EPISODE 69: The Lunar Moon!*

Through the rain that was slowly weakening, my newly evolved Salamence made her way through with Logan riding atop her. I was there too, but I was trapped inside my own mind, experiencing nightmares of such. They encompassed my conscience and whispered to my ears malicious and unforgettable memories that I'd rather not talk about.

Now, they are headed to the Island of Full Moon. It is an island located at the North of Sinnoh and is said to uphold the location of a secret Pokemon no one knows about it. Now, Logan planned to consult the sacred Pokemon in hopes of waking me up.

Fullmoon Island is a small island largely covered in forest. A short path cuts through the forest and leads to a shaded clearing with a pond shaped like a crescent moon. Unlike New Moon Island which is a literal rock, Full Moon hosts nature of all sorts but with the absence of wild Pokemon except for one. The trees may flourish, the plants may grow but other wild Pokemon except for the "one" cannot thrive.

Upon arriving, Logan and Salamence went to a pond. The pond was small and stagnant, pure as the full phase of the moon. It was clearer than anything else that ever existed, even clearer than a glass mirror or the Lake of Acuity in my temporary hometown. Though I couldn't see what's happening beyond my eyes, I could feel. I could feel the sensation of being placed on top of lush grass.

The skies there were clear and bright unlike the storm devastating New Moon Island. There in the pond, a Pokemon from the waters rose. It has a blue, swan-like body with a yellow underside. It has pink eyes, a dark pink, round tuft on its head, and a pointed, beak-like snout. There are yellow, crescent-shaped ornaments on the sides of its head. It also has glowing, pink, ring-like wings on its sides and back with a paw like protrusions resting on its chest.

These wings release shining particles and undulate beautifully around the quarter moon. It has the power to dispel nightmares, and holding one of its feathers is said to bring happy dreams. It is also great at recovery and healing techniques.

"Darkrai did this to her, according to it as well, you have the power to awaken her. May I ask for your help?" Logan implored.

Cresselia was looking at my sleeping body when suddenly a dark shadowy ball attacked it from the top. Cresselia was astonished, as so as Logan and Salamence. They tilted to the skies and saw Darkrai floating above.

Darkrai demanded.

"B-but you-"

Darkrai silenced him completely as the twigs from the ground rose to his mouth and covered it. His body was restrained by the roots that emerged and all he could do was to struggle. The same happened with Salamence.

Cresselia ascended and faced Darkrai.

Darkrai unleashed a pulse of its dark and ancient power towards Cresselia however, Cresselia dodged the attack by zooming across the clear skies.

Cresselia retaliated with Moon Blast. it was able to hit Darkrai.

Darkrai sent another wave of its dark pulse attack.

Meanwhile, both Logan and Salamence were just watching the battle from the top. Cresselia went for another round of Moon Blast, sending Darkrai far away from it but Darkrai teleported itself back.

demanded, Cresselia.

Darkrai anger is intense as it went far away from the island and returned to its respective one. There, Cresselia went to the young man and my Pokemon to untangle them with the use of its psychic powers. The roots and twigs were removed from their body and they were finally set free.

"Is he always like that? A hot-tempered Pokemon."

A gentle and soft voice, as a feather flew down and landed on Logan's head.

It was vibrant, the feather was lustrous indeed but not as lustrous as the Silver nor Rainbow Wing. Upon receiving the feather, Logan thanked the lunar Pokemon and tickled the feather on my nose. I sneezed and at the same time, I jerked upwards. My pulsation was fast as so as my breathing. For a second, I looked around the environment, wondering where I am.

"Wh-where am I?"

"Well, Darkrai attacked you but thankfully Cr- huh? Where is she?" Logan looked back at the pond but to his surprise, he could no longer find Cresselia neither did I. Aw, I missed the chance to see a mythical Pokemon! Well, I do hope I get to see them again. And maybe, I could catch one for me!

I also saw Salamence who tickled my neck with her head. She was emitting cooing noises while I rubbed her head. Now I am even-steven with Zinnia and I'm prepared for my match. A Salamence against a Salamence.

From there, we left the island. Salamence was able to carry both me and Logan back to the ferry who they were relieved to see us. At first, they thought we were missing and by luck, we arrived after that nightmare which thankfully, became a dream. Though I can still remember the nightmares that haunted me while I was asleep but I forced myself to forget about them.

The ferry set sailed back to the City of Snowpoint. I'm expecting another round of scolds from Charlotte since when my Rotom-phone was able to grab some signal, eighteen miscalls appeared all from Charlotte. Well, at least I'm not the only one who's getting scolded. Logan has twenty miscalls from Dawn!

As the ship traveled back to Snowpoint, Logan was staring at the sunset reflected by the water. It was beautiful and so I decided to approach him and watch the sunset with him. Then, something came up in my mind.

"R-right. I forgot to thank you for saving me." I greeted. My cheeks were slightly glowing in pink and I had this awkward feeling that I couldn't explain.

"No problem." replied, Logan with a smile.

Back at Snowpoint City, me and Logan parted ways. He went back to check on Dawn while I went to Charlotte who was waiting for me on the bench I sat on.

"Where on Earth have you been?!" shouted, Charlotte.

"I did some sight-seeing since you talk too long in the bathroom."

"Oh about that, my attention was grabbed by a Pokemon Contest nearby so I decided to watch than when I returned you were gone!"

"Don't worry, I'm safe. Let's head back now-"

"Why are you so energetic?"

"I don't know? Maybe because I just woke up! Hee hee!" I joked around.

"Whatever you say." she rolled her eyes on me.