LOG 35: Task 1

The victory against the Battle Subway bosses gave me confidence for today's task. All eighty of us gathered at Nimbasa in plain sight. No one knew who we are, no one guessed who we are. It is a must that we Team Rocket agents conduct the first exam without anyone noticing us. Some hid as civilians, other hid as janitors, some were even tramps. Me? I'm sticking with the good old civilian outfit. As for my friends, including Oliver, I'm not sure what they are now since today, they're my enemies.

Exactly ten in the morning, the task were given us through our holographic radars. The goal is simple, at least that what I think it is. Scattered across this city are forty gems, all colored in blue. It serves as a key to the next round, which also means half us will be eliminated today. Just one is all I need, and hopefully my friends get a spot in the next round. It's better to challenge them off when we're a few.

We have the whole day. Once it reaches six in the evening, that's it. Oh, and hurting people is legal, which also includes my friends. Hmm, I wonder if they will do such a thing to me?

Once the timer ticked to zero, the first task has begun.

Ten in the morning:

It started out normal. No fighting, no violence, and commotion. It's just an ordinary peaceful day with team rocket grunts acting like janitors and searching trash bins. Madame Boss ain't a fan of dirt, so definitely she won't hide it in trash cans, unless her purpose is to delude us.

I began my saunter, searching the bushes while hiding anything suspicious. The keen eyes of my Salamence searched from above, while the rest of us stuck to the ground. Gardevoir was responsible for searching through houses since she can teleport. Mawile can easily sneak through a bag through sympathy, the oldest trick in the book. All she's got to do is to act like she's got a booboo and people will pay her pity! From there, she strikes.

Absol is keen so she stayed with me while searching the bushes. Mismagius can make herself invisible so that'll be helpful in case Madame Boss and her men, or in this case, women, hid the jewels in a bank.

Thirty minutes later, my holographic radar rang showing that Pierce has found one. I was intimidated by that guy. He's swift. 39 slots remain and the battle is still cool.


I know some are skipping lunch but I won't. Health is important to me and if I don't eat, well I'm going to fail. No energy equals no work. "Physics," one might say, well technically. I ate quickly in a nearby stall with Virgo who was very exhausted when we met. I can say by her sweat. It's all over her body as if she herself is nothing but liquid!

Others are bold enough to skip lunch and risk their rasping throat for the task. There's still six hours, and 30 slots remain.

"Did you find one already?" asked Virgo, drinking a whole bottle of water at once.

"No luck. How are these people finding the gems right away?"

"I don't know. Charlotte and Oliver got one, and so that leaves the three of us. They must've talent. Stealth aren't stealth for nothing, as so as the Neuro who is entirely intelligent with hacking cctvs."

"Might explain why Charlotte found one. About you? You're a stealth."

"Do you forget so easily? I was assigned as a stealth for the sake of completing the team. Not really my preferred team to join."

While eating, we heard an eruption just by the corner. We saw two janitors fighting with our weapons. Not only did they blow they're cover, now they have a whole crowd to deal with. They were fighting for a gem. Me and Virgo wanted to join but we were heavily distracted by the second eruption. An agent from atop the ceilings of apartments was running with a gem on his grasps while another tried to shoot him from below.

"Back to work, Luna."

"I'll meet you soon!"

Two in the afternoon:

My confidence is quite high, but slowly draining. 20 slots remain and I still believe I can make it to the top forty. Zeal, Virgo, and I still have no luck no matter how much we value "work smart not hard." We wanted to join the forces in secret but we are aware that Madam Boss's spies are all around us, spectating the match.

Thought of upping my game, I rode on my Salamence to search from the skies. Unexpectedly our eyes caught Virgo having one gem and appeared to be running towards the place where all agents should meet.

Virgo shrieked, my Salamence intentionally spewing flamethrower at her while we slowly descend.

"You're going to forgive me after this aren't you?" I asked, teasing around.

"Depends." she smirked, clenching her Pokeball tightly.

"Gardevoir out and use Moon Blast!"

"Ursaring, wrap yourself with your arm!"

Ursaring was protected.

"Just like old times eh Luna? I remember the day both of them evolved in Johto."

"That's something I'll never forget! Gardevoir, hypnosis!"

yelled the bear.

"What the?"

"Like our new strategy? Sound can break sleep."

"How usual of you to add science to our match. Gar--"

We were intervened. We heard footsteps from the emergency stairs running down to us.

"We're still friends right?" Zeal surprised us and grabbed the gem from Virgo's grasps. She then ran away in full speed.

"Hey! Hand that back to me!" said Virgo, chasing for Zeal.

"Come on Salamence, let them be, Zeal's a fast runner and Virgo won't be able to catch up to her." I tittered. "Let's find a different location instead."

Five in the afternoon

My body is extremely exhausted to the point I could drop dead any second now. Vendors are running out of water too, so I guess this is their lucky day. Only 3 slots remain for us and one hour is left. Virgo and Zeal were able to pass and so that leaves me alone. There are still many agents looking for the last three and me? I'm forcing myself to stay persevere.

[2 slots remaining] then came the holographic radar who lowered my self-esteem. I couldn't run anymore. My Pokemon's legs are very worn-out, and all I could do is to be empathetic at them.

Thinking of what to do next, I sat down by a bench, pondering the floor with my Pokemon. The sun's color began to fade, the skies filled with oranges, revealing a wonderful sunset before my eyes.

"Where would be the best place to hide a gem? Where? I've searched the whole city and nothing is coming up!" I said infuriatingly.

said Absol.

"I know I won't be able to achieve anything by sitting, but I'm thinking of what to do. A few more min--"

[1 Slot remaining]

"--Great." I said sarcastically.


"Oh, you're here. I forgot."

"Yeah, Elesa isn't here yet so... Why do you look down?"

"Gck. Wha? Me? No, I'm perfectly normal and happy." I blurted.

"Oh. Huh, can you help me? You see I found this in the middle of nowhere and I'm not quite sure who owns it."

I slowly tilted to the object he was holding.

"Wh-where did you find that?"

"At the construction site. I heard they're building a new gym there."

The blue light from the gem reflected on my face.

"Thank you! Thank you! Thank you!" I blurted, running to him closely and hugging him.

His cheeks turned pink. "This is yours?"

"Technically. Thanks again. You're a life saver!"

"Um.. Okay then." he waved, watching me dashing away.

"Of course! It all makes sense now. You can't have world conquest without building. Tricky Madame Boss is."

Everyone around me is losing hope, and I'm trying to pick up the pace of a lightning bolt to reach our designated area right in time. The grunts around me were losing hope, glad Logan's my friend.

"There's Luna!" said Charlotte excitedly.

[0 Slots remaining. Congratulations Team Rocket.] Our holographic radars buzzed again the moment I reached the place with only a few seconds left on the watch. I made it to the top forty, and even if I'm in the lowest, at least I still have a chance for me to be a Master agent.