EPISODE 66: Snowfall!*

There is a warmth that tumbles out in the wintertime; when all else is so cold. It radiated from those who love and nurture as easily as they breathe. In truth, the sparks of warmth are always there no matter the season, just like a warm rock blends into a summer beach, yet melts winter ice.

The air is frozen lace on my skin, delicate and cold, like winter waves on sallow sand. The sky is washed with grey, watery light illuminating thin patches to brilliance. In some moments I am watching my boots over the frozen sidewalk, perfect concrete slabs, flat and square, and in others transfixed to the interplay of cloud and sun above.

For some reason, my mind conjures a stone mosaic made beautiful by the shards of a mirror and I want to keep my eyes heaven-bound while my imagination makes them one thing. Only the slipping of my feet brings my attention earthward once more, the need to stay upright pulling my mind into the present.

Snowfall and winter here in Snowpoint City is where fun is born for the people and families get out of their houses only to play in the snow, throwing snowballs at each other. In front of my eyes, people built snowmen, and dashed through the slopes of snow from a sled. Well, I guess snow has its creative side as well.

Lily sat beside me while I was watching the people play in the plaza.

"Oh, hi there. Don't you want to play with the rest of your sisters?" I rubbed her head, her smooth head.

She nodded sideways, in denial to my words.

"I guess you missed me that much? It's not like we've been away for so long. Plus, it's not like you're going anywhere. You'll always be with me." I hugged her soothingly as she hugged me back. She's my first Pokemon, and so far, the cutest.

Then she threw a snowball at me and as revenge, I threw one back at her. Suddenly from the skies, a pile of snow landed on my head. I looked above, there I saw a signal, a Gliscor which shows Charlotte was nearby. I looked around and saw her hiding behind one of the trees.

"Why you?!" I laughed and threw a bunch of snowball at her at once like a machine gun. It was tiring.

"Oh, so look who has declared war now?" Charlotte retaliated and threw snowballs at me.

We played at the snow together, having laughter and fun together since we both took the day-off. She then excused herself momentarily to go to the bathroom as I waited on a bench. Though, it made me wonder why on Earth would she take so long? It's been like fifteen minutes already and yet she hasn't returned.

A surprise came in the form of a young man as I saw Logan over the distance. Well, since Charlotte is here yet, might as well approach him for now. I surprised him from the back, tapping his shoulder. Once he looked at me, we both smiled at each other.

"Luna? I never knew you were here in Snowpoint City as well."

"Hehe, it's winter so we decided to stop by." I excused, hiding the location of our headquarters.

"Well, since you're here, wanna come?"

"C-come? Come where?"

"There are these two really cool islands nearby. I wanted to check them out. All we have to do is to take a ferry and we'll be there in no time. Just a little exploration, that's all and we'll return here. So what do you say? Wanna come?"

"Well um..."

I thought of the decision, remembering Charlotte would scold me if I randomly forfeited our snowball fight. But then again, I'm off-duty and a little exploration won't hurt, right? Copper and Vizion are at headquarters watching over Zinnia with the twins, Zeal and Oliver are off somewhere I know not about, and Charlotte is at the bathroom. All of them seem busy so they wouldn't know about this. I'll be back before they know it!

"Wh-what kind of island?"

"I think it's called Newmoon Island and according to some folks, a rare Pokemon rests within that island."

"So? In short, you're afraid to battle this Pokemon alone?" I pouted.

"What?! Of course not, why would I be scared plus Dawn's at her contest so yeah, we're both sneaking out."

"Fine. As long as it is quick."

"Cool! We'll be back before we even know it. Actually, there are two ways to get to the island. One is through Canalave City and the other is through Snowpoint City. Come on, let's buy a ticket from the ferry." out of nowhere, Logan grabbed my hand and dashed like the wind. I was feeling a bit uncomfortable. My hands were shivering and feeling sweaty all of a sudden.

Newmoon Island? What Pokemon awaits us there?