LOG 34: Training with the Bosses!

For one to completely understand and achieve greatness in a trial, it is a must to practice at the place where the exam will commence. It is a strategy I came up with during my earlier days as a Team Rocket member. Also, it is Cliff himself who advised me to do so, and so far, it has been of great help.

My shadows still clasped unto my feet, I hurried out with my Pokemon and headed straight for Nimbasa City. Nothing will be a distraction since most stalls are closed and not many competitions happen during a Sunday. Out rushing again, I nearly tripped unto the autumn leaves.

"Salamence! Take me to Nimbasa City!"

Salamence zoomed to the sky and blasted went to my destination.

The newly awakened sun shed its rays at me, whitening my skin. A little vitamin D to keep me healthy! My Pokemon and I were satisfied, as if the sun and the skies quenched our thirst.

Not many people were there in the early streets of Nimbasa City. It was completely silent. One could only hear the sounds of the rustling wind and the fluttering leaves. And there I thought I wouldn't be distracted, but I ended up doing so because of the cute Pikachu balloon. No one can resist its cuteness, not even a rough tough dude can.

It's cheeks are squishy, if only I could reach it. Climbing to the top with my Salamence would be disrespectful and I might end up getting arrested.

Next I struggled with my mind. It was a toughie who kept giving me the whammies with the eyes it controls which persistently stared at the stuff toys, food carts, and many more. Though young, Nimbasa is lively no matter what.

It was a big surprise when all of a sudden I met Logan. Not sure about how many times I did already but then again, my mind made me greet him. Lucky him he was training with his Pokemon. Me? My ass is lazy!

"You're here too?" he chuckled. "Well that is a surprise. You see, me and my Pokemon were training for our battle against Elesa."

Leafeon walked closer to me and asked for a cuddle. I had no choice but to follow.

"That's Leafeon. He must've liked you right from the start! So, Luna? What are you doing here?"

"Training. I need too."

"Ah!" he exclaimed. "Great! Perfect! Yes it is! Hey, I know a place where we can train together."


"Yeah! Follow me! I know they're open already!" he grabbed my hand and ran off. Why do people do that to me? Well, I do that to them too! It's even-steven!

"W-wait, where are you taking me to?"

"Where else?" he tittered. "The Nimbasa Subway!"


"Didn't know did you?" he winked.

"I'm new here."

"Right. My bad!"

We entered the subway. Never expected this place to have one, or this region. And here I thought it is only Team Rocket who has such technologies but it turns out, even Unova has them! I won't be surprised anymore if Kalos and Alola has one but I doubt anyway.

Although the trains were modern, there was one that stood out from the rest. It was white, looks like a bullet with red lines running across. Inside were two individuals who look like captains, you know? The ones from a ship. One of them had a somewhat brown coat while the other was white.

I don't have a clue who on Earth they are but suddenly came Logan who shocked the hell out of me when he challenged the two individuals.

"The name's Ingo!"

"The name's Emmet!"

"And the two of us are the subway bosses!" they said together.

I snapped my fingers. "Subway bosses?! That sounds familiar!"

"Don't they? They're one of the strongest trainers here in this city! Although, I can't come and battle them without a partner. Can you be mine?"

"A battle partner right?"

"Of course. Your mind tends to get silly, Luna!"

"Sorry about that. Hehe. Okay then, I accept! Let's get this over with."

"Glad you agreed!"

"We shall finally commence this tag battle! Come out Elektross!" said Emmet.

"Klinklang you're up!" said Ingo.

"Gardevoir, I choose you!"

"Ooh, I see, Gallade I choose you!"

I stared at him. "Are you teasing me?"

He scratched his head. "No, I guess. Not sure. Hehe."

"I pouted."

"Elektross, use Electroball!"

"Klinklang! Use Thundershock!"

"Quick Gardevoir, double team!"

"Gallade! Dodge the attack and use Close Combat at Klinklang!"

With Double Team, Gardevoir was able to dodge the attack, confusing the opponents. Gallade was also able to dodge and strongly used Close Combat against Klinklang, blasting the Pokemon away.

"Proceed with a powerful Thunderbolt, Elektross!"

"Go and use Gear Grind too!"

Gardevoir and Gallade were unable to dodge the attack right on time! They hit their backs at the end of the cargo station.

"Now! Go with Steel Roller on Gardevoir, Klinklang!"

said the Pokemon, heading towards my Pokemon who barely got up from the previous attack.

Seeing the attack coming, she closed her eyes in fright. She then heard the sounds of swords coming by as Klinklang was heard being thrown off to the other side. Gardevoir opened her eyes, seeing Gallade has protected her. A pink color embosomed her cheeks as Gallade and helped her stand up.

"I believe this is not the time for flirting, Gallade! Now use Close Combat again!"

"Gardevoir, Moonblast!"

I noticed her being a bit unresponsive, still looking at Gallade for some reason. Once I snapped her out for the second time is when she began to use the move.

"Ingo and Emmet! The Subway bosses! Elektross, Hyper Beam! Steal Roller again Klinklang!"

Four moves heading for a collision course against each other! Heartbeats racing louder than thunder, faster than lightning! Sweat dripping on the floor, tiles getting soaked. The moves collided, rocking the entire train coach! All four of our Pokemon were out of sight.