EPISODE 71: A Dragon Battle!*

Outside our headquarters, me and Zinnia looked at each other with a ferocious stare. We were the only ones who ate breakfast early for the sake of the challenge that was supposed to be completed days ago. Now we're both even, having one Salamence each, the battle will be in accord with our strengths and tactics as members of Team Rocket.

Upon sending out our Pokemon, both Salamence were glaring at each other with the smile of a beast. They were confident over victory and their only difference was their genders. Mine is a feminine while Zinnia's a masculine. When it evolved, Salamence's firepower was boosted and hence Ember was replaced with Flamethrower. Dragon Dance and Dragon Tail for the dragon power it upholds and one more fire move, Fire Fang.

"You ready Luna?"

"Of course. You have the first move."

"As you wish. Salamence, take it to the skies!" Zinnia's Salamence flew from the ground and drifted across the sky.

"You too, Salamence!" I ordered the same command, keeping this match an air battle.

"So? You're keeping things even. Alright Salamence, Aerial Ace, let's go!" Zinnia's Salamence head to mine, I quickly asked her to counter by swiveling around to dodge. Once my Salamence was behind the foe's Salamence, I commanded her to bit the tail with Fire Fang. I dealt the first damage.

"Thunder Fang!" then came Zinnia whose Salamence bit mine on the wings. Neither were paralyzed nor burnt by the attack. It proceeded with a few more rounds of the same attack until both the wings and tails of our Salamence were tired and thus we decided to keep this battle on the ground instead.

"Rock Tomb!" Zinnia's Salamence made the sky rain large boulders as mine glided through them but one particular boulder fell upon her head. This gave Zinnia's Salamence an opportunity to attack for another round in which she commanded her Salamence to use Dragon Pulse on mine.

"Your Salamence hasn't given up yet? How flattering."

"Thanks, still your compliment won't hold the both of us back, right Salamence? Now, Dragon Dance!"

Salamence rapidly twirled her body, forming a hurricane surrounding her. This boosted most of her stats, especially her dragon moves.

"Salamence, Dragon Pulse once more!"

"Dodge it!" since her speed was boosted, Salamence was able to dodge the attack as it flew back to the sky. She gave a terrorizing glare at Zinnia's as I commanded her to use Flamethrower. Zinnia's Salamence was unable to dodge.

"Now, follow it with Dragon Tail!"

"Bite the tail!" Zinnia's Salamence bit mine; thus it canceled the attack.

"Now swing her around!" Salamence kept a tight grip and with his mouth, he spun my poor Salamence until she was dizzy. Then he struck her with another wave of Rock Tomb but that is not where the battle ends. Despite receiving a ton of attacks, Salamence was able to battle.

"Flamethrower again!"

"Counter with Dragon Pulse!" both attacks collided and it was a matter of strength to determine which attack would succeed. It was as if they were two wizards in which both spells were colliding. In this case, my Salamence was able to triumph as both the Dragon Pulse and the Flamethrower went inside the foe's mouth and exploding inside of him. But in return, mine became exhausted.

"Never knew you know how to handle Dragon Pokemon, Luna."

"I don't. I just stick with what I've learned."

"Learned? From who?"

"Experience. Now, Salamence, Fire Fang!"

From the skies, Salamence dived and bit the foe's neck with her teeth flaming with fire. This was not where things ended however, for Zinnia's Salamence retaliated with Giga Impact, wrestling mine and squashing her on the ground.

"Finish with Dragon Pulse! Let's see if yours can handle this super-effective attack. Go!"

"Of course, use your wings as a shield!"

Just before the attack was able to hit, my Salamence cloaked herself with her wings, acting as a shield. She flapped her wings, the wind pushed Zinnia's dragon away. This gave me an opportunity to use Dragon Tail, a powerful and explicit move... if! It is sided with Dragon Dance in which I did.

She smacked Salamence down to the ground. The move was super-effective and there I finished things with one round of flamethrower. Zinnia's Salamence saw it coming but then he was unable to dodge the attack.

"That was pure luck. Salamence, return to your Pokeball." Zinnia rolled her eyes at me.

"Okay, my work here is done and my promise was fulfilled."

"Yeah, yeah." she rolled her eyes on me.

"What's wrong? Did the dragon trainer's dragon lose against a none-dragon trainer?" I uttered with a smug.

"What?! No, that was luck behind all of it. I'm still training so this is not counted."

"Hey, that's unfair!"

"You can't do anything about it!" she stuck out her tongue in a silly manner.

"Hey! Come back here." I threw a snowball at her. She retaliated by throwing another one to me. For the rest of the morning, me and Zinnia played with each other, throwing stuff here and there and building snow forts and pretending to be kings and queens of our own. I one five times, she won eight. Well, that's pretty much her revenge for her previous defeat against my Salamence.