LOG 28: The Secret Garden!

My body was feeling quite light tonight. I couldn't sleep. My thoughts were disturbing me again. All I'm left with is my struggling body and a long for sleep. Charlotte was getting disturbed by how naughty my movements were. I couldn't sleep for some reason. The temperature was fine, Lily ain't on my head, and I'm feeling pretty normal.

When the clock struck to one, I was getting extremely bored. I did nothing but to stare at Charlotte's bed above me, thinking of ways to make my eyes close for good, well not for good for good, but for eight hours. Nevertheless, my efforts were useless as I would be constantly disturbed with certain thoughts.

Then out of nowhere, I saw a shadow from the outside of our room. I could see it through the gap of the door. Interested, I wondered who it would be, and so I sneaked out for a moment and to a peek.

"Alice?! You're awake?" I uttered silently but in surprise.

"Ah?!" she nearly screamed but I quickly covered her mouth. She, Munchlax, and Kecleon were all awake. They even look energetic so that means they're up to something.

"Do-don't tell mom about this." she pleaded.

"If I do, I'm dead as well. I'm also wide awake. What are you doing anyway?"

"What are you doing here first?"

"Trying to sleep!" I replied.

"Well, um... I was--"

"Wait, is that a third Pokeball?" I asked, looking at her rocket belt.

"It's mommy's Kadabra. Nothing special about it." she grinned, obviously hiding something from me.

"Alright. What are you up to this time?"

"Um... I... I... I can't tell. It's a secret." she said.

"Please! Tell me! You're secret's safe with me. I promise." I begged.

"I guess I'll have to show you instead. Do you promise that I can trust you?"

"Of course! So, where are we going to?"


"Entra what now?"

She giggled. "Just follow me. Kadabra! Come out of your Pokeball!"

"Please take us to the Entralink." she tickled its chin.

it created a large portal beneath our feet. Abruptly, we fell down the portal and teleported to a new place. I'm used to getting in and out of portals. I do it all the time with Gardevoir. Although, I'm getting a headache more often whenever I do.

We exited to a place surrounded by what seems to be bushes, forming a Pokeball. The wind was strong, flowers of fragrance everywhere, definitely one of a kind compared to the previous forests I've been through.

"Wh-where are we?" I queried.

"The Entralink. It's a forest, nevertheless, it's a garden to me. I go here every night with my Pokemon. It's where we spend our days together. Follow me." unexpectedly, she grabbed my hand and dashed off to the deeper reaches of the forest. As my foot tapped the ground, bright pollen grains flew over me like fireflies.

There in the center of a million grassy wands stood a tree, her bark so patterned as if carved by her own rain-born flash rivers. She stretches up, as if so proud to stand there under the moon in any weather. How I wish she could see her own beauty, her gold leaves aplenty and earthy browns, yet perhaps I should wish for her peace and the wisdom to simply be what I am.

"The leaves... They're gold. It must be a honey tree, right?" I queried, slowly approaching the place.

"Not quite. This tree is the first tree to ever sprout from a tragedy that took place years ago. It says, that two ferocious Pokemon fought for food, destroying everything in its path but when the winner could not be decided, a boy came, and cut the berry into half, one for each. This is the symbol of not only the importance of sharing but also how humanity and Pokemon works alongside to make the world a better place. Without the boy, Unova would perish by the tragedy. Without Pokemon? The world would be lonely, and such tragedy would never occur, thus history would be different." she stated.

"You're wrong!" a synchronized voice came from behind us.

Two women, very pretty, came by. They wore the outfits of innocent civilians who seem to be heading out for pick-nick. One of them even held a basket with them. They don't seem to have Pokeballs nor Pokemon, possibly, they could be part of the organization who wants to liberate Pokemon from humanity.

"When human and Pokemon are together, conflict would only peril the region." said the first woman.

"Anthea and Concordia." Kadabra protecting her, Alice gave a fierce glare at the two women as if they were familiar.

"Who are they?"

"Team Plasma. The goddess of love and the goddess of peace of their so-called mythology. I don't believe them."

"Our Lord N, he will save the world from calamity." said Concordia.

"There was never meant to be a trainer, nor a Pokeball." said Anthea.

"And who made you think that? Your leaders?" I doubted.

"No. Our experiences." said the two of them.

"Leave this forest at once! Team Plasma!" Alice demanded.

"How unjust of you. We only came here to have a little saunter. Is there anything wrong with that?"

"Make sure. We Team Rocket won't allow you to liberate Pokemon. Without them, our purpose is destroyed. Madame Boss wants them!" Alice grumbled.

"H-hey, you're going too far now. Just turn invisible and let me handle the rest." I whispered.

"If that is your wish, let us see who will win." smiled the two goddesses as they continued their saunter.

Meanwhile, something snapped in me. Maybe it's a coincidence though. Perhaps they could be the signed writer of the mysterious letter, or they really are innocent peasants of Team Plasma. We were lucky Alice didn't lead this mess into an extreme conflict.

"I-I think we should return now. There's obviously scouts nearby."


"Ninjas. I've heard of them in the news. Might as well return before they spot us. Anthea and Concordia are very-- um, how should I put this? Very important people of Team Plasma. They are daughters to the pope, Ghetsis. Of course, a father would do whatever it takes to protect his daughter. It is at best if we return. We are no match for the Shadow Triad." she murmured and pulled my arm.

"Aw! I barely got here!"

"We'll see it next time too. Ouch!" a berry fell on Alice's head

"Gravity." I chuckled.

Although we thought it was just physics, we heard a giggle coming from somewhere.

"Don't mind it, must've been a Pokemon, that's all. Come on!" she said.

"An invisible Pokemon. Now that's something you don't see everyday aside from Kecleon. Could it be rare?"

"Not sure, Luna." Alice replied.