EPISODE 38: Instincts!*

Scared little hearts saddled on brave shoes, the twins went for a walk to the eastern reaches of the city, a place where the snow hits the strongest for that is where a part of Mt.Coronet's foot lies. According to folklore, those who come never seemed to return, and centuries later, their bodies would be found lurking in the snow. Harsh and grave winds, capable of moving hills and trees, snow of the extreme, capable of freezing anyone who comes to disturb its play with the wind.

Seeing the twins coming across their paths, the winds laughed and chuckled for what could their mere age serve against their powerful mouth? Huffing and puffing for years before and years to come? They pitied the twins, starting off with a silent whisper that slowly intensified into a bellowing yell the further the twins walked.

"I don't like this place." Faith uttered with a scratching voice as her hand shivered, blanched, even blanched than the complexion of the wide moon. Then came the clouds, throwing snow at them, mocking them as if they were to lone travelers entering the gates of a kingdom. In medieval ages, people would throw tomatoes or worse, insults. All they have as their protection was their thick wool.

"We must save Ms. Luna! Stay strong." Grace grabbed her sister's hands, and together they walked side by side. Their hands were getting frail and their body was weakening. They should've asked help from the other Elite Operatives rather than deciding to this all by themselves.

The winds and the clouds were in total shocked for the twins were able to handle their attacks. No matter how they intensified, the twins withstood them, even getting mocked by their vicious glares. Once they had passed through that terrible area, the wind and the clouds finally surrendered, waving their white flag. The farthest part of the city, only three to four houses are established here.

It was calm, yes, but the reason why only a few came to settle here was because of the journey they had to surpass, the twins were successful. They saw the helicopter, the very same helicopter which captured me and Uxie. They searched and scoured it, but no one was inside.



The two twins sent out their adorable Pokemon. With them, they sparked a fire using their electric pouches in their cheeks. The fire will give them temporary warmth for now, until they think of a plan. They cooled off their skin and melted their blanched complexion.

"I forgot my tools." Faith uttered, hugging her Plusle tightly as they gazed unto the fiery flames.

"Well, I forgot my blueprints since I thought it would just be a normal day," Grace uttered as well, also hugging her Minun tightly as they gazed unto the fiery flames.

"Let's just use our Pokemon instead. I have a battery in my bag, I forgot to remove it."

"Where did you get the battery Faith?"

"From our old laptops. I decided to disassemble them when mother bought us new ones and I forgot to remove it from my bag since then."

"Faith! You're a genius! We can use the laptop battery to explode the manhole with an electric shock. The impact is small but right to make the manhole cover go boom!" Grace was awed as enthusiastic filled in. After hearing her sister's words, Faith was also awed. It was a coincidence for the battery to be inside her bag and they gladly used it to destroy the cover of the manhole with the use of their Pokemons' electric moves.

Once that was finished, they proceeded down, entering a dark sewer. The water smelled like weak old socks, rotten eggs, rancid cheese as the twins walked by the side. It was stinky, and they had no choice but to cover their noses. It was as if a thousand of rotten bodies were left to float in the dark green waters around them.

They came across five grunts who became alerted upon seeing them. The twins quickly ran around them as their paralyzing guns aimed for them. The match was like hunters trying to shoot a squirming ant with their guns and rifles. The twins were hard to shoot and one by one, they pushed the grunts to the water.

"See you in heaven! That's if, that's where you're heading." Faith giggled as she commanded her Plusle to use Discharge on the water. That resulted in an unforgiving pain of electricity succumbing to the bodies of these five grunts.

They made their way through the sewers and at the end was a metallic door. This could be a great opportunity to trick the grunts from the inside but in order to do so, they would need to be fast. Faith was the first one who took action, knocking hard on the door and afterward, her sister took charge, asking Minun to electrocute the metallic door with Discharge.

"Who's there?!" a grunt from the inside shouted as he held the doorknob. He was electrocuted, since metal is a conductor. An electrical conductor is a substance in which electrical charge carriers, usually electrons, move easily from atom to atom with the application of voltage. Conductivity, in general, is the capacity to transmit something, such as electricity or heat.

Seeing the grunt electrocuted, the others were alerted and without thinking, they held the doorknob as well. The twins had a good time laughing at their "screams of pain" as Minun and Plusle kept using discharge on the doors.

Finally, one smart grunt came up with an idea with the use of his brain. He took a cloth and used it to open the doorknob but shocked he was to see nobody outside. He, alongside a few others, walked further a bit outside the door, but finding no intruder at all.

Suddenly the twins surprised them from the sides, electrocuting the grunts with Plusle and Minun. Once that business was over, they used this as an opportunity to enter their base. More grunts came with their Pokemon but the twins retaliated by outsmarting them. They ran around, teasing the grunts, "You can't catch me! You can't catch me!" and making them triggered.

"Grr! Skorupi, fix your aim!" the grunt scolded.

Skorupi nodded and tried to hit the twins who were running. They failed.

"A bottle of water?" teased Faith, splashing water from her tumbler to the grunt they were facing.

"Why you little child?! I just cleaned my uniform!"

"Well sorry, we're just here to save someone," Grace added as Minun sent out another round of discharge to the grunt. A water bottle was not needed to be honest since the human body is made out of seventy percent of water.

Because of these tactics that the twins continuously did to the face of the grunts, the alarms rang, symbolizing the threat was severe and is in need of immediate action. Despite the extra help, the grunts failed to apprehend the "naughty" twins as they did the "spill the water and electrocute them" tactic.

Meanwhile, on another sector is where I lie. Being electrocuted for a long time had made unconscious and it was only now when reality slapped me back. My eyes flickered as I sensed a sensation of headache. It was painful, as I rotated my head, seeing a blurry image of a man in front. Soon, that blurry image became clear as it was revealed Cyrus was standing in front of me all along.

Beside him was a chubby man and according to his tag, his name is Commander Charon. I gave a little gaze around the room, seeing myself tied in a chair, laboratory equipment everywhere such as tables filled with test tubes and microscopes, test chambers, other scientific thingies, and the unconscious Uxie who was inside a cage somewhere in the corner of the room.

"So, are you going to tell us?" Cyrus started the conversation. His broody expression still irks me even until this moment.

"No. My members will be anonymous! You'll never find out about them." I shouted back in a fierce and aggressive manner.

"Your yell is useless, no one is coming to save you-"

"Master! Intruders!" Venus busted the door open and alerted Cyrus. The madman sighed as he tried to keep his calmness.

"Team Rocket?" Cyrus inquired.

"Children," Venus answered. There at that moment, I knew the twins arrived to save me which made me a bit worried for I am uncertain about their condition right now.

"Don't hurt them!" I demanded after eavesdropping their conversation.

"A fair deal for the answer I'm seeking for. Who is the Elite Operative who defeated our base in Eterna City alone?!" Cyrus demanded for the answer.

"Anything but that."

"Then like what I've said before, I guess I'll be using force. Go and deal with her Professor Charon, and please me as not only a professor but a commander of my organization."

"Of course, Master Cyrus." Charon nodded his head as Cyrus and Venus exited the room, locking the doors afterward. It was me and Mr.Chubby alone, and I knew not of what he was about to inflict unto me. He was using a syringe, gathering a serum from a vile with it.

"What is that thing you're about to inject me with?!"

"It stings, but won't hurt very much. It's a truth serum and will allow me to get the answers I seek. With this liquid that I've created, Team Galactic can obtain any information from anyone's mind." Charon elaborated with a hysterical laughter.

He slowly moved the syringe towards me, aiming for the shoulder. I remained calm while my hands were doing all the work for me. I always keep a dandy traveling knife with me in case of situations like this and slowly without Charon noticing, I cut the ropes.

The syringe was an inch away when I cut myself loose. I quickly used the chair to the professor's leg, causing him to fall down. I then grabbed the syringe and painfully injecting it into the belly of the professor in a stabbing manner. That would teach him a lesson. My Pokeballs are taken away from me so I must find them, but first, I must rely on my own body to deal with the grunts.

Wearing an anxious expression, I rushed out of the room and tried desperately to seek for those twins. They could've asked for help from our headquarters and yet they chose to attack the facility alone.

"Hey!" a grunt noticed me escaping as I ran to his direction, punching his neck. I learned this method from Cliff. Hitting the neck can either make someone unconscious or better, dead. As I ran to the next hall, I encountered more grunts until I was completely surrounded in a circle. They all pointed their paralyzing guns at me as this time, I was aware of the bullets. I dodged them one by one as if I was dancing like a peacock. In the end, the result ended up with grunts shooting their fellow grunts.

Once they paralyzed themselves, I continued my way through the halls...