EPISODE 65: The Path to Snowpoint!*

Mt. Coronet is the highest mountain in the Sinnoh region, part of a long mountain range that divides the region in half. Most of it is a deep cave, though there are several above-ground areas in which it snows constantly.

The cave that winds through the mountain is apparently man-made, as bridges run through it; though the higher one climbs, the more rugged it becomes. As a centerpiece of the region, the cave connects Oreburgh City, Eterna City, Hearthome City, Celestic Town, and Snowpoint City via five popular routes. To fully navigate the mountain's caves, Surf, Strength, Defog, Rock Smash, Rock Climb, and Waterfall are required. These are a few of the list of HM attacks.

According to legend, Mt. Coronet is where the Sinnoh region began. Arceus created Dialga, Palkia, and Giratina at the Spear Pillar, as well as the Adamant, Lustrous, and Griseous Orbs, then fell into an unending sleep on the highest point of the mountain.

Mt. Coronet stands in the middle of Sinnoh, extending from the northern wilderness to the southern tip of the region, splitting it into two halves. It is truly best defined as a mountain range, with the highest peak shrouded in legend. It is perhaps the highest mountain in the entire world. The Spear Pillar is situated at the highest point, an ancient shrine to Pokémon now only in ruins, with several of its pillars still standing, all pointing skyward.

Today, two trainers arrived at the Spear Pillar to gaze upon the magnificence of the Sky Pillar. These were no other than Logan and Dawn, continuing their journey to achieve their goals and desires. One, to be the very best while the other to inspire and entertain.

Upon reaching the pinnacle of the tower, their eyes were awed by the pillars that stood. In those pillars is where the dialects of the ancient past of Sinnoh lied. In the center of the place, there were two people who seemed to be arguing.

"You can't do this, are you absurd?!" shouted, the woman towards the man. Meanwhile, Dawn and Logan eavesdropped from behind.

"I am not. Consider this as a gift to humanity."

"You're ruining everything, that demeanor of yours had taken over your mind, you must stop! This is too much. Awakening Dialga and Palkia will bring havoc. You do not know what other beasts may awaken, a beast from another world."

"If I can't get your support Cynthia, then I will leave. I am not summoning Dialga and Palkia just yet. You still have time to enjoy this world of yours. But I'm warning you, I will stop at nothing to achieve the world I long for. Good riddance."

"Cyrus, you filthy bastard!" Cynthia insulted as she watched the arrogant Cyrus walking to the helicopter and returning back to his headquarters. Cynthia was resented, angered, the first to be seen by Dawn and Logan. This was the first time they saw the champion that angry, fury pummeling in her vessels as her teeth grind upon each other.

"Cynthia! Cynthia!" then, came the two trainers.

"Dawn, Logan, what are the two of you doing here? Don't tell me you were eavesdropping Cyrus?"

"Yes, we did. Hehe. This was your opportunity to take him down. Why did you hesitate?" Dawn admitted.

"I didn't. I just gave him the opportunity to reconcile but I don't think that would work out. Anyway, off to Snowpoint?"

"Why, yes actually," Logan confirmed.

"Oh, that reminds me. How's that egg of yours?" Cynthia changed the topic and asked Logan a serious question.

"Hehe, wanna see Ms. Cynthia? Lucario, come out!" Logan had a snug on his face, a self-congratulatory smile as he sent out his final member of his Sinnoh gang.

Lucario gave a snobbish look at the champion.

"Aw, I wished I picked that egg." Dawn was rubbing Lucario's head but her eyes spoke of covetousness.

"Well, you got a Togekiss at least." Logan evened things out.

"Your Lucario, it looks powerful. Well, I expect Lucario to show some of its brute strength in the upcoming Pokemon League. Anyhow, there is no need to be jealous Dawn. Your Togekiss is just as powerful as Lucario and besides? You're not participating in the Pokemon League anyway so it's fine." Cynthia comforted, tapping Dawn by the shoulder.

"So... um, Ms. Cynthia? Can I battle your Garchomp?" Logan was confident to the point he was able to make a decision to have a rematch against Cynthia.

"It's that so? You seem confident so why not?" Cynthia was electrified. She agreed and accepted Logan's match.

"That's great! I'll be the referee." Dawn volunteered.

The platform of Spear Pillar was used as the battleground for the upcoming match between the champion and the runner up of the Hoenn Conference. Meanwhile, Dawn is pumped up to see who would win but she has high hopes that no doubt will Cynthia take the crown once more unless Logan and Lucario have plans of their own.

"Let the battle begin!" proclaimed the exuberant young woman as she lifted her hand to the sky.

"Logan, do the honor of having the first move, I insist."

"Fine by me, Lucario, go with Force Palm!"

Lucario dashed to Garchomp and threw multiple punches at once. Logan was in cloud nine, seeing scratches appear on Garchomp every now and then. The punches stained on the foe's body, even making the great Garchomp fall to its knees as Lucario gave a punch on the thin.

"Now, Aura Sphere!" the first round of punches was not yet the end. It was followed by a sphere of energy, a blue-colored orb that went straight for the foe. The closer Lucario is to its trainer, the stronger it becomes. And by the impact, you could say, Lucario and Logan have a very strong bond.

"From a Riolu to a Lucario. It's obvious they've been training for strength. It was a long path for them. Many failures, many defeats, and hurdles along the way but that did not stop them from standing up, leading them closer to one another, and there because of high friendship can I now see the results of it. Lucario is indeed powerful, a worthy opponent for me and my Pokemon in the upcoming Pokemon League. Now, it's time for us to move." Cynthia observed on her mind.

"Garchomp, Draco Meteor!"

Garchomp, it was as if it commanded the skies. Meteorites fell, heading straight to Lucario who couldn't move. Cynthia was only doing her tactics as a champion, letting the foe attack first so that it gets exhausted. Once that happens, the foe will have a harder time to dodge.

"Lucario, get out quick!" alerted, Logan but seeing his tired Pokemon, it doesn't look like it'll be able to dodge. The meteors came and smacked Lucario to the ground. It was so powerful, it was able to one hit knock-out the foe. Well, it's power has a base of 140 which is higher than the average.

"Lucario is unable to battle, the winner goes to Champion Cynthia!" Dawn declared.

"I thought we could've won. Anyway, you deserve a rest for your effort. Please return to your Pokeball." Logan was disappointed but still, there was a smile on his face.

"You still have a long way to go to achieve that dream of yours but I can say, you're close to it. I'll be waiting for you in the Pokemon League. I wish you the very best and to your Pokemon as well. I must run off now, me and the Elite Four have something to discuss." there, Cynthia left with her Garchomp, flying off to the wind.

"So... Dawn? Snowpoint City?"

"You betcha! I have an upcoming contest there. Let's head for it!" said the exhilarated Dawn.