LOG 21: Rise of the New Xavier

We all came to the office room of Miyamoto and Domino only to find they were not there and were busy with their day off. However, it was noticeable that it wasn't them who called us but Matori and Professor Olive. I wondered why, and it turns out, Madame Boss wants to speak to us.

Nervousness is around me as I fear nothing else but her. Giovanni is one thing, but the leader who started everything? That's something I'm going to have a hard time forgetting. When everything was prepared, the large screen turned on, revealing Madame Boss's silhouette with that single straight line of light from the ceiling that travels in a diagonal direction.

She gave us a smirk, even Alice was frightened she turned invisible herself.

"Every time she smirks, you know she's going to assign us to do something." whispered Charlotte.

"Good morning grunts of Team Rocket."

"Wait, did she just refer to us as grunts?" I spoke to my conscience.

"As you've all heard about the changes in hierarchy and me, as your new leader, I am doing my utmost best to achieve world conquest with the help of money. And so, Unova, it is with deep pride that our mission to control the weather must continue despite those filthy Plasma freaks.

You there! You're Luna!" she suddenly yelled at me. I gulped saliva.

"I heard about your fight against the Plasma freaks, surprisingly you won. Huh, you remind me of Zola and Xedric who are currently in their mission unless the grunts you battled were nothing but weaklings." she lowered her tone and uttered.

I gulped saliva again. "Yes."

"Good. Now, time to head to the next mission. I want that Meteonite no matter what!" said she, and from there, she disconnected from the main screen.

"Wait, what? I didn't understand anything at all." said Zeal while Oliver slowly nodded his head.

"That was nothing but a warm greeting. Anyhow, for your mission, you will be taking Pierce with you again." divulged Dr. Zagar.

"Oh him." we pouted.

"He is one of the leading agents of our branch after all. All six of you could probably learn a thing or two from him." said Professor Sophie.

"Anyway, your task is simple. Thanks to the first mission and your successful catch of a Munna, it is safe to assume you can handle the next. At a laboratory somewhere in this city is a professor whose name is Fennel. She's got a Munna and researches a lot about the Pokemon. We believe we could steal data from her, since she's also an archaeologist who is a fan of the Meteonite too.

Acquire the details, and we'll give you a ton of spare time to enjoy your day. That is all for now, Team Rocket." said Professor Olive.

"I'm fine with the mission as long as no one here becomes an arrogant fool." muttered Zeal.

"Heh, you should've expected that since the day you joined. That guy reminds me of Xavier." said Charlotte, rolling her eyes.

"Oh wait, did I just here something? You just teased the dead man! Have you lost interest in him?" I teased playfully.

"What?! That was a long time ago, of course I had!" she grumbled back at me.

"I was just asking." I rolled my eyes. It's fun to tease her, especially when her love for Xavier before was above the ordinary.

"Why so you learned how to tease me, wait till I tease you with that trainer!"

"Wait what?!" now I grumbled.

"Team Rocket focus! Do your task immediately and don't concentrate on those kind of matters. Be like Oliver." then came Professor Olive who "promoted" her cousin. We all looked at him.

"Come on, he's missing every night! He's definitely meeting with someone." Virgo chuckled.

"Missing?! Oliver, is this true?!" Professor Olive was aghast as her cousin just shrugged his shoulders.

"We're going to talk later!" she pouted. Professor Sophie came by and calmed the professor.

"Alright, we'll take it from here. Just get the details. That's it." said Professor Sophie.

"Yes professor!" we all saluted exuberantly.

"Do it then! Be back before lunch." added Matori whom we didn't expect was just hiding behind a table. That sudden surprise scared the hell out of all of us.