LOG 33: Bouff! Bouff!

One of the grandest cities in the whole of Unova, ignoring the gratuitous Castelia City. In terms of things to do Nimbasa actually offers more, between its fairground, musical hall, battle subway, and sports dome this is the go to place for any trainer. There is even a large Pikachu balloon at the far west of the city. One of the most joyous city in the entire region, Nimbasa promises a lot for both trainers and Pokemon.

Trainer Logan currently arrived with his Pokemon after his success against gym leader Burgh. Now he's up to challenge Nimbasa City's queen, Elesa. Although, things went a bit unexpected when Logan heard the gym leader is out to train for two days. With that being said, they are forced to wait, but where and what will they do?

By a bench, he and his Pokemon(Lucario, Gallade, Armaldo, Leafeon, Heatmor) sat with a downcast gaze, wondering what they could probably do next. Running out of ideas, they had no choice but to watch the busy streets, staring at the people and children passing by.

"Psst." someone whispered from behind the bench. Surprised, Logan and his Pokemon looked back only to see nothing but bushes.

"Probably heard something." he shrugged.

"Psst." the voice called again. It was a masculine.

wondered Lefeaon as he hops down to check who hid behind the bushes.

he suddenly screamed, his face blanched.

"What's going on Leafeon?!" asked Logan, standing and looking behind the bushes as well.

There they saw a tall powerful built man with long flaming red hair tied back in a spiky ponytail, tan skin, and dark eyes. His hair resembles the feathery headdress of a Native American Chief. He also wears an outfit that is similar to the garb of a Native American: a tan cloak-like vestments with a black collar, red and orange trim on the sleeves, and orange and black trim across the middle. He wears white pants with ragged ends, and black sandals on his feet. He sports a necklace of six Poké Balls.

"Excuse me? Who are you?" asked Logan while scratching his hair.

Alder laughed intensely.

"My name is Alder young lad." he introduced, standing up and patting the trainer's back. The pat was powerful, one that made Logan's bones shiver.

"Alder? Now where have I heard that name before again?"

"Go ahead, you can think."

Logan thought long and hard but couldn't realize who the man was. Alder laughed intensely for the second time.

"I am the champion of the Unova Region. And you? I suspect you're a trainer with a bunch of strong Pokemon eh?" he rubbed his hair.

"W-wait... You're THE Alder?"

"Right! I know I'm weaker than Cynthia, but I've my own style of battling."

"So that means you're challenging me to a battle right?"

"Well, if you want to we can."

"Ah! Bring it on, Mr. Alder! I guess this a stroke of luck to have a chance to battle a champion after a long time!"

"Alright then, young lad. Perhaps a one on one battle will do?"

"It's fine with me, Mr. Alder. I am the victor of Sinnoh's Pokemon League, although never actually won against Cynthia yet. I will however, but first, you're up!"

"Careful young man, pride goes before destruction, and a haughty spirit before a fall. Bouffalant, you're up!"

Alder released his Pokemon. Bouffalant is a bovine Pokémon with a large, dark afro on its head. Two large, curving horns, each with two golden growths resembling rings, protrude from the afro. It has a shaggy brown hide that ends at its knees and does not cover its face. A large, gray nose sits at the end of its short, beige snout, and its yellow eyes are partly hidden by its hair. There are black tear markings directly below its eyes. Each of its beige legs has a single, gray hoof and its tail ends in a stubby tuft of fur.

"I see, that must be a fast paced Pokemon. The only way to counter such is with a faster Pokemon! Leafeon, I choose you!"

Leapt into action, the Pokemon did.

"You have the first move, young lad!"

"Thanks a lot! Leafeon, Iron Tail!"

The foe's Pokemon yawned and accepted the attack.

"It didn't dodge. I'm no idiot, definitely there's an ability hiding inside Bouffalant. Alright then, this is our opportunity. Grassy Terrain, go now!"

said the Pokemon, turning all of his surrounding into lush green.

"Bouffalant! Charge! Use Revenge!"

"Leafeon, dodge now!"

"I've gotta say, young man, that's definitely a fast Pokemon you got there. Now, Bouffalant, use Mega Horn!"

"An effective move? Try this out for size, use Leaf Storm to retaliate!"

Logan's Pokemon picked up the wind and lashed it at the foe, throwing a leaves galore right at it. With the leaves covering Bouffalant's eyes, the Pokemon was put to a halt.

"Now, follow it up with Leaf Blade!"

Leafeon sliced the afro. By doing so however, Leafeon accidentally sliced off the leaves covering the foe's face, and thus with a glare, it continued its Revenge move. Blasted up high into the sky, he went and landing on the pile of autumn leaves.

"Now, Mega Horn!"

"Leafeon, don't allow Mr. Alder to win! Go use Sand Attack!"

Bouffalant was put a stop, his eyes blinded by the sand.

"Now, Leaf Blade, again and again!"

Leafeon attacked the foe a multitude of times, aiming primarily for its afro. Grass type moves were boosted because of the grassy terrain.

"Shake it off! Then continue with Head Charge!"

The Pokemon galloped towards Leafeon.

"Charge! Use Magical Life!"

Despite all the efforts of Leafeon to faint the Pokemon with an abundant amount of leaves, Bouffalant continued its attack, and there, the two of them collided. Dust flitted the air as the two trainers coughed to see who won the match. It was a very dusty one indeed.

Once the dust settled, the victor was clear. None of them won the watch. It ended up as a draw. Bouffalant lost because of the damage it took while charging towards Leafeon. Leafeon lost because of Bouffalant's Sap Sipper ability and powerful Head Bash.

"It ended up as a draw." said Logan softly.

Meanwhile, Alder laughed hardly.

"A draw it is then! Maybe we are not supposed to battle each other yet? After all, you merely have five gym badges am I correct?"

"Well, Nimbasa was supposed to be my fourth but Elesa is off training."

"Then wait for her as I will do the same to you. Victory road is all you have to pass, and there I shall see you atop the tower. You've got some tricks up your sleeves, I must say. Now, go on and train. Both of us have still a lot to learn before we battle each other again."

"Indeed, Mr. Alder... Indeed." they shook each other's hands.