EPISODE 51: Be Serious!*

Enough with the jokes and resting time, our enemies are one step ahead and partially successful with their schemes to summon Dialga and Palkia. In the dining room, we all gathered before the round table to think of a better idea which can supposedly bring success to us as well. Our first plan was not thought of that much because of Zinnia's interruption. Speaking of which, I wonder what she's up to this time?

"Okay, so swimming is definitely not going to work. You guys got ideas?" Charlotte began to meeting with the question all of us are asking to both ourselves and to each other.

"We can't just send a squadron here to eliminate Team Galactic." Copper, playing with a toothpick and sitting with a slouched back lied his opinion. Meanwhile, Oliver again, nodded slowly.

"Of course not. A Team Galactic vs Team Rocket siege? Nah, I'm not going to risk it." Zeal concurred with Copper.

"Then how are we supposed to defeat them? They've obtained Azelf already and that leaves us with two more left plus we need to steal Azelf from them. Any ideas?" couldn't think of an idea, so I just asked the same question Charlotte asked but with minor twitches to it.

"I know!" Faith raised her hand. We all looked to her and waited for what she and her sister has to say. We trust these kids, they're intelligent and smart, well? They could build as a weapon if they please.

"We build drones! It's simple and easy. All we need are the materials and equipment which I nor Grace do not have."

"And what are you planning to do with these drones?" Vizion challenged for he doubted the opinion.

"What else? To monitor the two lakes in case Team Galactic decides to strike either of them. It should have sensors on it, ones that can detect someone is close by and can cover up or detect within a radius of more than ten kilometers. Possible? Of course! That's if we have the materials." Grace answered.

"Oh! Oh! And we can put weapons on them too so while getting to the place, the drones can handle them for us." Faith added.

"Drones? How many?" Zeal was somewhat interested in the topic, she leaned forward and listened further.

"Up to you! Five? Six? Doesn't matter, those swift drones can shoot anyone and detect anyone. And since the lake is off-limits to anyone unlike Valor, our only expected visitors will be Team Galactic. I'll make the drones super fast so not a single Pokemon attack can hit it. Although, we need some materials and leave the rest to me and my sister." Faith answered, confident with her plan.

"Eh? What do you need?" Copper was also getting interested.

"Number one, composite materials such as the fiber enforced ones but that is entirely impossible to find since we're in a city so a metal, not too thin, not too fat will do. Should be light, and I think you can find one in the hardware." Grace stated the first "ingredient."

"The second one is um... of course, electric wires. Leave the cameras, monitors, and sensors to us, we've brought a spare to Sinnoh." Faith states the second "ingredient."

"The third is a battery. Can't forget about that. Duracell battery is what we need, guaranteed ten years of continuous operation. That's all we need, leave the rest to us!" Grace stated the third and final ingredient.

"And how are you planning to connect it to our systems here?" Vizion queried again.

"Easy peasy lemon squeezy!" Faith answered.

"Uh? Does any of you speak child?" Copper asked. We all shrugged our shoulders in response.

"Eh, I guess you have the materials or things. That will probably do. Okay, you stay here with them Oliver, the rest of us will go shopping. Copper, you find the battery, you heard the brand. Zeal and I will find the wires and Charlotte and Luna will find the metal thingy which according to them should be thin, light, and not too fat." Vizion delegated.

We trust this plan of the twins will lead us to success and so we agreed by their plan. The five of us went to the city's proper while Oliver and the twins spend the day doing normal things like what normal people to do in a normal life.

I and Charlotte were tasked to find some metal thingies which is not too light, not too fat, and should be thin.

In the warehouse, I asked a personnel about this, "Excuse me, sir, do you know any metal that is not too light, not too heavy, not too fat and should be thin?"

"Do you mean Aluminum?" the personnel asked.

"I guess," Charlotte answered.

"Okay then, head left to shelf number thirteen, turn right and you'll find yourself at shelf number fourteen. Our Aluminum stock is there." the personnel directed.

"Okay, thanks for your help." me and Charlotte smiled.

In the Aluminum section, our eyes hurt after seeing many types of this kind of stuff. There's alloys and magnesium and the personnel never clarified in which of shelf number fourteen does the Aluminum stock belong to. Gladly, the labels were of help.

"Is this the one they're talking about?" Charlotte queried while holding the metal thingy.

"Don't ask me- Jeez, I should've listened to my mother when she thought me about this science stuff."

"Heh? Same. Well, the metal looks fat but thin, I don't actually know the twins' definition of thin."

"Just pick one and it'll be alright. We'll just say it's out of stock and they'll be glad to accept it."

"Huh, alright smarty, let's hope your mischievous plan will work."

Meanwhile, Copper went to the nearby convenience store to buy some Duracell batteries. He bought three packets of them for a total of six batteries which is equivalent to nine drones and is divided into three for each lake. Zeal and Vizion on the other hand were at ease when finding the electric wires since everyone knows about them but when it comes to these alloys and stuff, that's way beyond my comprehension.

And so, after a day of buying things me and Charlotte did not understand, the five of us met in the plaza. There we showed each other our materials and I was hoping these Aluminum sheets are what the twins were looking for. Step one is complete, step two is next which is construction!