EPISODE 63: Intruder Revealed!*

I rushed out of my room immediately for I knew it was the twins who were shouting. They normally do not shout unless something wrong was going on. This makes me feel worried and anxious. Upon opening my doors, I saw the doors of my other team members. They too, heard it and they were looking anxious about the twins.

"Luna?! Have you seen them? I checked their room and they were not there." Charlotte came to me, she was panicking.

"I didn't. I only heard them shout." I responded. Then came the other members from the ground floor, Copper, Vizion, and Zeal.

"What happened?!" Copper was panicking as well.

"The twins, they're not in their room for some reason. Something wrong must-" While Charlotte was elaborating, another shriek came from the end of our hall. We wasted no opportunity and like a Rapidash, we barreled forth to them.

At the end of the halls, we saw the shivering twins and their tormentor. A woman, wearing a cape who has red eyes as well. This is no other than Zinnia. Vizion opened the lights of the hall and there, Zinnia's silhouette faded.

"Oh no." uttered, Zinnia, seeing the frying pan heading towards her. Zeal-- without hesitation, smacked the hell out of Zinnia with a frying pan she brought with her upon reaching the second floor.

As she was flying in her unconscious state, we tied her up in a chair for she will be answering specific details from us, especially from me after her unexpected forfeit against my will to battle her the other day. Like the old detective movies in black and white, Zinnia woke up. It started with the twinkle of her eyes, as the blinding lamp atop the table made her squint. The blinding lamp was the only source of luminosity was the lamp. Everything beyond the radius of the light was complete darkness.

In front of her were the eight of us, ready to throw questions at her despite the late night.

"Out of all the things out there, you chose a frying pan?" Zinnia uttered sarcastically.

"Well, basically I was frightened that you were mauling the twins so I smacked you." replied, Zeal.

"Okay enough with the games Zinnia. Who are you working for and why?! You wouldn't forfeit our match just for nothing you know!" I uttered like Detective Looker just to practice my interrogation skills.

"I work for the Pokemon International Police to hunt down you. You're lucky I kept all of you a secret and covered up for you since I pitied your organization!"

"Then why are you here?" Vizion inquired.

"Well, um... I was going to steal Uxie back but then the children came and surprised me."

"I think we should keep you as our prisoner." suggested, Copper.

"W-wait what?! Your prisoner? Now that's enslavement."

"We're not making you are slave, but we could if you want." Charlotte laughed.

"N-no, anything but that. I'll do anything. Just don't make me some prisoner. I'm only doing my job as a spy! I thought Detective Looker was corrupt so I joined the PIP to find out but I was wrong. Anyway, can you set me free? As payment for covering up for all of you? That would be deeply appreciated." implored, Zinnia.

"N-no, we ain't doing that. We're not the Pokemon International Police who gives mercy to people. Nah, we're Team Rocket and you're now part of it. Temporarily. You wanna be free? Work for us- I mean, work with us first then we'll think about it." Copper bargained.

"Enslavement!" Zinnia said.

"Didn't you hear him? He said work with not for." I clarified.

"Yeesh, I heard him correcting himself." Zinnia pouted. "So, what kind of work do you want me to do? We can settle an agreement."

"Basically, you work with us to capture all three guardians. Once that's done, I'll set you free but there are conditions." Vizion elaborated on the details.

"Wh-what kind?"

"Number one, you won't betray us or give us up to the Pokemon International Police. Luna's a skilled fighter. Just a warning, in case you do so. Next, you will tell no one about our headquarters. You can live in one of our vacant rooms if you please. Lastly, no matter what, any information told to you by us should remain a secret." Vizion clarified the regulations.

"Well, fine, at least that isn't the worse punishment possible. I guess instead of releasing Uxie, I'll be catching its brother and sister."

I don't know what to say or reply. She doesn't seem very serious. She was laughing and smiling and doing all sorts of grin. This makes me wonder if she is willing to complete the deal in a serious manner. Well, I guess I can trust her for now but I've learned my lesson from Arlo, the traitor of Team Rocket.

"You can trust me, as Agent Zinnia of Team Rocket." she smiled.

"Eh? You ditched your previous organization. Ms. Tulip." Charlotte reminded.

"What? Hehe, Team Magma? Who cares about them? Team Rocket is way stronger. Don't worry, no betrayals, no hearsay. If I do, Luna can do whatever she wants to me except for the painful ones." Zinnia confidently smiled.

We went by her words and for now, she's Agent Zinnia of Team Rocket. A Pokemon International Police whose being watched by a temporary spy of Team Rocket? I think of this as a big win. In return, we'll treat her like a human rather than how prisons treat their prisoners like pigs or piglets.