LOG 64: Uprising

Two years it has been since the last time I rode on Rayquaza, and though I've never forgotten it, it must've forgotten me. Unlike before and what I did, Zinnia, who rode atop the dragon, hesitated to mega evolve it. Two words, that's all it takes. Being someone who experienced the wrath of Rayquaza before my eyes, I can't let Zinnia say Dragon Ascent. If it could settle Groudon and Kyogre, what more an island?

"Zinnia! Don't do this. You will end everyone in this island but yourself." Warned Logan.

"Quit it. She won't listen to you as long as she's got that mask. How can Rayquaza not remember me?"

"Oh, Rayquaza does, but the commandment of a lorekeeper who is the head of the Draconid has the higher authority over you," said Jenny.

Gales attacked us. We tried to cling unto poles as did our Pokemon.

"You retard son of a gun, this is too much!"

"That describes every inch of you. Last time was a truce, but this," she laughed, "this is vengeance."

"This is what Courtney wanted, for the two of us to fight. Wanna bet? Go to Hoenn and do your research! You're a police, Jenny, you know how investigations work, and a culprit is not considered a culprit without the evidence. If I am the reason, and you can prove that, behind your sister's death, then so be it, I'll accept it."

Volcarona flew with maximum speed and chased Honchkrow's tail.

"Gallade, Aerial Ace!"

Gallade went for the torso but barely did any damage.

"It won't work, Logan, there must be another way."

"You caught it before right? Do it again."

"I could, if I had a master ball, ultra ball, or one of ours! Sadly, I don't."

"Rayquaza, Dragon As—" Zinnia was interrupted by a sudden blast from the sky.

Rayquaza and Zinnia rotated to their backs. I knew it. The Pokemon International Police would've become aware. I guess the sandstorm had multiple purposes. A fleet of their helicopters, about twelve arrived, all pointing their missiles and rocket launchers towards the dragon.

"Target the rider!" commanded Emma. "Rayquaza is powerless without receiving any commands."

"You heard her," said the secretary. "Alert all units,"

"Right away, madam!" Their pilot proceeded and warned the whole fleet.

Meanwhile, Jenny immediately wore her mask in fear of her identity being seen. If there was one person she couldn't kill, that'd be Looker.

Soon boats arrived to the island, dispatching the Armed Police squadrons of the Pokemon International Police. Their shields and truncheons were hard to deal with before during my times in the Johto Region.

Their Pokemon began attacking Jenny's troops.

"Surrender now, Masked Marauder!" said the commander of the armed squadron.

"I won't give up that easily, attack them!" dictated Jenny.

"You heard her! Go! Go!" Vincent reinforced orders.

As the siege began with the troops of both sides, a ladder came dangling down before me and Logan. With a blooming smile, Emma descended and came to greet us.

"You've done it, Luna! The Masked Marauder is ours for the taking!"

"Luna?" asked the secretary.

"Oh, yes, Trainer Luna," corrected Emma.

"Ah. Her hair does look familiar to me."

"Well, she's been in the Pokemon Leagues before, maybe you've watched her there?" said Logan.

"Hmm, maybe I have."

Jenny's Raichu, her tail glistened in steel, aimed for Logan.

"Not on my watch, you don't! Gardevoir!"

Gardevoir teleported behind Raichu and pulled her tail. She then swung it thrice in a row. Once released Raichu spiraled to the sky.

Rayquaza unleased Draco Meteor. The skies turned dark as meteoroids collided with the helicopters. Most were able to dodge, but those who didn't sank to the sea.

We were shrouded by Jenny's Elite troops. Logan and I faced our backs to each other with Gardevoir and Gallade standing by our side. With the widening smirk, the clenching fists, and the silent plink of our forehead's sweat, we launched.

"Electivire, Thunder Punch!"

"Magmortar, Fire Punch!"

"Magnezone, Electro Ball!"

"Probopass, Stone Edge!"

"You ready, Luna?"

"Ready as you are! Gardevoir, Double Team!"

Gardevoir sent out multiple copies of herself. Confused on who to attack, the foes halted and stared at the copies with perplexity.

"Now! Hypnosis!"

Gardevoir winked, charming the foes and singing to them a sleepy lullaby. They let their guards off, letting them fall to a deep slumber.

"Time for your part, Gallade! Dream Eater!"

Gallade let out his battle cry, eyes glowing blue as it tormented all four of them during their sleep.

Inferno ran through her wings and aimed for the Honchkrow.

It looked behind, seeing the fire trying to reach its tail.

Honchkrow tried twirling to outmaneuver the attack.

"This is the Chief Inspector of the Pokemon International Police, I demand that you halt right now, Masked Marauder!"

With the siege near its point, Emma chased for Jenny.

"Chief Inspector? What happened to Looker, eh, doesn't matter!"

Raichu blocked Jenny from Emma.

"I mean of Unova, but wait, you know Looker?"

"None of your business, Raichu, Thunderbolt!"

Mimi came and defended her trainer with Reflect, using the same attack against Raichu.

"An Espurr? You're from Kalos. The Looker Bureau?"

"You know a lot about us huh, must've done your research properly. Mimi may look adorable but she knows how to fight! Mimi, Psyshock!"

"Raichu, dodge then Electro Ball!"

"Reflect to counter!"


"Rayquaza, Dragon As—"

"—Watch out!" teased one of the helicopter pilots as another missile headed towards Rayquaza but in an angle Zinnia would be affected too.

With swift speed Rayquaza dodged the missile and swiveled around the fleet, even chomping one of the helicopters with its ferocious teeth.



"Aerial Ace!"

Gallade struck away Weavile which was heading for my shoulder.

I looked at Logan with a broad smile. "Thanks,"

As those exact words came out of my mouth, Rayquaza skimmed through the roof. Jenny's headquarters is wrecked.


Gardevoir stopped the ceiling scraps from falling to Logan, sending them to the other troops coming towards us instead.

"Thanks," he said, our smiles locked onto each other.

Mawile checked her back, four more Honchkrows chased them.

Volcarona faced them.

The Honchkrows twirled to get rid from the move.

Mawile's eyes were starting to glow red.

Mawile's eyes were now crimson, enraging at the behest of Volcarona.

Volcarona tossed out Mawile from her back. She landed on one of the Honchkrows. There, she released her anger. From one foe to another, Mawile leapt until all four were defeated by her rage. Once finished, she jumped back to Volcarona.


"Mimi! Get up, I know you can!"

"You're not that strong. Chief Inspectors ought to be strong."

Emma glared at Jenny while cradling her Espurr. "I haven't reached my Zenith yet. Return to your Pokeball."

"The detective made a wrong choice."

"And you won't stop mentioning him. He once had an aide who left the Pokemon International Police. You were that aide weren't you?"

Jenny froze. "That which you call aide is now dead. I've murdered her."

A minor interference occurred. As me and Logan fought alongside each other, my phone began ringing.

"Who's that? Gallade, over there!"

"Charlotte. Last time I told her I was going to Mistralton. What now?"

"Must be important."

I decided to answer the call. "Hey, Charlotte, Gardevoir, Psychic!"

"Luna? Are you fighting again?"

"Yeah, yeah, just some practice. Is there anything wrong there?"

I heard Virgo's voice. "You're so dead, Luna, Charlotte knows you're lying."

Coming from the North was something unexpected. Madam Boss's mothership with more than three brigandage of our air force arrived.

"What the?"

"We're here to pick you up and not join the fight. Oh, and we'll take Rayquaza as a souvenir as well. Ye know? More power, the better."

Madam Boss's mothership fired locked missiles on Rayquaza. Once hit, Zinnia blasted off and fell to the sea. Ropes were shot next, tying Rayquaza's neck and bringing it closer to the entrance of the ship.

"Pick me up? I feel a like a toddler being told to go home from a playground!���

"You've got a task coming up."

"But I'm suspended! That's not fair."

"Yeah, yeah, Madam Boss removed it. Team Plasma's at it again, and guess what? Our spies said they were on some tower, I forgot, and they've got this white stone with their king there, kinda like that."

"Dragonspiral Tower," Virgo's voice interrupted Charlotte's.

"N? Dragon Tower? What? Wait, Gardevoir, Moon Blast."

"Argh! I'll just explain later. Just c'mon! Xeryll's chopper's heading to you."

"Chief Inspector! Team Rocket's here. Should we engage?"

Emma was troubled. "Er… I'm sorry Luna," she whispered to herself. "Do it!"

I witnessed by my own eyes the helicopters of the International Police targeting ours.

"I'm telling Madam Boss about Oliver and her," I said to myself.

"Luna. What's Team Rocket doing here?"

"Fun time's over for me. They want me picked up."


"Let's show them our true wrath, shall we? Miyamoto, Domino, launch them!"

"As you wish Madam Boss."

Team Rocket reign fired not only the helicopters but also the island, disrupting the whole siege.


"Masked Marauder, what now?" asked Andrea.

"Leave the rest. They'll be the distraction. I've got the data pictured on my phone."

"You heard her, Vincent, Gustave!"

"Squadron A, prepare an escape helicopter."

"Hey, come back here!" Emma chased for Jenny again.

"No one comes close to our leader!" said Gustave, shooting Emma with a taser gun to slow her down.

"And no one hurts the Chief Inspector! Leavanny, Razor Leaf!"

"Bisharp, you know what to do!"

Bisharp diced the secretary's Leavanny. Choosing her Pokemon over the getaways, Jenny and her three executives alongside a few grunts were able to escape.

Rayquaza struggled and was able to let itself free from the net and chains. With the Lorekeeper thrown at the sea, it was left with no one to command.


"Madam Boss, it's escaped!" alerted Domino.

"Forget it, Luna has her own dragon," sneered Madam Boss.


Rayquaza shook everyone with its intense shriek, bolting to the skies above and returning to Hoenn.

A dangling rope fell right in front of me, but it took me minutes before I clung unto it. I checked my surroundings. Most of Jenny's grunts were being held captive, Emma was aiding her secretary's Leavanny, and Logan was busy dealing with the last few grunts. Jenny's organization crumbled before my eyes, and just like every leader out there, she abandoned them for her sake. With little left, Jenny will stop soon. The helicopters of PIP on the other hand, fell one by one, not withstanding ours.

"Gallade, Return to your Pokeball. We've finally did it."


"What's taking Luna so long?" questioned Zeal while drinking her grape juice.


I hurtled to Logan. "I must be going now. Here's the Victini's data. Just return to Mistralton later on."

"For a second there, I thought you were going to steal it from me."

"I already did. It's the twenty-first century, one snap is all it takes."

Logan giggled. "Alright. Looks like Team Rocket's calling you already."

"Right! See you soon, that's if, I survive what's up next for me."

"Of course you will, Team Plasma's no match for you."

I wrapped my arms around his shoulders for about five seconds and hurtled to the helicopter. It was at the point that we hugged did my cheeks flush in a cherry red color. Entering the doors of the helicopters, I was met by Alice and Charlotte.

"Alice? Huh, this mission is not the ordinary isn't it?"

"Team Rocket's going all in for Team Plasma. Mom told me to bring your black stone by the way. You're welcome."


"Alright, all set? Dragonspiral Tower, it is!" Xeryll flicked the switches of helicopter and united with the rest of the fleet.

As the helicopter left the island, I looked down at Logan as we waved at each other.


"Madam Boss, Luna's here."

"Finally, the whole Unovan Team Rocket is united. Full speed to Dragonspiral. Time to show Team Plasma who will have the last laugh!"

"You heard Madam Boss! Team Rocket… BLAST OFF!" shouted Domino to the pilots in charge.


Watching the seas of Unova, I suddenly saw Volcarona and Mawile outside the window. Surprised, I was pressured to jerk. "Holy Arceus! How could I forget? Ms. Xeryll! Stop the helicopter! Stop the helicopter!"