LOG 45: The Duo!

Night time arrived, and so was the calling for trouble and mayhem. At the streets of Castelia, Oliver and Emma are up to it again. On one of the alley, the followed the tail of one of Jenny's grunts. She wore the suit of a motorcycle driver, seemingly entering the backdoor of one of the apartments in the area.

Their only source of light was the single lamp stand in the middle. Further from it at the end was the backdoor in the east of it.

Atop the roof, the two discussed their plans.

"This must be one of their hideouts, nes pas?"

Oliver shrugged.

"What do you mean you don't know? It looks like one. It's dark. It's gloomy. The perfect place for a villain's lair don't you think?"

Oliver lifted a brow.

"Hmm, you're right. Maybe she's just a plain motorcycle--"

The person they were following was suddenly blasted off the door. She landed unto the pile of boxes as smoke escaped the door. Alerted, the two jumped to the other side of the alley to take a closer glimpse on what has happened.

The woman coughed and tried to stand, then came a man who also wore the outfit of a motorcycle driver except it was red. "I'm sorry, Count Vincent. I won't do it again," pleaded the woman.

"Count Vincent? He must be one of the leaders!" whispered Emma.

Oliver nodded. They continued to listen to their conversation while hiding behind a chimney.

"The Masked Marauder does not abide mistakes. To avoid evidence or the possible outcome of revenge against our decisions, you are to be exterminated."

Count Vincent pointed his gun at her. He pulled the trigger even before she had the opportunity to talk. He then gave a huge yawn and chuckled.

He walked to the post lamp, chuckling hysterically while going around it. Count Vincent sent out his Galvantula and looked at the chimney.

"I see you. Team Rocket. Have you decided to team with the Pokemon International Police? Now where in the rules does it say that?"

Emma peaked her head. "How did you know we're here?"

A Pokemon from behind scowled at them. Its sharp claws aimed for Emma and Oliver, but they were lucky to dodge it with their senses. The claws landed at the chimney slicing it into half. The Pokemon leaped from the sky and stood beside Count Vincent.

"You think, we from our organization, aren't well prepared for anything. Our Pokemon are spies from around every corner of this city."

Emma gulped and faced Oliver. "That's one feisty Bisharp he's got there. Definitely don't want to mess with those."

Oliver sighed and sent out his Heracross.

"I see. A battle. The Masked Marauder is waiting for us, however."

"Who is this Masked Marauder?" asked Emma, infuriated.

"Why should I tell?" he laughed. "Is that all you got, chief inspector?"

"I can fight." She taunted.

"No doubt you can, but then again, men will always be stronger than women. You and your friend from Team Rocket can't take down an organization alone. With you and your friend's secret affair, (not as in love) I'm afraid you'll always fail. After all, neither the Police nor Team Rocket knows what the two of you are up to."

"Skill matters, not number."

"Yes, that is the case, but you don't seem to have the skill." he mocked. "What can your adorable cat do to stop us? However, I pity your efforts. We don't want all that to go to waste don't we?"

"What are you up to this time?" growled Emma.

"Take this as a gift from us. I'll give you your first victory, but the next time we meet, I'll spare no mercy."

Smoke shrouded the area. The two of them coughed. Once it settled, they saw a microchip on the floor. They jumped down the roofs and took it right away. Emma and Olive went to a bench and booted up their laptops.

They inserted the microchip. It took a minute for it to load as a whole, but once finished, tens of thousands of codes appeared. Emma was quickly confused with all the green digits playing with her eyes.

"Umm, are you thought how to decode in Team Rocket?" asked Emma in embarrassment. A chief inspector is always taught how to decode before being one. It's part of their lessons, but in Emma's case, it's not.

Oliver nodded.

"Great!" Emma passed the laptop.

Oliver began typing while Emma tried to learn through observation. Though his movements were swift, Emma was not only a fast learner, but her eyes could easily understand no matter the speed. She gained such benefit from her times as a thief, and as one, her eyes are trained to be aware.

"What's it?" asked Emma.

Oliver passed the laptop.

"It's the database of their organization. Technically it's a clever move since all the names of their members are listed as numbers. Code01, Code02, Code03... and so on and so forth. Hmm, there must be a way to identify these names, but I'll try my best to decode them like what you did. For now, we split. Tell no one about this, not even to your friends. Don't share details about the database either. This is our mission not their's."

Oliver sweated for he knows that the O.E.B. is also part of Team Rocket's business. After all, they are the one who sent the invitation for this game of their's. He wiped off his sweat and went with the flow, nodding his head.

"Great! Thanks a bunch!" Emma hugged Oliver. His cheeks paled.