LOG 44: Research in the Library!

Munchlax clung unto her while Kecleon on her foot. Alice is a walking forest for Pokemon! As the attempt to assassinate Madam Boss is currently happening, it is time to see what Alice and Virgo are up to. A daughter of a professor and a novice professor in one room? What could go wrong?

They entered the library. It was larger than the one in Hoenn, though I haven't really been inside it yet and just heard it from gossips. All the fun in Team Rocket has blocked me from spending a little time for drawing and arts.

The floor is wooden, the bookshelves? They're pillars! Well, not literally. Hmm, according to what I've heard, the library is adorned by a dozen portraits. There is one hall which contains all the famous leaders, elite operatives, master agents, of Team Rocket. Including the spies extremos, Annie and Oakley.

"Wh-why did you bring here? For what purpose?" asked the timid girl, grasping her Munchlax tightly.

"What else? Research! Your a professor,"

"A daughter's professor." she corrected.

"Why, they're similar."

"No, they're not. I want to be a doctor some day."

"See! Similar!"

"No. A doctor treats patients, a professor researches."

"Still, if you want to be a doctor, you have to do some research. So come with me!" she pulled her hand and dashed to one of the shelves. They gazed at the tall and huge cylindrical shelf. Alice gulped in intimidation while Virgo leaped with excitement.

"Are you always this happy?"

"I love books. Sometimes, truthful and wise knowledge necessitates research through books rather than the internet."

A heave flew out of her. "What... What century do you live in?"

"Oh, right, using the internet makes me lazy, and that's something I dearly want to avoid."

"Well, I'll give you that. So? Bring it in! What are we going to--"

The sounds of footsteps running outside the library gathered the attention of everyone who was inside.

"Eh? Probably nothing important." shrugged Virgo.

Virgo climbed the stairs while Alice held the frame to keep things steady. She took more than five minutes to choose a book which made Alice's arms extremely weary. The book was velvet in color and was about as thick as a log.

"That's one giant book," said Alice in surprise, observing the book as Virgo went down the stairs.

"It'll contain all the information I need."

"For what?"

"Well, Luna wanted me to run some errands for her. You know her, she's lazy as a sloth. Plus, I owe Luna anyway."

"Owe her for what?"

"You wouldn't want to know. Anyway! Let's get into it!"

They sat on a wide bench. Virgo gave the book a swipe or two as she set up her laboratory apparatus.

"Whoa, wait. The deal was research, not actual investigation."

"Heh, they're synonymous. First step! Observation!"

She took out the marble like stone from her pocket and took out her microscope too and it's other requirements to use it. Alice was having a sense of languor around her body. She wanted to play with Munchlax and Kecleon instead.

"Have you used a microscope before?"

"Yes. Um... My mother allowed me to use it once."

"Great!" said Virgo, placing the marble unto watch glass.

They took turns observing the stone, seeing its tiny particles. Virgo noted the components of the marble. 93% were unknown to anyone while the other percent was just a few mixtures of talc and feldspar. The 93% were somewhat glowing with a bright veil.

"Munna! Come out!"

questioned the Pokemon.

"Hmm, she seems normal. This marble has energy alright, but of what kind? Not Munna's energy, since usually when she's close to someone or something which has a similar energy wave, they tend to experience a headache."

It questioned again.

"No wonder why they are rare. They are far separated from one another."

"Right. You do know your stuff! Thanks, Munna, return to your Pokeball."

"What now?"

"We'll have to require the need of Team Rocket's apparatus!" She took out her briefcase and opened it. It was thick, and had a laptop embedded in it. She flicked a lever as a high pitched sound is produced for about a sec. It disturbed everyone in the library.

"Shh," said the crowd.

"Our bad!" said Virgo.


The laptop began to collect energy waves from the marble as it is monitored in the screen. Through this, Virgo could identify where the glow comes from and what it's called. Such equipment is used for extensive Team Rocket research in the field whenever we want to know if what we're stepping on has any radium or palladium underneath it.

I've never used the contraption, but hopefully, one day I may.

"So? Where does the energy come from?"

"The screen doesn't display that much information. Only a few."

"A few? Are you underestimating Team Rocket's technology?"

"Well, for someone who is born as a member, that might be the case, but no. It just so happens that whatever I found contains an energy source that is-- oh wait, never mind. It was only loading."

Alice leaped. "Ah! I knew mommy's technology never fails."

"No wonder why you asked." she squinted. "Unbelievable. It is a mega stone."

"A mega stone? Then Luna is one lucky girl. I've longed for a mega stone for years, but none of my Pokemon has the ability to mega evolve yet."

"Impossible. If this is a mega stone then where is its pair? They come in pairs to signify the bond of a trainer with a Pokemon."

"Maybe it's you who has the answer to that. Where did you find it in the first place?"

"Not sure. In the floor."

"Then that stone belongs to a trainer who must've lost it."

"Possibly. I have to tell this Luna. She's going to be downhearted after hearing this. It's a Gardeviorite but it won't work on her Gardevoir because this stone is specified to a certain Gardevoir."

"So? What do we do it?"

"Hmm, it's useless. There's a bunch of trainers out there and the probability of finding the right one is 0.93%. Still, I'll be giving this to Luna. Who knows? Maybe it will work, but come to think of it? It feels weird using the mega stone that doesn't belong to yours."

"Wait, did you just accept my hypothesis?"

"Well, there are a lot of visible evidence to state your claim unless you're missing something."

"Hmm... Which path exactly did you find the Gardeviorite? Maybe mommy knows if it belongs to a trainer or not. Come with me." Alice pulled Virgo's hand this time and dashed out of the library.

"Wait! My laboratory apparatus! They cost bucks!"

"We'll get them later. This topic is getting interesting than I thought."

The two rushed into Professor Sophie's office who was busy conducting an experiment with a Bunsen Burner, a tripod, and a few droplets of morphine. There, Charlotte stood inside, just observing her while drinking her bubble tea.

"Oh? Virgo? You're here too."

"Is that bubble tea, Charlotte? Where did you buy one?"

"Just outside."

"Ah, I'll go buy one."

"Wait! Come here, we're not done with research, Ms. Virgo." Alice pulled her hand before she got the chance to rush out of the room.

"More observers to my experiment?" chuckled, Professor Sophie.

"No, mommy. We just stopped by for a bit. Virgo and I were also conducting research about this Gardeviorite. She found it--"

"Near the Mt. Silver actually." said Virgo.

"Yes, but with our hypothesis and to her, visible evidence, we think it belongs to someone."

"A Gardeviorite? Really? Hmm, just leave it in the desk. I'll check it out and report you soon. Virgo, your name is, is not? Your rank?"

"Novice Professor."

"Really? A professor participating in missions?"

"Yes, I'm only a novice professor, only part time, so Luna advised me to participate in missions too. Extra work means higher salary! So I agree!"

"I like your optimism." Professor Sophie winked. "Leave the rest to me. Go and buy your bubble tea."