LOG 22: The Details and the Pilferers!*

Hours before lunch is when our mission began. Since this mission was somewhere to occur with the city, Xeryll was not needed to bring us to our destination. The address was given, 122 Darumaka Street, as well as a portrait of the house given to us by a local spy of Team Rocket. Our efforts now, with of course, Pierce on the lead, is to obtain the details and hopefully don't encounter anything alongside our path to success.

The house was somewhat like an apartment made out of bricks. This is what I noticed from most houses here in the Unova Region who abide by the metropolitan style of the region. The region is bountiful with all sorts of spectacular house interiors and exterior designs that would shock you. Although vandalism was present here and there, it was at least something that could be considered as art. Not to mention they really look like three dimensional Pokemon drawings that make it look realistic.

At the door of the house we are to raid, Pierce gave the first knock. To our surprise, no one seemed to answer the knock. Pierce tried to knock for the second time and yet no one responded.

"Perhaps the professor is asleep?" Charlotte hunched.

"Asleep? Impossible. Her description says she's hardworking." doubted Pierce.

"Well, yes. If you work hard, the more amount of energy you'll need, thus this might explain why she's asleep. Ah, forget the knock, let's just burst in." suggested Zeal, Oliver slowly nodding on the other hand. Zeal was about to throw out her Roserade when suddenly I took her hand.

"Come on, Zeal! Give Alice a go!"

"Huh?" she looked at her. "Heh, fine." she replied and placed back the Pokeball.

"M-me?!" she stammered. "I- I can't. My Pokemon are only Pokemon. If you know what I mean." she said, tapping her two fingers together.

"Give it a go! Use your Kecleon for now at least." Virgo suggested.

"I-I will--" Pierce interrupted and bashed down the door himself with his Galvantula. It's basically an electric spider. This infuriated me even more. I would call it just to get angry. He completely disregarded a girl who's timid because people don't give her chance! I tried to keep my composure and instead rant at him silently.

Inside the house, we were not expecting to see scattered shards of glass on the floor. Vases, tables, everything was messy. I think there's even blood leading to the second floor of this house.

"God, this looks like hell." swore Pierce, smelling such foul odor that seems to be coming from the next floor.

"Someone must've been here before us. T-T"

"Team Plasma." Pierce intervened Alice again for the innumerable time already. He finished her words.

Slowly, we approached the last floor only to see a room in which the door was widely opened. We were afraid to see what on Earth lies behind that door, and so, our steps were careful, delicate, and precise. We continued to follow the blood trail as our eyes roamed at the horrific scratch marks of Pokemon on the walls. Someone tried to defend themselves.

Inside the room is when we saw the most awful thing ever. "Impossible." Pierce thought. Professor Fennel is dead, deceased, nothing but a pile of blood and head that is far from the body to say the last.

"This is beyond cruelty." Zeal said. "This is definitely not the work of Team Plasma."

"She was beheaded by a blade, perhaps a Pokemon which has a blade. I could only think of one, which is Pawniard and Bisharp." said Pierce. On the floor was a letter that had my name written on it. This spooked me even more, I didn't have the guts to pick it up, wondering what the writer has to say to me. Possibly a death threat, or worse, a date in which I'd be killed next after Professor Fennel.

Pierce picked up the letter and gave it a little pat to shew off the dust. Angered, Charlotte confronted him and said, "Hey! That letter is for Luna! She should be the one to read it!"

"M-me?! I'd better burn that without even opening the envelope." I joked as Pierce slowly handed me the letter.

Bit by bit, I tore the envelope and began to read the message while Oliver and Pierce roamed around the scene of the crime.

"Dear Luna,

It's been days hasn't it? You think Team Rocket is all mighty? I know what you monkeys are up to. Well, I just want to say, I did your dirty work for you. Where's my thanks? Haha! You can find the details of the so-called Meteonite in the drawer beside the professor's head.

You must be wondering how this was all sudden? Or how I know you? Well, I've been a fan of your works! However, if we are to decide which organization would succeed, then that would be us of course. Nevertheless, the name of our organization would be kept anonymous.

Oh, Luna. I hope this doesn't scare you. The games has just begun and I've given you your first victory. Let's see who's organization is the toughest, exclude that damn Plasma freaks. The next round won't be that easy. You want the meteonite? Sure, get it. Pass through us first. We're no easy to catch or defeat type of enemies of Team Rocket.

Good luck Luna, I'm looking forward on seeing what your organization can do. If you lose the game, this will be the downfall of Team Rocket.

Yours sincerely,

1.2.3." I read the letter slowly.

I then passed it on the my friends who read it as well. All of us were stunned and my bodies are left frozen in fear. Now there's a true serial killer on the loose. I'm no serial killer, but it would be fun to challenge the writer I guess. I mean, they're obviously not Team Plasma since they insulted them, so perhaps this could be Jenny's organization? I might be wrong too though.

"Hey, remember that retarded officer?" Zeal recalled.

"Jenny's not a retard!"

"I knew it. You still have feelings for her. It's obvious she wrote the letter. Give up, she's no longer your "adolescent" friend." said Zeal.

"She's not this cruel. She won't be murdering tons of people for the sake of a sister! She wants to kill me, not innocent people!"

"If I may ask, if you challenge her, will you have the guts to pull the trigger?" Pierce came to intervened, holding the details of the paper.

"Of course. I don't give a damn about that bastard anymore." I said confidently.

"Good. Then let the games begin."

"W-wait. How sure are we this is Jenny's organization?"

"I never assumed it was her organization, Charlotte. I was asking your friend over here if she got what it takes whenever she encounters her again. Come on Team Rocket, this mission was a piece of cake." said Pierce, taking the lead.

Frightened, I crumpled the paper and placed it inside my pocket. I flinched, couldn't barely move. Who is the author? The writer? Who is... 1.2.3?

"You'll be fine, Luna. As long as you got my back, nothing else will happen. Trust me." Charlotte said, patting my back.

"I hope so. What's worse, the murderer can be one of us. A wolf in a sheep's clothing, like they say. A new Arlo."

"A Team Rocket agent fighting Team Rocket?" she doubted.

"Who else would've known about our mission except for Team Rocket?"

"But the writer belongs to an organization."

"But then again, red-herrings are present everywhere. Unless, someone is trying to revolt against Team Rocket. Not to mention things got weird since the switcher upper of schedules and the arrival of Ms. Madame Boss. Many things are possible, and I don't believe this could be Jenny. The penmanship itself is different."

She flinched as well. "I... I... I guess you have a point."