EPISODE 62: Sleeping...!*

Success has given us sleep with nothing to worry about. Our first lake guardian has been captured. This brings us one step closer to Dialga and now that only two remain, it's time for brainstorming tomorrow. For now, Uxie will be sleeping in the garage, kept inside the van so that no one would steal it for us.

Late at night, when the moon shone the brightest, the twins were suddenly awakened by a loud noise that came from the main-wing. Faith woke up first and upon hearing an object fall, she was stupefied. The object however was unable to awaken the rest of us, only Faith at first.

Frightened, she awakened her sister, saying, "Grace, wake up! Wake up!" those few words were unable to wake up Grace. Though it woke up Minun on the other hand.

Minun stretched its arms and twinkled its eyes.

"Minun, please wake up sis for me." Faith begged.

Minun nodded sideways, disagreeing with Faith.

"Oh come on. Grace! Wake up!" there, Faith decided to yell loudly. Finally, this was able to wake up not only her sister but Plusle as well.

"Faith? Is there anything- any- anything wrong?" Grace queried, her tone was sleepy, her eyes were filled with tears but not because she was crying. She rubbed her eyes and yawned loudly as she leaned her upper torso to the pillow behind her.

"Grace. I heard something. I heard something fell in the main-wing."

"Must be a Ratatta..."

"B-but there are no windows nor gaps."

"The thingy in the bathroom."

"A Ratatta cannot fit there, Faith. You must be dreaming." Grace bellowed a loud yawn.

"No, I literally heard it. What if there's an intruder. It might be Team Galactic so they could take little Uxie from us. Let's go check them out."

"Faith, it's midnight. Mother's going-"

"Mother's at Hoenn. Come on, it'll only be for the night anyway. Let's be connoisseurs for now and investigate the case behind the object that fell!" Faith stood up and jumped around her bed. Though it was late in the night, she was feeling exuberant.

"I'm not in the mood." Grace cuddled her blanket.

"Please! Please! Please!" Faith begged desperately.

"Okay fine! Let's hurry." Grace unfurled herself from the blanket.

Faith was excited, Grace was in doubt. Both walked out to the halls with their flashlights opened. It was silent, it was dark, it reminds them of a game in which the animatronics are trying to scare a little boy whose hiding in his bedroom. I can't quite remember the name but it has something to do with stuff toys and pirate foxes.

They tip-toed through the stairs. Faith was feeling exuberant, Grace was sleepy to the point she nearly slept while walking. Something in particular then woke her up. They heard glass shattering into pieces. This made the two of them alert as Faith became frightened and Grace was no longer doubting her sister.

"Yeah, we should've stayed in the room instead." uttered the shivering Faith.

"What? No! Come on, don't be a coward. I'm still going to prove it was a Ratatta responsible for all of this." Grace pulled her sister's hand and forced her to come with her just to hide the fact she was frightened as well.

"This is getting spooky, I don't like it anymore. Don't you think it's Baba Yaga?" Faith's mouth was shivering as they continued to walk.

"Baba Yaga doesn't exist. That's just a myth. I mean, what could possibly go wrong in a nice night like this?" Grace was pretending to be confident when suddenly they were put to a halt after seeing a silhouette in front of them. The silhouette was cloaked in darkness, moving towards them at a slow pace. Its red eyes could be seen as the twins could see something flapping behind the silhouette.

"Ah!" the two twins chanted while running, "Baba Yaga come at night. Little children sleepy tight. Baba Yaga gives you bite. Lay in bed, don't be upright. Baba Yaga, big black stick. Come for children playing tricks. Baba Yaga at your door. Baba Yaga hear you snore. Baba Yaga, it's so smelly. Baba Yaga, you're in its belly."

The silhouette started to chase for them through the halls. It was so fast that the speed was able to traumatize the children.

"Wait!" shouted the silhouette. The familiar voice made them halt as they flashed their lights at the silhouette.

"Ah, turn that thing away from me!" shouted the intruder, being blinded by the light.

"Ahh!" shrieked the twins which woke up everybody else.

"No... No, keep quiet!" the intruder tried to calm the shrieking twins but they wouldn't stop. Their shrieks were so loud it could be heard by our team members sleeping on the ground floor.

"R-relax, shh! Quiet!" the intruder was getting flustered.