LOG 63: Inspiration for Danger!

I followed the directions given by the tracker for the helicopter blazed forth, no longer visible to my sight. As Salamence was doing her best to reach them, I decided to research more about the Pokemon through the use of my Pokedex. Jenny's up for a Pokemon described as a cute bunny, but for me, there's something to it more than cuteness.

[Victini! The Victory Pokemon, a fire and psychic type! The Pokemon brings victory. It is said trainers always win, regardless of the type it encounters.]

Victini is a small, rabbit-like Pokémon with large, pointed ears which form the letter V. It has large, blue eyes and a round, cream-colored head, which is comparatively large compared to its small, cream body, while the tops of its ears, crest, and extremities are all orange. Its bulbous arms and legs are rounded to make a sort of "cuff" before ending with small, three-fingered hands and two-toed feet. It has two pointed teeth that can be seen on its upper jaw. It also has two cream winglike tails, which maybe allows it to fly.

That doesn't fit the description of a cute bunny at all. If there's any, that'd be the latest Scorbunny trend in the social media. Jenny was interested in Pokemon battling, even challenging Chloe, if I remember correctly. However, being a trainer was not one of her "passion" as she would work as an officer like her mother. So, if this is the Pokemon she's after for after all these time, I'm sure she doesn't need it for beating every Pokemon battle. It is possible that this Victini has other powers that wasn't stated in my Pokedex. After all, I'm using my Kanto and not the Unovan.

The helicopter landed on an island just meters away from Unova mainland. There weren't any trees, only jagged rocks and mountainous landscapes, probably to keep hidden from sight. I hid behind one of the tall boulders and watched what they did. The helicopter opened the doors and pushed Logan out. His mouth was covered with duct tape – yikes when that's removed ��� and his arms were tied with not strings nor chains, but somewhere in the middle. Looks like copper. Ah, right, Copper! Now that's someone I remember from Sinnoh. Who was his friend again?

The troops escorted him inside a warehouse which I'm guessing is their headquarters. Jenny has done nothing to this place except to leave like that, an abandoned place with no air-conditioning, ventilation, under the basking heat of the sun. Her grunts don't seem to sweat though.

"Volcarona! Out you go," I said softly.

Volcarona yawned.

"Don't yawn on me, miss! It's time for a mission."

She sighed.

"Alright, Mawile, I'll need your help too!"

Mawile exited her Pokeball enthusiastically.

"See that broken roof over there, bring Mawile, then tell her to use Sandstorm afterward."

"Now that's what I call cooperation. Don't blow your cover." I reminded, seeing that there were a few grunts and their Pokemon guarding the perimeters. They even had an aerial brigandage with cameras attached them, probably connected to a main source. Using flying Pokemon as guards? Maybe that's something I'll be suggesting to the Team Rocket administration.

"For our turn, Absol, Mismagius, out you go!"

"Absol! Shadow Claw," commanded I, targeting the female guard in front of me. She was separated from the others, an opportunity for the oldest trick in the book – the good ole switcher-upper outfits.

"Ah? Behind you, Sawk!" said the grunt, alerting her Pokemon. She must've heard my command or Absol's steps towards her.

Sawk looked around and punched Absol right at the cheeks, sending her back. I showed myself. She was about to alert the other troops through her walkie-talkie.

"Can anyone hear me, we h—" the air pressed her throat.

Behind her, Mismagius revealed herself, clenching the grunt's throat tightly. She dropped her walkie-talkie, grappling against Mismagius's grasp.

"Absol, Quick attack on Sawk!"

Sawk countered with close combat, a swift move she and I have seen countless of times, mainly due to Gallade. She was able to dodge the foe's punches and slashed it in the head afterward.

"Proceed with Dark Pulse!" I said, to faint the foe entirely.

Once the woman fainted, Absol pulled her behind the boulder, Mismagius, her Pokemon. I wouldn't be needing the Yamask mask, she can have that. All I want is her motorcycle attire and the helmet. It'll be a little hot. I'm not leaving my Team Rocket outfit anywhere.

"Great work, you two! Now c'mon." I sent them back to their Pokeballs.

I acted like Jenny's grunts. Straight posture, chin up, walking like robots. It wasn't difficult except the part I struggled the most. To enter the warehouse was my former parents' technique, the id identification.

"Karen," the guard said playfully. If the guard knows her, then that means talking wasn't an option since she would recognize the change in my voice. "Ah, your id?"

I kept silent, looking for the id in her pockets, but I don't know where the pockets of this attire are.

"Er… Are you alright?"

I nodded.

"Huh, well, it is a hot day, and I feel lazy talking too. Eh, just get inside."

I nodded again and moved on. That was a close one. I was afraid the guard would force me to talk, but if theories are correct, and person is known by one for an absolute amount of time, then they'd have the trust to let the person in.

There were a whole lot more grunts inside, wandering around. There were some at the balcony, at the walls, and the elite ones, distinguishable by their heavier armor, beside Jenny's three trusted personnel. All four them were gathered on a center table, discussing the data they've stolen from the museum. I looked above the broken roofs and saw Volcarona and Mawile waiting for my signal, but I ought to listen more about their plans. At the corner was Logan tied up in a chair, trying to find away out, but was surrounded with four elite troops. Those troops would stop at nothing to leave their leaders unharmed, so if my calculations are correct, causing a sandstorm would alert them, making them move out of their positions, and run towards all four of them. With them out, I'd have the chance to rescue Logan.

"Victini's last appearance was in the entralink. Perhaps, that is where it could be hiding," suggested Andrea.

I looked up once more and nodded.

Mawile unleashed a sandstorm towards the table. As predicted, the elite troops and the surrounding ones hurtled away from their position and tried to rescue their four leaders.

I did the same thing and entered the sandstorm, showing I was concerned about them when my true goal was to claim their data on Victini.

I saw Jenny being held by the elite troops and escorting her outside, her eyes being blinded by sand. She and the other three weren't wearing their masks.

Step one was a success and I was able to acquire sufficient data. I ran out of the sandstorm while the rest were pressured to find their way out.

I went to Logan, unmasked myself, and peeled off the duct tape in her mouth. "You chased them alone?"

"Luna!" Logan smiled.

"Explain later," I said, "Mawile can't hold her breath much longer."

I went behind the chair and tried to unshackle his arms and legs. These rope thingies however were too tight.

"Absol, come out! Cut them off for me please,"

"I wouldn't be here if it weren't for your friend who stole Victini's data. They want the Pokemon, I don't know why."

"You should've waited for Bianca, or your other trainer friends! You're not Red who can take down headquarters' at your own." I scolded.

"Who's Red?"

"Just someone I know. Anyway, let's head out."

A Honchkrow attacked Volcarona, letting her lose her balance as both she and Mawile fell to the ground. Due to the sudden, Mawile lost control and was unable to continue the Sandstorm.

I was caught on the spot by Jenny, her executives, elite troops, and the other grunts. They all looked at Logan and I.

"Luna? What are you doing here? Doesn't matter! You've heard too much. Get her!"

Logan pushed me behind him. "Gallade, Close Combat, go!"

In swift speed, Gallade was able to harm a ton of opponents at once, but Jenny's grunts were still too many.

Mawile chuckled.

"Gardevoir, help out!"

The grunts' Pokemon attacked for a second wave.

"They're too many," said Logan.

"We can leave now if you want."

"But the data?"

"I've got it with me."

"Alright, let your Gardevoir do the thing."

"Gardevoir, tel—"

"I'm not letting you go that easy," laughed Jenny.

The wall behind Gardevoir collapsed, shards and stones headed towards her. She froze in fear. I tried returning Gardevoir to her Pokeball but was too slow to respond.

With his blade, he sliced the rocks into pieces, blocking them from Gardevoir, and preventing her from being hit. Gardevoir was able to sigh with relief.

The reason why the wall collapsed soon emerged.

Me, Logan, my Pokemon and his were all dumbfounded.

"When I meant return to Hoenn, I didn't mean this!"

"You know, sometimes you inspire me, Luna, I'll give you that. You may stop me, but you always forget… We've got a Lorekeeper."

"I- I don't think it remembers you, Luna." Logan gulped.

"I think the same way."