns out to be supporting the organization's actions, an unknown organization in the far west.

She wasn't alerted of any brainwashing serums or abandoned laboratories here in the region and now that she has come to a dead-end, her mind lied confuse on what to do next. Who could her next target be aside from me? She is still completely clueless about my location.

Leaning on the tree with her Raichu on her lap, staring into the wide waters of Verity, Jenny's eyes spilled tears as she remembered her family. A lone survivor she is, her father died, her mother died, and now her sister in which she accuses me for her death. A lot of terrible things had happened in Jenny's life.

Raichu tried to comfort her trainer. She looked into her eyes and wiped her tears but that didn't stop the flow. Jenny then hugged her Raichu tighter than ever. It was a fervent moment between the two of them.

"I don't know what to do now," Jenny told her Raichu.

Raichu smirked back, playing and pressing Jenny's cheeks.

"I guess I should've never left the Pokemon International Police."

Raichu nodded her head.

Suddenly while the two were conversing with each other, something from within the lake emerged out of the water. It was a Pokemon that was heavily staring at the two of them. It wasn't in its invisible state and was confident enough to fly around Jenny.

The Pokemon chuckled while giving Jenny a berry she got for her in the tree she was leaning on.

"Th-thanks," Jenny responded with a smile, wiping off her tears as she petted the Pokemon's head.

Mesprit nodded. It is known as the being of emotion, and he who meets Mesprit's standards can play with it or better, capture it but in Jenny's case, Mesprit only seemed to be a playful little creature.

"Hey, haven't I seen in you in the Pokedex before?" Jenny recalled. She opened her Pokedex and scanned the Pokemon.

[Mesprit! The emotion Pokemon! Known as "The Being of Emotion." It taught humans the nobility of sorrow, pain, and joy.] stated, the Pokedex.

"I knew I've heard about you before. Nice to meet you Mesprit, well, it's not like I'm going to capture you or anything." Jenny chuckled. Mesprit went closer to Jenny's heart and tapped it. She then felt a sudden joy as her salty tears were tamed. She was feeling a bit lively, she couldn't explain why she would be feeling the sensation of positivity all of a sudden.

"So, this must be your power. You have the power to turn any tears into joy? Anger into happiness?"

Mesprit nodded, abruptly, something from the sky dropped upon it. It was a metallic cage that trapped Mesprit. Soon, the helicopter above began to descend to pick up Mesprit inside the cage. Mesprit longed for Jenny's help, her voice was cute, like a crying puppy as members of Team Galactic approached the Pokemon.

"Hey! Release Mesprit right now!" Jenny demanded.

"A bystander? I thought you said the lakefront was empty?" Mars sighed while looking at her two grunts.

"Well, don't blame us, commander, that is what the radar detects." one of the grunts spoke up for him and his other grunt.

"Watch your words, I have the right to fire you, you insolent grunt!" Mars scolded the grunt that spoke violently against her. Because of the commander's words, the grunt remained silent.

"Didn't you hear me?! I said release Mesprit!" Jenny continued to demand.

"Listen here, young lass, we are Team Galactic, one of the strongest organizations that were ever established." said the commander who belongs to an organization in which one of their bases was raided by one man alone.

"Team Galactic, I'll remember that name, Raichu, use Iron Tail on the cage to set Mesprit free!"

Raichu did her trainer's bidding, cutting the cage in half with her tail and letting Mesprit free. Mesprit was thankful but scared; therefore, it returned to its home, on the seabed of Lake Verity it went.

"I'm one of Team Galactic's three Commanders. We've been trying to create a new world that's better than this one... But people have shown little understanding of what we do. You don't understand either, do you? It's a little saddening... So, let's have a battle to decide what we should do next. If I win, you leave. If you win, we, Team Galactic, will leave!"

"Challenge accepted, I'll stick with my Raichu!"

"Purugly! You're up!"

"I'll have the first move, use Electro Ball, Raichu!"

"Purugly, dodge the attack, and proceed with Slash!"

Purugly purred and rolled her body to dodge the electrifying sphere heading towards her. In return, Raichu was hit with Purugly's sharp claws.

"Purugly, continue with Slash!"

Purugly purred once more as she hit Jenny's Raichu.

"Raichu, go use Thunderbolt!"

Raichu gave Purugly an electrifying shock but it looked somewhat useless for once the attacked ended, Purugly was seen, still standing strong and able to battle.

Then, one of Mars's grunt interrupted the match, saying, "Commander Mars, Master Cyrus is requesting for your appearance in Eterna City!"

"Well, lucky girl." Mars chuckled, sending Purugly back.

"About Mesprit?! We promised Master Cyrus not come empty-handed!" the other grunt reminded.

"Not me, the two of you did, I just came to look after you. We'll capture Mesprit some other time, for now, it's time to leave." Mars gave a soft chuckle and entered the helicopter with her grunts. They then flee the scene with Jenny glaring at them.

"Those nitwits! I'll show them soon." Jenny swore, pointing her fist at the helicopter drifting away from her. Meanwhile, from the helicopter, Commander Mars gazed down, winking at the former officer of the Pokemon International Police.