EPISODE 39: Instincts! The Second Part!*

From there, I caught up to Venus. We stared at each other for a moment as I demanded where Cyrus and the twins are. She only replied with a cackle, saying that the twins are being handled. This made me even more agitated as I was left with determination to take her down. Two Elite Operatives, up to a battle, she did not dare to use any of her Pokemon to keep things even-steven.

I didn't know who threw the first punch, but suddenly my fist was slamming into her face while she sunk into my stomach. Blood pooled in her mouth as I gagged. We stumbled apart for a brief second to catch our breaths before diving back at each other, eyes narrowed in determination.

I dodged her fist and came up with my own; for a brief instant, her cerulean eyes widened before she managed to tilt her head back and slam it into mine. Stars burst in my vision but I shook it off, blinding throwing a sloppy kick.

She stepped back, easily evading the kick. "Is that all you got?" she crowed, smirking infuriatingly at me. I growled and threw myself at her, changing direction at the last minute. My blood hummed in my veins as determination and anger took over.

She gave me another kick but my hands were able to grab hold of it as I used this coincident to toss her to the floor. I pulled her from the hair lifting her up as I threw another punch at her belly, pushing her back to the ground.

"Regret using Pokemon now?" I giggled sarcastically while on my fighting stance.

"You're a fighter, I'm stronger!" she exhaled and inhaled deeply as she rushed clumsily to me. I swiveled to dodge her, and there I landed a kick on her back. She stumbled to the ground but her will to continue fighting made her stand right back up.

I curled my hand into a fist and aimed for the front of her nose. It was nearly a success but she blocked it with her fist. Her glare and breathing were severe as she rotated my curled fist counter-clockwise.

"Argh!" I screamed, as the pain from her twist rumbled across my arm. When I had enough, she released my arm in which I soothed it to comfort the pain. By doing so, I let my guard down, letting her kick my waist two times before my body gave up and fell down.

She pinned me, forcing my body to kiss the ground with her left foot as she continuously mocked with her laughter. The longer the seconds passed, the harder she squeezes me as I feel my bones failing me.

"What are you going to do now? Struggle if you can, you'll never get yourself out." she insulted and taunted, pushing me harder as if my blood was being pumped out of my body with force.

"Plusle, Discharge once more!" a miracle arrived in the shape of a cutie, it was no other than Faith. After being electrocuted, Venus let go of me; therefore, I immediately stood up and kicked her chin. This made her dizzy as she fell to the floor, her head hitting first, making her unconscious and feeble.

"Thanks," I told the Faith as I snugged her.

"You look like a vampire who ate blood."

"Hehe, don't mind my wounds, I just played with that girl on the floor. Where's your sister?"

"Right here!" Grace appeared, she fell to the floor as well but because of exhaustion, imploring for air earnestly.

"Did Cyrus do anything to the two of you?"

"No, we never came across him." Faith replied with a smile as Venus's appearance who was lying on the floor, dispersed into thin air, revealing a droid with an exoskeleton only.

"A clone, I should've known. That bastard tricked me! Come on, they're probably planning to escape."

"But Ms. Luna, isn't the exit that way?" Grace lifted her upper torso and pointed to the opposite direction I was heading.

"Yeah I know but they're not leaving without their prized obsession, Uxie," I said.

I was on the lead while the other twins followed from behind it. We returned to the room where I was held captive and there I saw the Venus inside the room, holding the cage wherein Uxie was. It was begging for help desperately, clinging to the bars of the cage but I'm not here to help but rather steal it from the hands of our enemy. We have the same goal.

Beside Venus was Professor Charon who was waiting for their helicopter to arrive. It may turn out illogical at first since we're underneath a pile of snow.

"How's my clone? It gave you one hell of a look." Venus, the true one, laughed at me constantly with her mocking expression.

"There's no way out, I'm blocking the door, hand us Uxie!"

"Uxie is ours for the taking, everything I shall do for our Master's schemes. Bwuhahaha!" the ceilings fulminated, letting itself crumble as snow fell to the room. I cloaked the twins with my arms for protection. Above, I can see the light and hear the noises of helicopter propellers. Along that was a rope for Elite Operative Venus to climb. Though she had the opportunity to escape, I prohibited this to be a win for our enemies and so as she climbed with Uxie and the cage on her grasp, I instructed the twins to use their Pokemon and aim for her.

Plusle and Minun, they both used discharge for the countless time in a row, since it's the only move those two Pokemon have. The twins are not really focused on battling since they're used to innovation, and inventing things rather than training their Pokemon to grow stronger. Plus, they're not aiming to be a champion or a Pokemon Master anyway.

Venus clearly had high intelligence. She spun the rope, she included, making the attacks miss. She then continued her climb, I can see Cyrus smiling at me. At first, I thought he was about to hurt the twins, but it turns out, he went for the exit with some of his grunts to escape. Losing hope, I wanted to make things even. If I can't have the lake guardian, neither could they.

"Aim for the cage instead!" I ordered the twins. Electrocuting the cages made the flow of electricity travel from the cage to Venus's hand, does she accidentally let goes of it.

"No!" Venus bawled as the cage broke when it hit the ground. Because of this, Uxie was set free and without time to waste, it vanished from sight, entering an invisible state. Me and the twins, we knew not of its location, but perhaps it left us.

"Argh, that's it. Go!" Cyrus was deeply disappointed. It only intensified his broody expression as he ditched another base of his. The helicopter left as Venus continued her climb to the top.

"At least no one was able to capture it, fair enough." I shrugged my shoulders and took a deep breath.

"Ms. Luna! We found these while attacking those grunts." Grace jumped and jumped to tap my shoulder because of her short height. She handed me six Pokeball, and this brought back my smile as I reclaimed my Pokemon from the hands of those filthy nitwits. Now our business here is over and things were fair and square, we left the facility and returned up to the ground.

As for the professor, also a commander, he took another exit route, a secret one behind a test chamber. I never knew there was a door there but anyway, he was too heavy to ride the helicopter, leaving him with no choice but to join the car instead. Him and alongside a few others who were able to escape rode a car driven by Pluto back to wherever their headquarters is. He fears that he might get scolded by Cyrus later.

As for the rest of the grunts who were fainted and unconscious, we sealed them inside the sewer and once they wake up, the next thing they'll know is that they were fired and abandoned by their own coward boss who just left them there.