LOG 32: Raid

Under a sky of perfect midnight velvet, under stars so brilliant they drew the eyes heaven bound, the lyrics of starry starry night played softly in Oliver's mind. As the light twinkled and the unheard music played, his steps fell lightly over the rutted path.

In the midnight streets of Castelia City, Emma is out again, this time in a hunt for five members. She volunteered to this alone, without the assistance of anyone except herself.

She ran like the wind, hopping from rooftop to rooftop to track down the five members of the O.E.B. who somehow the outfits of motorcycle drivers. Two of them were male, and the rest were female.

"I'm not letting you get away this time!" said Emma, extending out her taser, but not the ordinary kind of one. She pulled the trigger, an electrifying and paralyzing bullet was released. It aimed for one of the member's leg successfully.

As the others try to escape, Emma settled with the fish she caught. From the rooftop, he fell down, his paralyzed leg hitting the shed of a car. Before he could get away, Emma approached and handcuffed him immediately.

"Now we have someone to interview!" she uttered arrogantly.

"Hey!" a feminine voice rattled her ears.

Emma looked to the rooftop, seeing a woman with a slightly different costume. Instead of gold running across such black outfit, red did. Her mask was slightly different, more futuristic than the man's. The woman was slim and had a good body shape.

"So you must be one of their leaders?" Emma questioned.

"That's right office girl, the name's Andrea, a general of the O.E.B."

"Looks like you're a bigger fish." she smirked.

"Oh really?" Andrea jumped down. "You? Against me?"

"Your organization is only young. You're nothing but remains of a former."

"I'm impressed. You know your history very well. Come at me, douchebag."

"I may be a police officer, but I was once a gang leader! I know how to fight!"

"Prove it,"

Emma threw her body weight behind the fist that edged closer to Andrea's face, it hit her jaw with such force blood pooled into her mouth. Pain erupted from the point of impact. With her own two hands Andrea grasped Emma's head in her hands and brought her knee cap up to her nose, there was a blunt crack and Andrea released her dark haired head, throwing her helmet away.

Crimson leaked from both Andrea's nostrils and her nose was twisted right. She drew her fist back again and it ploughed into Emma's stomach, it was like hitting a train head on. Emma's guts smashed together, blood vessels bursting. She repaid this by punching her jaw, Emma's fish collided with all her body weight. She continued this battering until she fell to the floor. Andrea's chest gently rose and sank with each shallow breath she drew in.

Amidst the fight, a dart pierced through Andrea's neck and paralyzed her completely. Then in swift speed, Oliver wrapped her with a thick rope, tangling Andrea beside a lamp post.

"It's you again," said Emma with a smile.

Oliver smirked.

"Fools! Our leader isn't done with her schemes." Andrea came to interrupt.

"That reminds me, who is your leader?"

"Why should I tell you? You know, you make a great member of our organization. Hehe."

"No! You will submit to the Pokemon International Police--"

Oliver looked at Emma.

"Oh right, and to Team Rocket too!"

"Team Rocket? So, you and them are working alongside each other now. I bet your friend over here is a member of that brain-headed organization."

"They're not brain-headed! It's fine if you don't answer to me, you'll answer to the police instead."

"Hang me, I'll spill nothing."

As Emma and Andrea had their confrontation, Oliver went to the member and took off his mask, only to see he wears the odd Yamask mask. He moved his body closer and gently took it off, but by doing so, the member's life was taken away. A lot of mystery surrounds such mask and the technology it has behind it.

"Thanks again, Oliver. I will bring this crook to the police department. Oh, and you can have the mask as a token for your help!"

Oliver smiled and nodded.

"If only I wasn't busy, maybe we could hang out sometime."

He grinned.

"Alright then! Bye! Oh, I'll send a crew to pick up the body later. No worries! But I do have to warn you to get out immediately before the smell spreads all over you. Trust me, it's stinky."

Oliver giggled.

And when things were going quite alright, Emma bringing the miscreant to the Pokemon International Police, Andrea gained control over her body again and forcefully pulled herself out of Emma's grip.


Oliver heard a shout from afar. He lounged as fast as possible only to see Andrea escaping and Emma wounded on the ground.

"See you soon, Team Rocket! Can't wait for your organization to blow up." hearing her words as she left made Oliver infuriated.

"I-I'm fine," said Emma, slowly standing with Oliver's help.

"A member has broken loose, if only my grip on her was stronger. This is bad, I need your help. Track Andrea down for me will you?"

Oliver shrugged.

Emma held his shoulders tightly. "I know I'm asking much but there's something I have to do as well. Three she said, they're three. I'll find the other two while you go look for her."

Oliver shrugged again.

"I will pay you back, I promise."

He seemed interested.

"In return for helping me, I give you my trust. We must stop the leader's generals before it's too late. The time Andrea escaped my grasps, she gave me a warning. Team Rocket and Team Plasma will have a battle in a fortnight. If we stop the leader by then, it's a win win for both Team Rocket and the Pokemon International Police."

Sighing, Oliver shook his head.

"Great, thanks a lot." unexpectedly, Emma moved her body closer to him and hug him tightly. Both of their cheeks flourished with a crimson.