EPISODE 70: The Sacred Dream!*

In all honesty, I enjoyed fighting alongside Logan against Darkrai even if I was placed under a deep sleeping nightmare spell. Now that night time arrived I can finally sleep with a carousel of dreams rather than a spooky nightmare this time. I can hope for the best the dream I am about to encounter would be heart-warming and not one that won't make me jerk.

I closed my eyes and counted one to ten while inhaling and exhaling deeply. I wasn't sure if I was ready to sleep after what I've encountered today. Darkrai haunts me now, and just like a child, I was frightened it might be beneath my bed. Well, according to some, they could leave their islands during the moon's respective phases. Cresselia during the full, and Darkrai during the new.

I was hugging my pillow tightly, constantly shifting my sleeping position from left to right since I wasn't comfortable. I then opened my eyes again to see if there was anyone or anything nearby. The nightmares I saw all recalled to my mind this night, giving me pressure and tension as I tried desperately to sleep.

One in the morning. By this point, I still couldn't sleep. Did Darkrai give me Insomnia? Since I couldn't fall asleep, I decided to play some games on my phone instead, the light-hearted ones to be exact. The games however wouldn't give me a drowsy spirit for victory always awakened me.

Two in the morning. I decided to sleep with the lights open because of fear even if I couldn't sleep. By this point, I'm pretty sure everyone is asleep and Arceus, I totally regretted playing that animatronic game upon my arrival.

Two-thirty in the morning. I made a freaking pillow fortress for a reason I know not about. I was bored, I couldn't sleep, so I guess I have to give in to fun instead. I played alone, imagining I was wrecking someone's fortress which was also made out of pillows but when I got bored, I decided to sleep again.

Three in the morning. Things are quite uncomfortable since I'm still awake and the devil's hour is ticking. I kept the lights open again and though I had the urge to pee, I didn't listen to it. I tried to listen to some lullabies by force and that was the only thing that I fall asleep. I should've done this since earlier.

Once asleep, the dream came and I woke up in a place I am not aware about. The place was simple actually. I was surrounded by pillars, broken and worn-out ones to be exact. Aside from this, I see light amidst the storm. The light was moving around, swirling in different locations across the sky. I am shrouded by a ton of people but it was hard to describe their appearance.

I looked to myself and for some reason, I was holding a flower. It looks familiar though, I think I've seen one of this either in Kanto or Johto before. I was feeling anxious for I wasn't comfortable with the people shrouding me. They were all gazing their eyes at me and I think one of them was the detective.

I blinked for a second and upon opening my eyes, I was in that same world I saw in my other dreams. There were roots around me, pulling my body as I struggled to get out. I also heard people calling my name as a beam of blinding light went to my direction. The roots were my cocoon for it protected me against the light that came.

Then on one of the gaps of my safe cocoon, two red eyes appeared. I blinked again, and the next thing I know, I woke up in my bed. My body jerked up again as my heart throbbed for three times. I couldn't remember my dream that I would consider as another nightmare except for the flower I was holding and the cocoon of roots that protected me.

"Enough with this gobbledygook!" I told myself, opening the door and facing the darkness with courage. Another session in the bathroom and now I have the guts to walk through the halls without the necessary need of opening the lights. I also have my trusty flashlight.

"Luna?!" on my way to the bathroom, I encountered Zinnia who had a bag of chips with her.

"Okay, now you're taking advantage over us."

"This place is great actually. I'm looking forward to our match tomorrow and these chips, they're delicious."

"Those belong to the twins."

"Well, they electrocuted my hair so this will be enough for compensation."

"Uh-huh. Anyway, why are you still awake, Zinnia?"

"May I ask the same question to you?"

"I needed to pee."

"Well, I was hungry so... yeah? A little chips for my belly. Good night!"

"Night." there, me and Zinnia parted ways as I concentrated on my session with the bathroom. I shouldn't have drank three cups of orange juice. I guess I'll never learn.