EPISODE 52: Assembling!*

We returned to headquarters with our materials on hand and luckily, Aluminum was wrong but was accepted by the twins because of my mischievous excuse I made just minutes ago upon buying. The Duracell battery is also the perfect size while the wires were long enough for the experiments they're about to conduct to forge these plan of theirs and making them into a reality.

Meanwhile, most of us waited but as for me, I stayed in the twins' room, watching how they'll be making the drones. Learning a thing or two once in a while aside from Pokemon battling and missions is essential and I'm just about to learn a lot of engineering, technology, and possibly science.

So, the first minute chimed in and I waited inside the room, keeping a constant stare on the twins as they took out their little equipment box filled with screws, wrenches, screw-drivers and many more that either I forgot their name or I just really don't understand what they're called. Well, I'm only a bit tech-savvy and the only gadgets I know how to use is my phone, my radar, my laptop, and that's pretty much it.

They worked for more than an hour and not once was I bored. My eyes were locked on how they screwed the nails together to attach the pieces of aluminum together but before that they did some fire thingy to melt the aluminum and shape it into nine drones. Our drones look like Zubats and will be painted with Zubats so that no one will know about or secret cameras placed everywhere.

After shaping things up, this is where the tricky part begins. Though they have molded it into Zubats, they are quite larger than the average size for they are about as wide as a Golbat. Well, if we need this to work, everything must fit inside and that includes the circuits. A simple Zubat shaped body won't have the capacity to handle all the wires and electricity.

Well, fine, I will admit I got bored for a minute, accidentally electrocuting myself by playing with the wires the twins were working on. Well, lesson learned, I've got to wear gloves-- rubber gloves, to protect myself from getting zapped and all.

Add a few more minutes to that hour, and so far we have the embodiment of a Zubat, nine of them, all having their circuits, sensors, and weapons in and ready for action. From there, the twins split into two for their own respective tasks. Faith was in charge of the finishing touches of the Zubat drones while it is Grace's responsibility for making a microchip. This microchip will give us access to whatever our drones will be seeing.

And here comes the part where I get to join in. Painting! I helped Faith paint the Zubats and I've got to say, she has got some talent. The blood of an artist flows through her veins and I can see by how perfect her strokes are with the brush so it seems more of a realistic Zubat. And by the end of the afternoon, voila! Our drones are complete and ready for business.

We head outside and showed them the drones. They were impressed. Grace also showed the microchip and inserted it inside the port of our large monitor. With the remote, we opened both the monitor of the screen and drones thanks to the chip. The cameras, they were all on high resolution, even clearer than a pristine lake.

And so, here comes the main part of our plan, to separate and hide the drones somewhere nearby so we could watch over the lake. A little trespassing like always! Being eight, we split into two groups. Me, Zeal, Charlotte, and Faith, and group number two, Vizion, Copper, Oliver, and Grace. I fought against Vizion in three rounds of rock, paper, and scissors. Well, it was a quick win, looks like I'm still good at a sport at least.

And since I and my group are crowned winners, we get to choose which lake to pick and of course, I chose Lake Acuity since it was the nearest and most convenient lake from the city. Well, sad the boys and Faith's sisters are for they will be traveling over miles just to reach Lake Verity.

In Lake Acuity, we attached the drones within the leaves of the nearby pines so it may seem like a bunch of Zubats eating some pine cones. Me and the girls were creative because we are fond of designs and angles. The Zubats are like Easter Eggs for the children to catch. For one of the Zubats, I hang it below a branch so it looks like its asleep.

Meanwhile, with the boys, they arrived at the lake after their dinner stop in Sandgem Town. Well, they weren't really that creative. All they did was to randomly place them on whatever looks neat. Behind a stone, above a rock and even just somewhere in the grass. They were lazy to climb trees and put a bit of creativity and effort.

Anyway, once we arrived back at headquarters, it was time to test our installed drones. We were hoping it would work. Vizion's hands were trembling as they softly pressed the button of the remote controller. The microchip was still inserted since earlier so we hope nothing malfunctioned. Once Vizion pressed the button, everything turned on, six monitors in one large one. A total of three Zubats per lake.

We all sighed in relief after knowing the twins' plan worked. They were functioning properly and the cameras were still in high resolution. I could even see a Growlithe lurking nearby on the monitor of the Zubat I hid below the branches. When something comes up, the alarms will automatically ring according to the twins. This will be of help to detect Team Galactic and their upcoming schemes. For now, it is time to rest and let all the cameras do the work for us.