EPISODE 73: Alert but not Alert!*

The sounds from our monitors blared in the distance, alerting us of another attack proposed by Team Galactic. We were able to respond late, and the only thing we could hope for is that we reach the lake just in time. The last one among the three, Lake Verity is left. The explosion is already in the news which we feared Team Galactic might've left the scene.

And so, unable to use any Tauros as a form of commute to get the Sandgem town, Vizion proposed that those who flew will be the ones to attain the Lake Guardian. Me and Zeal have our Salamence, Charlotte has her Gliscor, and Zeal has her Charizard. It is up to the four of us to zoom in the fastest speed possible atop our Pokemon's back before Team Galactic moves to another location in which we are uncertain about.

Our hearts were racing with the wind while riding our Pokemon. Then, I heard something weird coming from behind me. There came a bullet that nearly missed my Salamence by an inch. Luckily, I was able to take a glimpse from the brand and there I knew she's back again.

"Separate, someone's behind me!" I alerted the other three. They glided their Pokemon far from me as we took a glimpse of what was behind us. It was a small metallic jet with Jenny wearing her unusual attire controlling it. I guess this solves the question of where she uses her money but it is a bit frightening a company was able to supply her with a jet.

The jet was no ordinary jet for its wings have its own style and instead of a plate number, there was a Raichu logo on it. She's gone above the absurd from a villain to some sort of supervillain. She's that desperate for revenge and not only does the land belong to her but now the skies.

The jet is as those of her motorcycle, painted in black. It has the looks of a UFO but I consider it a jet otherwise. The speed is swift, and as I looked at Jenny, I knew she knows what buttons she was pressing.

"Okay, your friend is a retard!" Zinnia joked.

"I didn't even know she has a jet!" I told her.

"Try this out for size, Luna!" Jenny gave a burst of laughter as she thrust her arms to the controllers. Bullets shot out from the tip of the jet at once. Luckily, our Pokemon were skilled fighters as they glide through invisible hoops to dodge the bullets passing by.

"Charizard, Dragon Claw!" Zeal turned out to be brave as she faced the UFO with her Charizard.

"I don't battle Pokemon." laughed, Jenny as a missile was sent to Charizard from the left side of the jet. The missile exploded on Charizard and the rest of us waited for the smoke to settle.

"Catch Zeal!" Charlotte commanded her Gliscor. Things have gone far worse than expected as Zeal fell down from her Charizard, falling 9.8 meters per second. It was a race for survival as both Charizard and Gliscor (with Charlotte riding on it) tried to save her.

A meter to the ground, Zeal's body was saved by Charizard who was in fact worried about her seconds ago. Feeling the texture of her Charizard, she finally opened her eyes again as she ascended back.

"Jenny, what happened to you?! You're definitely doing something with the black market." though she heard me, she didn't respond.

"I'm not letting you go just yet. You still owe me an apology for my leg." Jenny was getting more absurd the more seconds that passed by. She launched another missile at us from her jet but luckily the four of us were able to dodge it.

"Dragon Pulse!"


Me and Zinnia pared up. We commanded our attacks to hit the jet without hesitation but the only product was smoke. At first, we thought Jenny would crash down to the ground with her burning with everything else but once her jet passed through the smoke, she was seen laughing at our miserable efforts.

"You think it would be that easy, you fool?! I've prepared against your tactics and I'm ending you for good!"

"Anybody know what she's saying, sounds like an evil speech to me." Zinnia teased her again. The jet was able to survive because of the deflectors built inside. This would cost more than a hundred bucks if you'd ask me.

"She's stalling us, Team Galactic will leave anytime sooner. Deal with them, Zinnia and Luna! Leave the rest to me and Charlotte."

"Right, we'll be back immediately." I bade as me and Zinnia momentarily left the scene.

"No! I'm not after the two of you, I want her!" Jenny grumbled and zoomed her jet at me but Zeal quickly came as her jet was stopped because of Charizard's chomp.

"Insolent agent!" she yelled at the Charizard. She then pressed another button from her jet and because of this, a sharp thorn emerged from the metallic plate and wounded Charizard's jaws. He even spat out blood. She then looked for me but because of the incident with Charizard and Zeal, I was no longer in sight.

This made her blood boil as she flew away from the skies, not to be seen for the time being.

"Arceus, we're too late!" Zinnia facepalmed herself as we could see the detective and his men investigating the dry lake.

Then someone called me on my Rotom-phone. It was from the twins. They rarely call so something must be up unless they called to promote one of their inventions again. As Zinnia contemplated everyone beneath her, I answered Faith's call.

"Luna! There's a problem in Snowpoint City. Our base is being raided Team Galactic and one of their commanders is here! Help us please, Oliver's skates were broken by a commander who has red hair, and now he couldn't run to save us- Hey give me my phone back!"

"... Oh, looky here? Well if it isn't Team Rocket off to a location raided by us a few moments ago. Wanna save your little friends? Come to us, and we'll talk details!"

"Don't listen to her!" Faith yelled as Commander Mars, the one who stole the phone from Faith, declined the call.

"Zinnia, our headquarters in Snowpoint City is being attacked. Alert everyone else, I'm going ahead." I bade and zoomed with Salamence as fast as I could.

"W-wait, I'm coming!" Zinnia followed the tail of my Salamence.