EPISODE 37: A Sacrifice Most Needed!*

We returned to lake Acuity with our orange juice and together we sat in the same tree, watching the blue color of the lake while the sibling rivalry between Faith and Grace has completely ended, even forgetting that they were playing with stones the first time they arrived here. I couldn't understand what they were talking about since all I'm not much of a tech genius myself.

Ah, it was great to enjoy the view. The current remained the same, and the beauty of the lake prevailed. It would be better to visit the lake at night for during that time, there is silence everywhere unlike the day where you can hear the buzzing Pokemon cries. Still, the buzzing noises were minimal and you can still enjoy the day at least.

At least this day is a sunny day. The sun is at its peak and one can really enjoy the sun's rays especially in a city of snow when it is usually snowing here. Now that the argument between the twins are finally over, I get to close my eyes and fall under the spell of slumber again. No distractions this time, nothing to disturb me.

And from above, a grenade fell off a helicopter but I couldn't sense it just yet for it was still falling. It landed at the center of the lake, and there I heard the explosion. I was awakened by two things. The tormenting sound of the explosion and the water that splattered on my face. At first, I thought the twins were at their experimentation again but it turned out, there was truly a helicopter that bombed the center of the lake from above.

"What a mess," I told my mind. The lake was pretty fine, but it caused some of the ice in the lakefront to melt. And from the seabed emerged a Pokemon.

It is a small, gray, fairy-like Pokémon with two gray tails that are each encrusted with a red gem. It has a partially yellow face with another red gem encrusted into its forehead. Its head faintly resembles that of a helmet or a human brain. The eyes of it, are always remained shut. According to my Pokedex, it was no other than Uxie, being of knowledge. Those who see its eyes are said to lose their memories; thus they remain forever closed from anyone.

From above, a net falls and captures Uxie who is then brought to the helicopter. There shouted a man, "You've fallen right into my grasps! Uxie, being of knowledge, you were made for a better purpose." it was no other than Cyrus.

I quickly blocked the twins while staring at the movements of the helicopter. I tried contacting headquarters but no one was answering, at least this gave me an opportunity to get back on Charlotte who kept scolding me whenever I'm gone. Now, it's her turn to be scolded, hee! Hee!

"Stay behind me," I told the twins. Then from above, Cyrus and I met through our eyes as Uxie traveled up the helicopter, struggling to escape but whenever it touches the net, its body would only get electrocuted.

"Descend the helicopter," Cyrus instructed calmly to Elite Operative Venus.

"Right away, Master Cyrus." Venus saluted and slowly descended the helicopter to the ground. Once it reached the snow, my glare upon them intensified as I took a grip of the twins' arms, making sure they're safe. Cyrus walked forth, his footsteps stained at the snow as he smiled at me with that broody look.

"Get back from them!" I ferociously shouted. The twins were shivering in fear, showing sympathy to both me and Uxie.

"You're the pesky agent who ran across our operations. Perhaps you know a thing or two about a male who raided our base in Eterna City. Hmm?" Cyrus asked. I knew he was referring to Oliver but in no way would I reveal our headquarters. We're only eight compared to an organization who's a dozen.

"I won't tell you anything," I yelled again, I then addressed the twins, telling them to hide behind the tree. They followed my instructions, taking little glimpses on my stand against the madman who wanted to restart the whole universe.

"I know you wouldn't, so we would have to force you instead." he chuckled softly as he tilted his head to the left. There a bullet comes at me- actually, it was more of a dart. I was unable to dodge it since I was gobsmacked when I saw it coming. It came from Elite Operative Venus's gun. The dart shot my neck, and I felt a tingling sensation as I dropped on the ground.

I was being electrocuted continuously by the dart. The pain was grave and if the twins would've experienced it, I'd be dead in front of Admin Fortuna.

"Bring her to the helicopter," Cyrus commanded as two more grunts went of the helicopter, rushing to me and carrying my body back to their vehicle. The twins were safe from danger, the only thing they had to bear was to see me being taken someplace else with Uxie onboard their helicopter. After that, Cyrus returned to his helicopter as it lifted off the ground.

Safe from sight, the twins went out from their hiding spot, panicking in a way they could faint anytime sooner. Both were traumatized by what they've seen and now they discussed things in the lakefront.

"What should we do now?! We must save Luna from them!" Faith asked. Her voice was worried and stressed.

"I- I don't even know where they brought her. What if they took her in another city that the two of us do not know about?!" Grace asked her sister, also with a worried and stressed voice. Suddenly, the two sisters heard a strange voice in her head, it was speaking to them, addressing them directly.

"Head to the farthest point of the eastern reaches of the city, there you'll find a vacant landmass with nothing but snow and a helicopter. Underneath the snow is a manhole, the entrance to where we're at." the voice spoke.

"U-Uxie?!" the twins yelled in terror at first, but they came to the conclusion that they were talking to Uxie, a Pokemon who connects with those who bear the greatest of knowledge, an exact description of the two prodigies. The voice disappeared, it tried to repeat itself but it was getting more scratchy and scratchy, like a knife piercing a metallic plate.

"Where to know? Should we follow Uxie?" Faith inquired to her sister.

"Definitely. Eastern reaches, helicopter, manhole. Those are the important details, now let's go before they use some truth serum on Ms. Luna!" Grace took a grip of Faith's hand, planning to do this solo mission alone, completely forgetting about the other five Elite Operatives of Team Rocket.