EPISODE 40: Aiding and Explaining!*

Because of the help of the brave twins and their intelligence, I was saved, though it made me worry to think they came to help since as an Elite Operative belonging to a group sent to Sinnoh, it is part of my obligation to take care of the young ones, especially if those young ones are "heir to the throne" or in this case, the next admins of Team Rocket, in case that's the tradition they're following.

It was also a success Team Galactic failed to obtain Uxie, I love keeping things fair, or better if it falls to my organization. Like what people usually say, if I can't have it, you can't too. I wonder what Charlotte would think of me once she sees my wounds, I hope it wouldn't be another scold.

"Phew, here it goes." I sighed, a part of me was resisting to open the doors until finally I did. I gave three rounds of knocking as I waited for their response. Again, silly me, I forgot to use the scanner.

"Luna?!" coincidence or not? Maybe. It was Charlotte who opened the door and upon seeing me, she greeted me with a mingle of concern and ill humor.


"Where have you been?! What happened to you?! Did you do something crazy again?!" I couldn't keep track of her words. She kept on spitting it to my face and I was having a hard time focus with all her questions.

She escorted me to my room and lied me upon my bed. No one was inside headquarters except for her for the rest filed a leave to enjoy Snowpoint City's ice skating competition, an annual event famous in this city. Candice was always the champion, will this time be different?

"Ms.Luna was kidnapped by a guy with spiky blue hair and we rescued the damsel in distress, um... technically. She also kicked and punched this orange-hair Elite Operative of Team Galactic! She was really cool." Faith explained things in a way she turned the negatives into positive.

"Yeah! No wonder why Ms. Luna is a combat agent, she knows how to kill people." as so as Grace, uttering her words positively with a beaming smile of joy.

"The two of you were very brave, your mother will be proud." I petted them like a puppy one by one.

"Oh and yeah! Ms.Charlotte, there was this cool brain dude Pokemon that we saw in the lake! Luna was unable to capture it though, well at least Team Galactic didn't too." Faith remembered Uxie.

"Well, why was Luna kidnapped in the first place?" Charlotte asked, one of her eyebrows were lifted.

"She tried to protect us," Grace answered.

"I see, I guess there is no need to scold Luna this time except for the fact she went all-in against an Elite Operative and injured herself. As for Uxie, I don't mind, we can still capture it next time. The important thing is Team Galactic failed to have it." while playing with my hair, Charlotte said, she was in her usual smile, not the old grumpy mother type of frown at least.

Then, something popped up in my mind, I grabbed her head and whispered to her ears something private. Something, the twins must not hear about.

"What really? Sigh, fine. I'll sew it later when I have time. For now, leave it in the washing room. Jeez, don't stretch your legs too far next time."

"I was trying to kick someone, I accidentally stretched my legs too far. Anyway, I'll leave it in the washing machine later."

"Humph, you should learn how to sew."


"Um, what are the two of you talking about?" the twins inquired with a confused expression.

"Nothing." the two of us smiled at them.

Meanwhile, at a headquarters not known by all except by those who run it, Cyrus at in his office chair, is disappointed by his organization's current standing. Little to no success, barely any victories against us, and a graph that kept showing an arrow that keeps on declining. These all give Cyrus a headache, not to mention the funds of his organization are from his company's piggy bank.

As he listened to some music in the darkness of his office room, staring at the glass wall looking onto the city's horizon, Mars and Charon disturbed the quietude for a moment by entering Cyrus's room. They couldn't see anything except for his eyes, his body was pitch black, blending with the tormenting shadows.

"Master Cyrus, everyone left in the facility at Snowpoint City has been removed from our archives. They are no longer part of our organization. " Mars reported.

"Good. I've been waiting to hear that for a long time. Go and have your break, Commander Mars, I want to talk with Charon alone."

"Of course, Master Cyrus." Mars gave a bow and left the room, slowly closing the door. When Charon was left alone, he choked his saliva, and his hands were rumbling.

"You're the newest commander of Team Galactic, why did you fail me? What was so hard with injecting the woman with the serum? Do you understand that at this point, I am struggling to find that pesky organization! They're a bother, not to mention we've been defeated by children!" his voice slowly inclined as he emitted his words.


"I don't want your apology, I want the Lake Guardians!" Cyrus stood from his chair, his stare at Charon intensified.

"I- I will see what I can do to fulfill this wish of yours."

"This is not a wish, it is a dream. For almost eighteen years, I've been treated wrongly, I want all of that gone. Find the location of the Lake Guardians! I'm going full out with the best grunts of my organization. Do you work properly, professor, and do not fail me." Cyrus sat back at his chair, his stare loosened.

"Y-yes. Right away." Charon choked his saliva again. He rushed out of the room and locked the doors afterward.