LOG 27: The Night Came Usually

Midnight fell like a rich velvet blanket of black, swallowing up the day, draining the colors to grey and then to nothing at all. At the Castelia Pokemon International Police branch, one woman was awake, writing at her journal as usual. Unexpectedly, her assistant, Ms. Evelyn, came by.

"Ms. Emma, any report about the O.E.B.?" she queried.

Emma stopped writing for a moment. "None so far. The number of murder reports in this region rises by every second that passed! If we want to stop this so-called vanquishers of evil, then we must aim for their leader. The question is, however, who could that leader be?"

"Have you at least tried to look for suspects? Professor Cedric? Juniper? Or maybe Fennel's fiance? Those could be good contenders."

"No. This case, I believe, doesn't have any suspects. It is the madman who is responsible, and whoever this madman is, he's dangerous alright."

"Have you considered this madman to perhaps be a madwoman? I believe that's possible. After all, you, a woman, is a leader of our branch. The other side can implement the same thing."

"Maybe. This wouldn't have started unless something from the past triggered the rise of a former organization that was once disbanded."

"The O.E.B? They were once disbanded?"

"Of course. Ever heard of Luna?"

"The Rocket agent?"

"Yeah her. Remember the time when she herself disbanded the Pokemon Government Council by blowing up their headquarters?"

"Yup. That news never seems to fade away."

"Voila. They did disband didn't they? Some members fled to the Unova region, in hopes of bringing back the PGC but failed. Then came this mysterious madman-"

"Or madwoman."

"Who brought back the organization back to life but with new mechanics, leaders, and so on and so forth. However, data shows that whoever this new leader is, he or she is a fraud. Hypnosis through the Yamask mask, that is the leader's technique."

"So you mean, the OEB is nothing but a-"

"Yes. Neo-PGC. However, let's just consider them as OEB. That acronym sounds better."

"I'll have to agree on you with this one."

"What now, Ms. Emma?"

"Well, we can't do anything but search. I may not be Mr. Looker, but I think my own style would somehow work."

"Alright then. Good night, Ms. Emma." said Evelyn, gently closing the door.

She was about to continue writing on her journal when suddenly she felt the wind suddenly intensifying and entering through her window. Frightened, she took a peek only to see a silhouette entering the window. The silhouette slowly approached her, and in the same time, withered to reveal the true identity of the intruder.

"Mimi!" she stammered, hugging her Mimi tightly on her grasps. Her Pokemon couldn't also attack because of the sudden fright. Completely frozen in absolute fear.

When the face turned out to be those of Oliver's, Emma was infuriated, dropping her Mimi and taking her diary, slapping it at him.

"You! Don't scare me like that! What are you doing here anyway?!"

Oliver massaged his head and pouted at Emma.

"I did say I was going to do what I can to arrest you. Now that you're here, I'll surely do so." Emma growled, and took out her handcuffs, confronting Oliver with a glare.

Oliver stood still and began to run around the office.

"Your boots are fixed already?! Hey! Stop running! I spent hours trying to organize my room!" scolded Emma who tried to chase for Oliver. Nevertheless, Oliver ain't an easy fish to catch.

Then came an unexpected moment when Oliver was heading right for Emma. He tried to stop but he couldn't. He was like a car who completely lost control over its own brakes. Emma on the other hand, was not the type of woman who would just flinch. On rare occasions, she does, but her life as a former thief and burglar made her used to the incidents and circumstances that may occur in the streets, including car crashes.

She immediately turned left, dodging Oliver and letting him pass through. He still couldn't stop though, making him hit the wall badly.

"Are you alright?!" Emma pitied Oliver.

Oliver nodded slowly, still trying to gain consciousness slowly.

"Phew. Be quiet, Evelyn might here you. What in the world are you doing here anyway?" she asked.

Oliver stood and pointed at the yellow folder

"The case logs? I just can't randomly hand an important file of the Pokemon International Police!"

Oliver begged.

"Team Rocket. Hmm, you must be wondering about the OEB too right? We're completely clueless too!" she said exuberantly, probably joking around.

Oliver continuously begged.

"Hmm, I can't give the file to you. I'd be kick out of my only family. I know, got your Rotom-Phone with you?"

He nodded.

"Great! Picture them instead. However, I trust you that you keep these information between Team Rocket, and the Pokemon International Police."

He nodded again.

One by one, Oliver took a photo of the pages while analyzing all the data. Some murder reports were profoundly disturbing to the point he couldn't handle to stare at both the victim and the scene of the crime pictures.

Once finished, Oliver smiled at Emma.

"You're welcome! I guess we have a common enemy. Well, I won't arrest you if you and I have an agreement. You know? Um... Like a treaty!"

He lifted one of his eyebrows up.

"Whatever Team Rocket finds about the OEB, tell me, and I will do the same to you. So? Sounds fair?"

Oliver thought for a while. Once he came up with a decision, he nodded.


There, the two shook hands as an unofficial agreement between the Pokemon International Police and Team Rocket begins. How long can Oliver hide from us?